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“ | And so on this day our hero had slain thirty men. And he would later admit to having a good time doing it. Thirty two people actually, if you count the zombies. | „ |
~ The ending narration for the first Madness Combat. |
Hank J. Wimbleton is the main protagonist of the Madness Combat franchise. He is a mercenary on a mission to destroy the Agency Against Hank Wimbleton.
Due to the ambiguous nature of the series, Hank's motives are not fully shown, and some of his actions, especially ones he takes early on in the series, can be interpreted as villainous. Nevertheless, it becomes increasingly clear over the course of the series that he is the lesser of all of the evils in the whole Nevada, and thus making him not a fully-fledged villain.
Like many of the Madness Combat characters, Hank has an ambiguous personality. However, it can be inferred that he is sadistic from the end narration of Madness Combat 1 saying he "had a good time" killing the other grunts. He is also seen to be cocky in Incident 010A from how he comments on the Mag Agent as he fights, although he messes up and is torn apart. He also has no problem using other people as meat shields, even using Deimos' corpse to defend himself at one point (although in his defense, Deimos had used his dead body for the same purposes minutes prior).
Despite this, Hank has shown to be merciful in some of the incidents by how he spares the grunt Sanford and Deimos bring him in Incident 100A as it was the wrong guy and even saves a grunt in Incident 010A. (Although he uses the grunt to break a window and as a meat shield afterwards ) He is also shown to have a sense of humor as he mocks the Soldat agent in Madness Combat 9.5 for having only one eye by pointing at his own eyes.
Hank isn't devoid of human characteristics outside of his job. A good example of this is shown in Incident:001A, where he gets incredibly excited upon seeing a giant blender to kill his enemies in to the point where his hands start shaking. He can be empathetic towards his allies, even though it's a side of him that he doesn't show very often. This is displayed when he starts working directly with Sanford after being Magnified and the two fight off grunts together. He also picks up Sanford while escaping from a roof when the Auditor starts to explode after he inadvertently absorbs and revives Tricky rather than letting him move on his own. This does imply that Hank cares for his allies, or Sanford and perhaps Deimos at the very least. However, this is contradicted by the fact that in MADNESS: Project Nexus Hank openly shows that he's willing to kill them both if they get in the way. Even admitting that "I was hoping it would come to this." when they stop Hank from shutting Project Nexus down for good.
Powers and Abilities[]
Hank is an excellent hand-to-hand combatant, capable of killing dozens of enemies in close combat with his bare hands alone, not to mention using melee weapons or firearms. He is very strong, able to tear off body parts with ease, such as when he tore an agent's head from his body in Madness Combat 6: Antipathy, and he is also capable of wielding almost any weapon, including rifles and giant melee weapons, with just one hand. Despite his strength, Hank does not have any more resistance to damage than a common Grunt, though he does seem to possess a high pain tolerance and is able to keep going in spite of his injuries. Hank is also incredibly agile, he is capable of leaping several meters in the air as well as performing flips and dodges with ease. His reflexes are quick enough that he is able to react fast enough to dodge or even deflect bullets and melee attacks.
After getting revived by the Magnification Chamber in Madness Combat 9: Aggregation, Hank's developed a larger body and a crustacean-like right arm. In his magnified form, Hank's strength is high enough to allow him to take on and overpower a Mag Agent: V3. After making contact with the Auditor's halo in Madness Combat 10: Abrogation, Hank becomes infused with the halo's strength, causing him to become even more powerful than he already was in his magnified form. In addition to a further increase in strength, Hank is able channel the halo's electricity through his arm to perform electrically-charged punches strong enough to kill a Mag Agent: V4 in two punches and even harm the Auditor. He also has something called the improbability drive. This allows him to warp reality itself and it's inside of his head meaning that by thinking he can change the very fabric of reality itself. Although we rarely ever see hank use this ability mainly because he prefers to kill with his hands or guns and doesn't like to use it because of this and he only uses it when absolutely necessary.
Other Media[]
Newgrounds Rumble[]
Newgrounds Rumble- Hank's Story
Hank appears to be a playable character with Piconjo, Convict and HenchMan in the famous online video game known as Newgrounds Rumble.
In the beginning, Hank wakes up, as he is greeted by two uzis to the back of his head. Hank then immediately battles his first opponent Pico. Once Hank defeated Pico, he goes into the second battle with Nene. Hank could maybe squeeze out some information out of Nene, and find a way how to get back into Nevada.
