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Halloween Monsters are the monster atler-egos of Carl, Sheen, Cindy, Libby and Hugh and the main antagonists of the The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius Halloween Special, “Nightmare in Retroville”.


On Halloween Night, Carl asks what Jimmy will be this year, if he'll be Albert Einstein, Jet Fusion, or Stephen Hawking (whom he describes as that "smart guy in the wheelchair that talks with a keyboard"). To Carl and Sheen's surprise, however, Jimmy says that he won't trick or treat, since Halloween's kind of for kids (though technically, they still are kids, as Sheen and Carl remind him). However, Jimmy makes a deal that he will make Carl and Sheen into monsters if they give him half of their candy (Jimmy initially suggests a quarter of the candy, but Sheen convinces him to make it half).

They go into Jimmy's lab where Jimmy presents his Neutronic Monster Maker which will change anyone's physical appearance to resemble the monster they choose. Carl chooses to be a vampire while Sheen chooses to be a werewolf. Jimmy turns them into monsters and they use the hovercar to go trick-or-treating to more houses. They go to Principal Willoughby's house first and get enough candy to make them sick for weeks, as Sheen puts it.

When Carl accidentally cuts himself in the finger with a wrapper, he drinks the blood from his finger to heal the cut (which disgusts Jimmy and Sheen) and he says he wants more blood (as he has now turned into a real vampire). He turns into a vampire bat and flies away. Jimmy surmises that his machine has changed Carl's DNA into that of a real vampire. Sheen then sees the full moon come out from behind the clouds and tries to attack Jimmy (as he has now turned into a real werewolf). Jimmy panics and immediately flies off with Goddard in the hovercar.

Meanwhile, Hugh accidentally falls into Jimmy's lab and inadvertently turns himself into Frankenstein's monster, rendering him unable to speak in complete sentences. Judy thinks he made himself a wonderful costume. He tries to grab Judy, but she goes to put on her costume and gives Hugh a lighter. He quickly throws it out the door and runs away.

Jimmy then lands his hovercar in the park and asks Goddard what he knows about vampires (he learns they feed on the blood of the living, can turn their victims into vampires, are repelled by garlic, and can only be destroyed by a Wooden stake driven into their heart). He asks Goddard if he knows anything about werewolves, but it's Ms. Fowlwho answers that question. She appears out of the fog, dressed as a fortune teller, and tells Jimmy about werewolves because she was once married to one. She quickly disappears into the fog.

Carl finds Cindy, hypnotizes her, bites her, and transforms her into a real vampire like him. Sheen then finds Libby, bites her, and transforms her into a real werewolf like him. Hugh then goes to the Candy Bar where Sam is playing his violin. Judy then comes and says she needs help at home giving out fruit snacks. Hugh does not listen, takes her in his arms, and walks off, making Sam lament that he wishes he was married.

Jimmy then finds Carl and Cindy walking together. He lands the hovercar and he Goddard walk up to them with Jimmy starting to tell Cindy to stay away from Carl as he is a real vampire. Cindy then turns around and hisses at Jimmy, scaring him and Goddard, revealing that she has become a vampire. Carl then turns around, and sinisterly tells Jimmy, "Cindy has joined me! You too must me! Ha ha! It only takes one bite!", and he and Cindy approach Jimmy, hissing menacingly at him ready to turn him into a vampire too. Jimmy and Goddard try to run back to the hovercar, but Carl and Cindy do a big flip over him landing in front of the hovercar blocking their path. Jimmy stops for a couple seconds then tells them, "Hey look! The Red Cross is having a blood drive!" while pointing at nothing. This distracts Carl and Cindy long enough for Jimmy and Goddard to start running away from them. When they see Jimmy running away from them, they transform into vampire bats and chase after them. When they finally reach Jimmy however, they suddenly get scared and fly off. Jimmy then realizes that he is standing in front of the display window of Lucky Tony's House of Garlic.

He and Goddard go into the alley to sneak back to the hovercar where Sheen and Libby sneak up behind him. When Jimmy hears growling, he turns around saying “that’s not good” and sees that Libby has become a werewolf prompting him to gasp and turn to Goddard telling him “Sheen must have bitten Libby”. Sheen thanks Jimmy for turning him into a werewolf, since he loves it, except for the flees. Libby suggests to Sheen that they eat Jimmy, claiming that "he said they were going to get something to eat." They then snarl and growl as they chase Jimmy until they also get scared away because Jimmy is standing in front of the display window of the Hi Ho Silver Jewelry Store.

Then, Hugh, holding Judy, comes onto the sidewalk, running into Jimmy. Jimmy realizes that his dad probably got into his lab and turned himself into a monster with the machine. The other monsters meet up with the three on the sidewalk. Sheen and Carl attack Hugh while Cindy and Libby start fighting. Jimmy uses the cover of the fight to escape. Judy breaks up the fight by telling them all to work it among themselves. When they work things out, the monsters conclude that they shouldn't fight each other and instead decide to scare and attack the townspeople. Meanwhile, Jimmy returns to his lab and turns himself into a monster, but lowering the settings so that his DNA, unlike the others', will not change.

