Herobrine's students are minor antagonists in Season 3 of the AvM Shorts, serving as the secondary antagonists of "Monster School" and minor characters in the season finale, "The King". They have also made a cameo appearance in the Actual Shorts.
They are students attending the titular Monster School, and also happen to be gigantic jerks who bully and sabotage Red for no reason. In the final exam, the Team Race, they are split into the Blue Team, Orange Team, Green Team and Yellow Team.
"Monster School"[]
The students are first seen when Red lands into the school, briefly confused by him but moving on and continuing their day. When the bell rings, the lessons begin and Herobrine forcefully drags Red into the class. In the first lesson, Sneaking, they have to succeed in ambushing and killing a Steve clone; Zombee, Spider, Skellington, Zombieswine, Ghist, and Endie fail in killing them while Creep, Blaise, Witton, Zupay, Maggie, Mucus, Multus, Cavell and Silvester succeed. Red accidentally bumps into Endie, Skellington and Spider during the lesson, causing them to attack him and Spider to trip him during his turn, resulting in him getting an F. For the rest of the lessons, the students keep bullying Red; Zombee and Endie make him finish last in Running, Skellington sends him plummeting during Acrobatics, Creep sends him to the other end of the river during Swimming, and Blaise burns his cake during Cooking.
For the final exam, Herobrine has them compete in a Team Race; the Blue Team consists of Blaise, Cavell, Silvester and Creep, the Orange Team consists of Ghist, Zombee, Zupay and Mucus, the Green Team consists of Witton, Multus, Zombieswine and Maggie, and the Yellow Team consists of Endie, Skellington, Spider and Red. Once the race begins, everyone starts sabotaging each other, with the Yellow Team coming out last due to Red ditching them and the remaining monsters being too incompetent. However, Red gets a change of heart and saves them, and then improves their skills. When they have to cross a huge pit and realise they have no flying mobs on their team, Red throws Spider off the cliff so he would use his webbing to attach to Ghist. The Yellow Team then proceeds to defeat all the other teams mid-air, but once they get past everyone, Red is ganged up on by all the teams at once. Endie, Skellington and Spider at first plan to leave him behind as he asked them to, but realise how ungrateful they were towards him and save him, defeating the Green and Orange Teams at once. The Blue Team tries to escape and get to the finish line, but Skellington manages to blow them up by reflecting all of Blaise's fireballs back at them.
After the race is over, Herobrine gives the Yellow Team their trophy before the whole team skips school to bring Red to the Nether and help him fight King Orange.
"The King"[]
The students are briefly seen when King Orange expands his black hole to consume all of Minecraft, with them and the school being sucked into it. Once the Second Coming manages to undo the black hole's damage, the students are seen being sucked back into the Monster School Nether portal, resurrected. In the epilogue, it's shown that the Warden - who Herobrine accepted as a new student earlier in the episode - is adored by all the students.
Actual Shorts[]
Some of the students - specifically Zombee, Mucus, Creep, Zombieswine, Witton and Silvester - are seen leaving the Monster School at the beginning of "Rainstorm". The episode also reveals Red still attends the school on occasion.
Season 4[]
"Note Block Concert"[]
The students make very brief cameos as part of the audience during the episode. When the Silverfish interrupting Green's concert starts summoning hundreds of other silverfish to help it, Silvester accepts the call and digs into the ground to reach the stage, to the confusion of Endie, Skellington, Cavell and Creep. He is then presumably seen hanging around and helping, though it's impossible to guess as he looks the exact same as any other silverfish.
- Orange Team:
- Zombee - A somewhat weak and incompetent Zombie. Like in the original videos, he seems to be rather stupid.
- Ghist - A shy Ghast that isn't very good at using her powers. The beginning of the episode implies that, like in canon, she has a crush on Multus.
- Mucus - A pretty weak Slime that nevertheless managed to kill a Steve clone off-screen. Like in canon, he's bullied by Zombieswine.
- Zupay - An extremely skilled and athletic Baby Zombie Villager who, somehow, is actually better than his canon counterpart through not being outright murderous and evil.
- Green Team:
- Zombieswine - A Zombified Piglin who doesn't seem to do well in class. Perhaps the most accurate to canon, as the original Zombieswine was also a bully.
- Witton - A strong and skilled Wither Skeleton who actually outdoes Skellington (as proven by reflecting all his arrows). That said, he still remains his canon counterpart's stupidity as proven by being complete unable to cook.
- Maggie - A Magma Cube that is not shown much attention, but is proven to be quite sadistic by laughing at Red when he's being beaten up.
- Multus - A Wither who, as a result of being who he is, is one of the best students in class. He was mysteriously absent when everyone was ganging up on Red near the end.
- Blue Team:
- Blaise - A skilled Blaze that has a rivalry with Skellington and is eventually outdone by him.
- Creep - A Creeper who, unlike most, can put himself back together after exploding.
- Cavell - A skilled Cave Spider who uses his webs better than Spider, at least at first.
- Silvester - A Silverfish that isn't given much attention. However, unlike in canon, he's seemingly not all that cowardly.
- Yellow Team:
- Endie - An Enderman who was too focused on being scary to attack anyone. He managed to improve and is now much better at fighting and teleporting.
- Skellington - A Skeleton that's garbage at shooting but amazing at cooking. It turns out he's "backwards-handed", and thus needed to have his bow backwards to be a master archer.
- Spider - A Spider who literally can't sneak to save his life and makes a lot of noise. He later learned how to use his webs to become better.
- Red - A stick figure who, despite being quite skilled, was relentlessly bullied by the other students. He leaves the school and goes back to his friends, although still visits it sometimes, seemingly to hang out with Endie, Skellington and Spider.
- The Warden - An extremely powerful, centuries-old mob who is brought in by Herobrine and loved by the other students.
- Excluding Zombieswine, who's as bad as in canon, all the students are much worse then in the original 2012 Willcraft animations. Another exception is Zupay, who actually got adaptational heroism through not being as murderous.
- For whatever reason, Multus was completely absent when the students ganged up on Red. This might be because, as a Wither, he was too strong to be dealt with.
External Links[]
- Herobrine's Students on the Villains Wiki
- Herobrine's Students on the Villainous Benchmark Wiki
- Herobrine's Students on the Animator vs. Animation Wiki