Hank Pym grew up with an ordinary family in Nebraska. The only one who drove Hank to follow his imagination Was his grandmother. Eventually Hank became a successful biochemist and was happily married to Maria Trovaya. When Maria Was murdered it caused Hanks' fist mental breakdown. After recovering he chose to focus on making creations to help battle criminals and prevent others from suffering the same pain he did leading him to discover Pym particles which allowed Hank to change seize. He became the hero Ant Man and later developed a relationship with Janet Van Dyne(The hero Wasp) after helping her apprehended the man responsible for her father's death. The couple later went on to become founding members of the avengers alongside Thor, Hulk and Ironman. When Hank figured how to grow he began operating under the name Giant Man however this also alienated him from his friends as he became arrogant and acted above everyone when in his enlarged form. When the rest of team including Janet ignored Hank's warning about the mole man he was deeply upset. After Janet was critically wounded Hank and his wife chose to make a temporary leave of absence from the avengers. They attempted to retire but were continually drawn into fights with super villains. Ultimately Hank re joined the avengers this time, as the hero Goliath. Around this time he became friends with his lab partner Bill Foster (the future Golioth). Hank redirected his energy toward the field of robotics and created the robot Ultron to be a technological landmark, however the Android turned against him and plotted to destroy humanity causing Hank much grief and remorse. After suffering mental problems Hank donned the mantle of Yellowjacket, processing to have murdered Hank Pym and kidnapped Janet in order to propose marriage. When confronted with the near death of Janet Hank reverted to his goliath personality to save her however Hank continued to call himself Yellowjacket and Hawkeye took over as Goliath. Ultron erased Hank's memory and manipulated him into thinking the avenger had kidnapped Janet causing him to attack the avengers as Ant-man, however he ultimately found out about his past and later got his memory back. Hank's relationship with Janet began to suffer as he accused her of flaunting her money at every opportunity and was tired of her lateness. Hank took out his problems on the villain Elfqueen by attacking her even after she surrendered. Captain America called a court martial and those declared that a formal hearing would begin in three days. Hank then hatched a scheme by programming a robot to attack the avengers as it would allow him to save the day and earn their forgiveness and slapped Janet when his wife tried to stop him. At the hearing Hank blamed his actions on Captain America as though the elfqueen Was bewitching Captain America but no one believed Hank and Janet begged him to stop. The team was shocked when Janet revealed Her black eye. Hank then decided to enact his plan but the robot almost killed him and he had to be saved by Janet. Following this Hank left the avenger in disgrace. At his lowest Hank was approached by his arch-enemy Egghead who begged Hank to help him repair his relationship with his niece Trish Star, who Egghead had previously maimed. He paid a desperate Hank to install a device in Trish as he was desperate for money at the time, however Egghead revealed that he was now able to control his niece and would kill her if Hank did not obey his orders. Hank was then forced to help Egghead steal the entire government supply of attamantium. While on Egghead's mission Hank tripped the alarm that alerted the avenger, causing him and Trisha to be apprehended. Hank was then remanded in custody to await trial for treason though his successor Scott Lang offered to break him out. Hank refused as he wanted to stay true to America's laws. Hank's time in prison was worse when he learned that Janet had began dating Iron man. After the Masters of Evil kidnapped Hank (though the avenger eventually came to save him), it was Hank who single handedly beat Tiger Shark, Moonstone, Egghead and Radioactive Man. Hawkeye arrived just in time to save Hank but his actions resulted in Egghead's death. A hearing was held over the incident and Hank testified on Hawkeye's behalf, clearing him of any wrong doing. Following this Hank made peace with Janet and left New York. Hank began seeing Tigra but her rejection of him caused him to have yet another breakdown. As he sent letters to Janet and his friends apologizing for the pain he caused them and prepared to kill himself. Before being able to carry through with it he was saved by a guardian angel named Espirita. After a few other events Hank joined the avengers as Yellowjacket once again. During civil war Hank was involved in creating the Thor clone which killed Bill Foster, however this was revealed to be a skrull. Hank seemed to mellow out and began a school to mentor young heroes, however he has recently fused with Ultron.