Antagonists Wiki
Henry talbott

Henry Talbott was a corrupt lawyer and the main antagonist of the Jones episode of Law and Order CI of the first season.

He is portrayed by Griffin Dunne.



Very little said about Talbott's childhood and the only things that are known about him, is that he was born on February 17th and that he graduated from Yaw Law School and graduated in personal injury law. However, Talbott being a psychopath and as most of his money came from his wealthy wife, he had two children with her. He was also addicted to cocaine, gambling and also financed his addictions by stealing from his clients, in addition he also had relationships with many of his clients, and he would prefer women shorter than him, because that way they made him feel more gifted with what he really was.


He had several lovers, but he didn't want to get divorced in order not to lose his money, so he soon started killing his four lovers. After that, Goren and Eames started investigating Talbott's murder, he not wanting Goren and Eames to tell Denise, he then tries to raise suspicions about Rand Bowers. However, this did not work out very well and after Goren and Eames found a Talbott seed that was a condom at one of the crime scenes, and that is but the money he left in use at the agency. He allowed Goren and Eames to arrest him, however even his wife defended him firmly.

However during the interrogation room, Goren decides to leave Eames with Talbott, he then tries to seduce her, while Denise is looking behind the mirror. After unmasking him, Goren then confronts Talbott about his insecurity and he says that Denise had abandoned him, he then gets angry and breaks the mirror, he is then taken away, and begs Denise not to leave him. After that, Talbott is convicted of his charges and executed.