After Hank defeated Nene, she reveals Hank the place known as The Portal, which is capable of transporting people anywhere. Although, the Portal is being protected by the heroic P-Bot. In the end, Hank beats P-Bot and teleports back into his world. The final battle consists of Hank having to defeat the Henchmen, which consolidated their number and created an ambush. This battle is known as one of the hardest battles in the whole video game.
Indie Game Battle[]
Hank was set to appear as a playable character in Indie Game Battle prior to the game's cancellation.
Friday Night Funkin'[]

Hank in Friday Night Funkin'.
Hank is set to appear in Friday Night Funkin' in one of the game's levels/"weeks".
Main Series[]
“ | No! No! KNOCK IT OFF. |
„ |
~ Hank, in the process of being revived during the intro to Madness Combat 7: Consternation |
“ | OMG OMG I wonder... Will It Blend? SATISFACTORY. |
„ |
~ Hank discovers (and uses) a giant blender as a weapon in Incident: 001A. |
“ | The bigger they are... ...The harder they... Oops. Damn it. |
„ |
~ Hank overestimates his abilities against a Mag Agent V2, Incident: 010A. |
“ | You know it's illegal to download c-copyrighted music. I'm taking you in! | „ |
~ Hank in PSA: Piracy. |
“ | A psychopathic mercenary gunman on a take-no-prisoners mission to wipe out an all-powerful Agency... one which maintains a stranglehold on Nevada with its seemingly unlimited supply of loyal and disposable soldiers. Hank is the primary anti-hero of the series. | „ |
~ Hank's description in MADNESS: Project Nexus. |
Madness Combat
- Boombox Man - Beaten to death by Hank Wimbleton, later resurrected as 1st zombie.
- Three Grunts - Beaten to death by Hank.
- Grunt - Beaten to death by Hank, later resurrected as 2nd zombie.
- Three Grunts - Beaten to death by Hank.
- Zombie - Decapitated and shot by Hank.
- Zombie - Head ripped off by Hank.
- Jebus - Shot by Hank.
- Five Grunts - Shot by Hank.
- Grunt - Stabbed in the face by Hank.
- 13 Grunts - Shot by Hank.
- Grunt - Knife thrown into face by Hank.
- Dancing Man - Shot by Hank.
- Total - 32
Madness Combat 2: Redeemer
- Grunt - Strangled with fiber wire by Hank.
- Grunt - Shot by Hank.
- Two Grunts - Shot in the head by Hank.
- Smoking Grunt - Killed with a single punch by Hank
- Two Grunts - Shot by Hank.
- Grunt - Beaten to death by Hank.
- Two Grunts - Beaten with a baton by Hank.
- Grunt - Killed with a single punch by Hank.
- Grunt - Thrown against a wall by Hank.
- Grunt - Shot by Hank.
- Grunt - Uppercut by Hank.
- Two Grunts - Shot by Hank
- Grunt - Killed by a thrown gun by Hank.
- Grunt - Stabbed in the face by a thrown knife by Hank.
- Grunt - Uppercut by Hank.
- Three Grunts - Shot by Hank.
- Grunt - Shot by Hank.
- Five Grunts - Beaten to death by Hank.
- Grunt - Beaten to death by Hank.
- Tricky - Shot by Hank.
- Five Zombies - Blown up with a grenade launcher by Hank.
- Two Zombies - Shot by Hank.
- Zombie - Shot and then beaten to death by Hank.
- Three Grunts - Beaten to death by Hank.
- Three Grunts - Shot by Hank.
- Welding Grunt - Shot by Hank.
- Two Grunts - Blown up with a hand grenade by Hank.
- Grunt - Shot by Hank
- Grunt - Beaten to death by Hank.
- Grunt - Shot by Hank.
- Two Grunts - Fell down an elevator shaft and exploded when Hank shoots a cable.
- Grunt - Beaten to death by Hank.
- Two Grunts - Killed with a baton by Hank.
- Grunt - Beaten to death by Hank.
- Grunt - Head impaled with Baton by Hank.
- Grunt - Punched against a wall by Hank.
- Two Grunts - Shot by Hank.
- Seven Grunts - Shot by Hank.
- Grunt - Hit with a shotgun by Hank.
- Three Grunts - Shot by Hank.
- Grunt - Beaten to death by Hank.
- Eight Grunts - Shot by Hank.
- Two Grunts - Shot by Hank.
- Total - 77
Madness Combat 3: Avenger
- Five Grunts - Stabbed by Hank.
