Antagonists Wiki

I love rumors! Facts can be so misleading, where rumors, true or false, are often revealing.
~ Landa's most famous quote

Hans Landa aka the Jew Hunter is the main antagonist of Inglorious Basterds, He is a Standartenführer in the SS and one of Adolf Hitler's best agents, as well as Aldo Reine's arch-nemesis.

In his first scene he interrogates Perrier La Peddite for the location of a Jewish family he has allowed to stay with him in exchange for his family not being harassed by the Germans, after he gives them up Landa orders his men to shoot the floor boards where they were hiding under with only Shoshanna being the sole survivor.

Years later he meets Shoshanna again in a restaurant under the alias Emanuelle Mimiex but he never recognises her, later when the basterds infiltrate the movie premiere party Landa saw through their disguises, he invited Bridget Von hammersark into his office, killed her and then captured and blackmailed Aldo Raine and Utivich so he can go along with their operation Kino plan, so he can live a comfortable life on Nantucket Island.

After Operation Kino was done Landa and his radio operator drove to allied territory and surrendered to the remaining basterds, however as the radio guy was not apart of the deal they shot him and Landa for the first time in the movie loses his composure and says they’ll be “chewed out” for this, as Aldo has already had this happen he doesn’t care, knowing that Hans will one day take of his uniform he gives him something he can’t take off a scar which he calls his “masterpiece”.
