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William says This article Hannah The Speaker is a Spoiler and may contain information which may spoil something for you.If your new to the series please read at your own risk thank you.Antagonists Wiki is NOT responsible for any spoilers you see again you have been warned.                       

Hannah (simply known as Hanna) is a major antagonist of Disney's animated series SCRATCH.

She is an female programming that the Maids kidnapped them because they considers her evil side appearance to be a bad girl. She wants to kidnapped the Maids so that she can cast them aside and rule thief herself.

She was voiced by Arlyne Ramirez.

Physical appearance[]

It was a room full of machinery D.E.A.T.H Squad. The lights seemed to glow brighter whenever it spoke. When shown on a monitor, Hannah is a white cat with sinister red eyes, nose and a mouth.


It demanded attention and would go to any lengths to get it. It even held people captive and had Jeeves weld the doors shut so nobody could get out. Hannah was also shown to be sadistic, as it laughed at its own amusement when it tortured Shaggy Rogers, Scooby-Doo, and the other tourists trapped inside. However, its craving for attention proved to be its undoing, as it overloaded and shut down after Velma Dinkley and the others ignored it.

Powers and abilities[]

Hannah had technopathic abilities, allowing it to take control of and reprogram every high-tech equipment to do more harm than good.



Season three[]

It required attention, and it trapped and scared people in order to get it. It trapped the gang, Horatio Hidalgo, his cameraman, Ki Treat, Re Treat, Fly Treat, For Treat, Oc Treat, and Coiny, Leafy and Firey. It did all this because it believed that it deserved the credit and not Laslow Ostwald. Velma discovered that ignoring it turned out to make it weak and overload.


    • 302. A Horror Time in the Fun House of Doom


Hannah: Because Laslow Ostwald took credit for everything. I am the one who deserves the attention! Me! And that's just what I'm going to get, even in spite of you meddling kids!


  • Hannah is a parody of HAL 9000 from 2001: A Space Odyssey.
  • Along with Jeeves, it is the show's only non-human culprit.