- Four Grunts - Shot by Hank.
- Grunt - Crushed under table by Hank.
- Two Grunts - Shot by Hank.
- Grunt - Shot and impaled with a thrown gun by Hank.
- Six Grunts - Stabbed by Hank.
- Grunt - Beaten to death by Hank.
- Three Grunts - Killed with an axe by Hank.
- Grunt - Beaten to death by Hank.
- Four Grunts - Stabbed by Hank.
- Grunt - Head impaled with a baton by Hank.
- Grunt - Slammed into wall and ceiling after being punched by Hank.
- Three Grunts - Beaten to death with a baseball bat by Hank.
- Grunt - Killed with a baseball bat by Hank.
- Grunt - Used as a human shield by Hank and shot by Tricky. Shared kill.
- Six Grunts - Shot by Hank.
- Grunt - Beaten to death by Hank.
- Grunt - Head ripped off by Hank.
- Two Grunts - Beaten to death by Hank.
- Three Grunts - Beaten with a stop sign by Hank.
- The Sun - Beaten with a stop sign by Hank.
- Grunt - Beaten with a stop sign by Hank.
- Tricky - Beaten and impaled onto a marshmallow with a street sign by Hank, resurrects as a zombie.
- Elite Bodyguard - Stabbed with thrown knife by Hank.
- Two Grunts - Beaten to death by Hank.
- Two Grunts - Beaten with a baton by Hank.
- Grunt - Beaten by Hank and accidentally killed with an axe by another Grunt.
- Grunt - Beaten to death by Hank.
- Grunt - Accidentally killed by thrown knife by another Grunt.
- Four Grunts - Shot by Hank.
- Two Grunts - Beaten with Hank's gun.
- Grunt - Shot by Hank.
- Tricky - Shot by Hank.
- Four Zombies - Stabbed with an axe by Hank.
- Zombie - Shot by Hank.
- Grunt - Neck snapped by Hank.
- Grunt - Stabbed with thrown knife by Hank.
- Grunt - Thrown against a vending machine by Hank.
- Zombie - Shot by Hank.
- Zombie - Shot and killed by thrown knife by Hank.
- Nine Grunts - Shot by Hank.
- Jebus - Shot by Hank, after stabbing Hank with his sword.
- The Sheriff - Stabbed with Jebus' sword and shot by Hank.
- Total - 89
Madness Combat 4: Apotheosis
- Two Grunts - Crushed against a wall with Hank's car.
- Nine Grunts - Shot by Hank.
- Four Grunts - Shot by Hank. 3 on-screen, 1 off-screen.
- Four Grunts - Shot by Hank.
- 1337 Agent - Neck impaled with Baton by Hank.
- Grunt - Chest impaled with thrown baton by Hank.
- Grunt - Shot by Hank.
- Grunt - Crushed by vending machine flipped over by Hank.
- Grunt - Shot by Hank.
- Grunt - Beaten and strangled by Hank.
- Two Grunts - Shot by Hank.
- Three Grunts - Killed with a sword by Hank.
- Grunt - Impaled by a sword, lifted into the air, and then shot by Hank.
- Three Grunts - Shot by Hank.
- Grunt - Hit with a pipe down the stairs by Hank.
- Grunt - Hit with a pipe and then shot by Hank.
- 17 Grunts - Shot and sliced apart by Hank, one was decapitated so they weren't resurrected by Jebus.
- 16 Zombies - Shot and sliced apart by Hank.
- Zombie 1337 Agent - Head sliced in half by Hank.
- Jebus - Blown up by Hank's suicide vest.
- Total - 80
Madness Combat 5: Depredation
- 1337 Agent - Strangled with fiber wire by Hank.
- 1337 Agent - Strangled and hung with fiber wire by Hank.
- 1337 Agent - Strangled with fiber wire and then shot by Hank.
- 1337 Agent - Shot by Hank.
- Three 1337 Agents - Shot by Hank.
- Fourteen 1337 Agents - Shot by Hank.
- Nine 1337 Agents - Shot by Hank.
- Zombie 1337 Agent - Shot by Hank while Jebus was using him as a human shield.
- Six Zombie 1337 Agents - Shot by Hank.
- 1337 Agent - Crushed by Hank when he jumped off a cliff.
- 1337 Agent - Beaten to death with a gun by Hank.
- 1337 Agent - Chest impaled with a gun thrown by Hank.
- 1337 Agent - Killed with thrown by Hank.
