Antagonists Wiki
Antagonists Wiki

Harry Volk is the main antagonist of the episode called ''Hourglass'', he was a former pianist from the year 1945 who was arrested for murder. He was portrayed by George Murdock and Eric Christian Olsen.


As a young man, Volk was a student at the Metropolis Conservatory. But when he teacher recommended Harry to someone, Harry then kills the teacher's son by saying this ''The teacher killed his dream, so he killed the teacher's dream''. After that he was arrested and sentenced to life in prison by the jury who were the relatives of Jonathan Kent, Jim Gage, Zoe Garfield and the others.

Season 1[]


Volk is seen in an asylum he is affectionate with Lana Lang, but when one of the fragments of meteor rock combines with electricity, and Volk plays, it causes him to revert his age for a new minutes. Then he wanted to take revenge on the people who sentenced him to prison. He soon decided to kill his offspring, starting with Jim Gage who electrocuted him. He then deceives Jonathan Kent by saying that he worked for the electrocity company, and tries to kill and Martha, but Clark arrives saves him. Clark also realizes that the young man who tried to kill his parents and old Volk are the same people through meteor rock, he then confronts him. However Volk counters all of Clark's accusations he leaves. In the end, Volk ends up dying because of his age-changing mutation.


At the beginning of the episode, Volk showed himself to be a gentle, caring, cheerful and friendly elderly person. However, all this was just a facade, he was a cruel sadistic psychopath who killed the son of the teacher simply because he thought he was harming him. He also showed himself to be totally manipulative and vindictive, as he soon after he gained the ability to change his age soon began orchestrating his revenge by killing the children and descendants of the people he condemned at the trial for his crimes.



  • Among all the metahumans Clark has ever faced, Volk could be considered the weakest, but also one of the most cruel in the series.