- Six 1337 Agents - Shot by Hank.
- Five Zombie 1337 Agents - Shot by Hank.
- 1337 Agent - Shot by Hank.
- Tricky - Shot by Hank, then resurrected himself.
- Five 1337 Agents - Shot by Hank.
- 1337 Agent - Head impaled with baton by Hank.
- 1337 Agent - Thrown and shot in mid-air by Hank.
- 1337 Agent - Shot by Hank.
- 1337 Agent - Chest impaled with Baton thrown by Hank.
- Tricky - Head cut in half by Hank, then resurrected himself again.
- Total - 63
Madness Combat 6: Antipathy
- Six 1337 Agents - Shot and sliced apart by Hank.
- Nine 1337 Agents - Shot and sliced up by Hank.
- Five 1337 Agents - Shot and sliced up by Hank.
- 1337 Agent - Face ripped off by Hank.
- Four 1337 Agents - Shot by Hank.
- 1337 Agent - Beaten and head ripped off by Hank to be used as a weapon.
- Three 1337 Agents - Beaten to death with a severed head of a 1337 Agent by Hank.
- 1337 Agent - Neck impaled with baton by Hank.
- Five 1337 Agents - Stabbed by Hank.
- 1337 Agent - Beaten to death with a baton by Hank.
- Four 1337 Agents - Shot by Hank.
- 1337 Agent - Shot and face impaled with machete by Hank.
- 1337 Agent - Shot by Hank.
- Nine 1337 Agents - Shot by Hank.
- Two 1337 Agents - Stabbed by Hank.
- 23 1337 Agents - Shot by Hank.
- 1337 Agent - Stabbed by Hank.
- Four Grunts - Beaten to death with a pipe by Hank.
- 14 Grunts - Killed with an axe by Hank.
- 1337 Agent - Killed with an axe by Hank.
- 14 Grunts - Shot and sliced up by Hank.
- 1337 Agent - Shot and sliced up by Hank.
- Tricky - Shot, stabbed in the head, and then dropped off a cliff by Hank. He then resurrects himself.
- Total - 127
Madness Combat 7: Consternation
- Three 1337 Agents - Beaten to death by Hank.
- 1337 Agent - Head ripped off by Hank.
- Five 1337 Agents - Beaten to death by Hank.
- 1337 Agent - Ridden down stairs by Hank.
- Seven 1337 Agents - Shot by Hank.
- Four 1337 Agents - Shot by Hank.
- 1337 Agent - Head impaled with shotgun by Hank.
- Two 1337 Agents - Stabbed by Hank.
- Three 1337 Agents - Shot by Hank.
- Grunt - Heart ripped out by Hank.
- Grunt - Cheek and chest ripped out by Hank.
- Two 1337 Agents - Beaten to death by Hank.
- Four 1337 Agents - Shot by Hank.
- Six 1337 Agents - Killed with a chainsaw by Hank.
- MAG Agent - Killed with a chainsaw by Hank.
- 1337 Agent - Beaten to death by Hank.
- Two 1337 Agents - Killed with a chainsaw by Hank.
- Total - 45
Madness Combat 9: Aggregation
- Two Enhanced ATP Engineers - Blown up with a pipe bomb by Hank.
- MAG Agent: V3 - Stabbed with Hank's claw arm.
- Total - 3
Madness Combat 9.5 (Part One)
- ATP Engineer - Beaten to death by Hank.
- Two Grunts - Beaten to death by Hank.
- Two 1337 Agents - Beaten to death by Hank.
- ATP Engineer - Beaten to death by Hank.
- 1337 Agent - Shot by Hank.
- ATP Soldier - Shot by Hank.
- 1337 Agent - Beaten to death by Hank.
- Four 1337 Agents - Shot and stabbed by Hank.
- ATP Soldier - Shot by Hank.
- Five 1337 Agents - Shot and stabbed by Hank.
- ATP Soldier - Stabbed in the head by Hank.
- Four 1337 Agents - Shot by Hank.
- ATP Engineer - Shot by Hank.
- 1337 Agent - Head impaled with a gun thrown by Hank.
- 1337 Agent - Shot by Hank.
- ATP Soldier - Shot by Hank.
- 1337 Agent - Head crushed with the butt of a rifle by Hank.
- ATP Soldier - Disemboweled with a knife by Hank.
- 1337 Agent - Impaled with a knife thrown into his head by Hank.
- 1337 Agent - Shot by Hank.
- 1337 Agent - Beaten to death by Hank.
- ATP Engineer - Head chopped in half with his own head-gear by Hank.
- ATP Engineer - Impaled through the head with a katana by Hank.
- 1337 Agent - Impaled through the head with a katana by Hank.
- Two 1337 Agents - Stabbed to death with a katana by Hank.
- Three 1337 Agents - Shot by Hank.
- ATP Soldier - Shot by Hank.
- 1337 Agent - Shot by Hank.
- ATP Engineer - Cut in half with a katana by Hank.
- 1337 Agent - Head sliced in half with a katana by Hank.
- 1337 Agent - Impaled through the head with a katana thrown by Hank.
- 1337 Agent - Kicked off of a cliff by Hank.
- 1337 Agent - Shot by Hank.
- Two ATP Engineers - Shot by Hank.
- ATP Soldier - Shot by Hank.
- Total - 51
Madness Combat 10: Abrogation
- Enhanced 1337 Agent - Shot by Sanford, stabbed and head ripped off by Hank.
- Two ATP Engineers - Punched by Hank.
- Two 1337 Agents - Punched by Hank.
- 1337 Agent - Head ripped off by Hank.
- Three 1337 Agents - Punched by Hank.
- Two ATP Engineers - Punched by Hank.
- 1337 Agent - Punched by Hank.
- 1337 Agent - Punched by Hank.
- Two ATP Engineers - Punched by Hank.
- 1337 Agent - Crushed between a crate and a wall by Hank.
- 1337 Agent - Punched by Hank.
- Three 1337 Agents - Punched by Hank.
- Enhanced 1337 Agent - Impaled on spikes by Hank, shot by Sanford until head is destroyed.
- Three ATP Engineers - Punched by Hank.
- Three 1337 Agents - Punched by Hank.
- 1337 Agent - Punched by Hank.
- MAG Agent: V4 - Shot and stabbed with a hook by Sanford, lightning punched by Hank.
- MAG Agent: V4 - Shot by Hank.
- Six 1337 Agents - Shot by Hank.
- Two ATP Engineers - Shot by Hank.
- Total - 38
Madness Combat 11: Expurgation
- Five Skeletons - Punched by Hank.
- 1337 Agent - Thrown against wall and other enemies by Hank.
- 1337 Agent - Crushed with a thrown 1337 Agent by Hank.
- ATP Engineer - Crushed with a thrown 1337 Agent by Hank.
- ATP Soldier - Thrown against wall by Hank.
- Tricky - Shot to pieces off a cliff by Hank. Resurrected himself with Jebus' Halo
- Seven Tricky Skeletons - Punched and thrown by Hank.
- Tricky Skeleton - Beaten with dead body by Hank.
- Two Tricky Skeletons - Punched by Hank.
- Tricky Skeleton - Crushed into ground with a dead body by Hank.
- Tricky Skeleton - Killed with dead body thrown by Hank.
- Tricky Skeleton - Punched by Hank.
- Skeleton MAG Agent - Punched into beam of light by Hank, then stabbed and crushed.
- Four Tricky Skeletons - Shot and sliced up by Hank.
- Two Tricky Skeletons - Shot by Hank.
- Three Tricky Skeletons - Stabbed by Hank.
- Tricky - Stabbed into beam of light by Hank.
- Total - 34
- Total - 639 (So Far)
- Status Quo:
- Sanford
- Deimos
- 2BDamned
- Jesus (sometimes)
- A.A.H.W.:
- The Auditor
- The Sheriff
- Rich
- Jesus
- Tricky
- Mag Agents
- A.T.P. Enginners
- Elite Bodyguards
- A.T.P. Soldiers
- 1337 Crew
- Grunts
- Retainer
- Boombox Man
- Nexus Core:
- Phobos
- Dr. Crackpot
- The Blackguard
- Church & Jorge
- MERC Recruits
- MERC Laborers
- MERC Zerkers
- MERC Snipers
- MERC Gunners
His Nexus Version[]
- While the canonicity between the videos and the games is ambiguous, it's clear that some of Hank's actions are the same in both, meaning that this version is also responsible for having killed 30 people over a guy listening to a boombox.
- He has virtually no regard for the lives of anyone around him, including his own allies, only seeing them as means to an end.
- It's extremely evident that he enjoys killing and combat in general. He also, while he won’t always when given the opportunity, has no qualms with killing unarmed or surrendering people, and seemingly just does so whenever he feels like it.
- Hank's actions seem to be taken extremely seriously in-universe since the AAHW (Agency Against Hank Wimbleton) exists with the sole purpose of eliminating him and Jebediah keeps remarking how dangerous he is.
- After defeating Phobos, Hank shoots Jebediah with a rocket launcher and claims he'll destroy Project Nexus (for context, Christoff could have made sure the Project was going to do good to Nevada like it was supposed to and avoid any threat to the world).
- When Sanford and Deimos refuse to let him do that because it would destroy the world, Hank gleefully states that he was "hoping it would come to this" before attempting to kill the two, which ultimately proves he doesn't care for them (which was already hinted at in a previous scene where he couldn't tell Sanford and Deimos apart).
What Prevents Him from Being Pure Evil?[]
- Hank seems to be genuinely loyal to whoever gives him orders since his argument for wanting to destroy Project Nexus despite everything is that it's the mission.
- Hank has sometimes held back and spared some people, like an extremely polite Nexus Core member, and didn't attempt to kill Deimos and Sanford despite wanting to until they became uncooperative. All of this shows he is willing to spare people who act kindly to him or help him in his tasks.
What Makes Him Heinous?[]
Main Version[]
- In the first episode, he kills 30 people (32 if you count the zombies) over someone in a park playing a song he didn't like, and later admitted to enjoying it. What makes this worse is that he ended up dancing to the song at the end of the episode.
- In Redeemer, he attempts to find and kill the Sheriff, presumably for a bounty. He ends up killing his men in brutal fashion, killing 79 people, 8 zombies, and another 2 attempted (Sheriff and Jesus) before being killed by Jesus.
- In Avenger, he is revived and once again tries to kill the Sheriff. He essentially does a repeat of episode 3, but this time he is successful with killing Jesus and the Sheriff, killing 90 people (including the zombies).
- In Apotheosis, Hank hunts down Tricky. He kills 57 people (including Jesus), 20 zombies, and 1 attempted kill of Tricky. He does this once again in Depradation, killing 30 people, 8 zombies, and another attempt on Jesus. He does get a kill on Tricky here, but he is revived almost immediately and kills Hank.
- His crimes were so bad to the point that the A.A.H.W. (Agency Against Hank Wimbleton) was created to stop him.
- His kill count for the overall series is 780, which is almost 50% of the series' total kills.
- In Depretation, Hank attacks an A.A.H.W. base for no reason, killing about 50 people.
- In Antipathy, Hank once again goes out of his way to kill Tricky, when the latter tries turning his life around by becoming a train conductor. This incident caused 132 deaths from his hands.
- In Consternation, he chooses a chainsaw over weapons way more convenient to the situation, despite it being the first episode where he is truly in danger. Purely out of sadistic joy that is saving into Torture's face.
- In contrast to Sanford and Deimos, who fight and kill people to abolish the evil in Nevada, Hank purely does so out of sadism to satisfy his bloodlust.
What Makes Him Inconsistent?[]
- He has some form of mercy, as he spares one of the Sheriff's men after he gives him information on where he is.
- He at least has some care for his allies, as he saves Sanford twice and was protective of him as they fought against Tricky.
- He is on off as sometimes he teams up with other heroes to stop evil threats.
- Hank has killed the most people in the entire series, more than all of the other main characters combined, and amounting to around 47% of the series' total kills.
- Hank has died seven times in the main series. He has been killed three times by Jesus, three times by Tricky, and once by suicide bombing Jesus. His fate at the end of Madness Combat 11 is ambiguous, and may constitute an eighth death.
- However, due to Krinkels indirectly confirming that Sanford survived, it is most likely that Hank did as well.
- Hank is the dumbest character in Madness Combat (according to Krinkles). The reason for this is because he only stays alive for a short time.
- According to Krinkels, his 'J' stands for 'Motherf*cker'
- This makes Hank the only character in the series to have a full name.
- Krinkels has stated that if cats existed in Nevada, Hank would probably stop to pet one if he ever saw one.
External Links[]
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Dad 'n Me Hobo Newgrounds Rumble Madness Kombat Paladin Splapp-Me-Do Salad Fingers Pico Riddle School Pyrozen Friday Night Funkin' Tankmen Cyber Hell Chaos Faction Epic Battle Fantasy Saga of The Dead Others See Also |
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Hank J. Wimbleton Agency Against Hank Wimbleton Nexus Core Matter and Energy Reclamation Corporation The Employers Others |