The monsters go to the Candy Bar where an alarmed Sam and Ms. Fowl call up an angry mob, armed with silver, garlic, and fire. They chase the monsters into the mini golf course. They all hide from the mob behind the windmill on one of the courses. They then see Jimmy coming to them from the sky and realize that he has turned himself into Octopus Man, which Hugh admires. Being at their wits' ends, Sam and the mob call off their hunt and run off in horror. Jimmy grabs all of them with his tentacles and takes them back home, where he turns them all back to normal with his Monster Maker.


           Jimmy Neutron Logo Villains

Main Villains
King Goobot | Professor Calamitous | Beautiful Gorgeous | Eustace Strych | Space Bandits

Supporting Villains
Ooblar | Poultra | The Nanobots | Evil Jimmy Neutron | Junkman | Blix | Baby Eddie | Grandma Taters | Sydney Moist | Bear | Tyrannosaurus Rex

One-time Villains
Smart Pants | Giant Plant Ms. Fowl | The Pizza Monster | Halloween Monsters | Snappy | Big Headed Genius Sheen | Decimator Goddard | Meldar Prime | Twonkies | Hulk Jimmy | Seymour Nimmelfarb | Dictator Libby Folfax | The Copbot | Yoo-Yee | Evil Carl Wheezer | Evil Sheen Estevez | Evil Cindy Vortex | Evil Libby Folfax | Evil Nick Dean | Evil Winifred Fowl | Evil Sam Melvick | Evil Judy Neutron | Evil Hugh Neutron | Evil Goddard | Bueford Lee Stormshuckle | Flippy

League of Villains | Evil Syndicate

Video Games
Yokian Fleet Commander | Jimmy Negatron | Globulous Maximus | The Mawgu | King Gorge

Denzel Crocker | Vicky | Francis | Jorgen Von Strangle | Anti-Cosmo | Anti-Wanda | Anti-Jorgen | Anti-Fairies | Nega-Chin | Shirley

Planet Sheen
Dorkus Aurelius | Pinter

           Nickelodeon 2009 logo Villains

TV Series
Lamar Bone | Angelica Pickles | Ed Bighead | Earl | Mr. Dupette | Plankton | Karen Plankton | Lars Rodriguez | Miranda Killgallen | Glowface | Tlaloc | Gart Default | Coverton | Sta'abi | Amanda Killman | Vic McGillicuddy | Chandler McCann | Becky

The Ren & Stimpy Show
Ren Höek | Victor | Victor's Dad | Adonis | Evil Ren | Hideously Evil Ren | George Liquor | Haggis MacHaggis | Contorno | Reverend Jack Cheese | Waffle Woman | Anthony's Dad | Boss | Brain Aliens | Colonel Scrambolio | Drill Sergeant | Kodiak Marmoset | Lout Brothers | Man Eating Village Idiot | Shlomo and Momo | Sid | The Dogcatcher | Worm

Aaahh!!! Real Monsters
The Gromble | Snorch & Zimbo | Simon the Monster Hunter | Jake | Sal

The Angry Beavers
Scientist Number 1 and Pete | Edgar the Swamp Witch

Reggie Bullnerd | Mr. Wilter | Skrawl | Biclops | Skrawl's Brain | Bully Nerd | Quicksand Man | Mrs. Tweezer | The Craniacs | Stinky Witch | Doofi Rudy and Doofi Penny | Boorat | Jacko | Vinnie Raton | Terry Bouffant | Beanie Boys | Snake | Thor Throat

Squeakus | The Chump Brothers | Bill Champsley

El Tigre
Sartana of the Dead | Black Cuervo | Voltura | El Tigre | Puma Loco | Lady Gobbler | Flock of Fury | El Oso | El Mal Verde | Dr. Chipotle Jr. | Dr. Chipotle Sr. | Dr. Chipotle Sr. Sr. | General Chapuza | Che Chapuza | Calevera Zombies | Calavera Banditos | Esteban | El Cucharon | Señor Siniestro | Robot Bandidos | Django of the Dead | Skeleton Bandito Army | El Machete | Golden Eagle Twins | Carlitio | Carla | Mano Negra | The Bad Girls | Comrade Chaos | Titanium Titan | Cactus Kid | Mustache Mafia | Don Baffi | Big Man | Tony | Sophia | Dark Leopard | El Tarantula | Ninja Monster Clan | Plata Peligrosa | Guacamole Monster | Forgotten Dead Monster | Dragon Worm | Chipotle Family | Puma Loco Bot | Alebrije Monster | Android El Tigre | Mighty Cheetar

The Mighty B!
Roxxy | Hal | Mr. Griff | Harris Daye | Robot Bessie | K.G. Bianca | Chelsea Gibbons | Chelsea's Friends | Finguere

The Penguins of Madagascar
Dr. Blowhole | Joey Kangaroo | Officer X | Savio | Clemson | Stacy | Rhonda | Falcon | Rat King | Archie | Kuchikukan | Hans the Puffin | Frances Alberta | Vesuvius Twins | Barry | Leopard Seals

Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomness
Brotherhood of Malfeasance (Hundun, Taotie, Fung, Gahri, Temutai & Tong Fo) | Fenghuang | Junjie | Scorpion | Lidong | Heilang | Bad Po | Bian Zao | Fu-Xi | Ke-Pa | Pang Bing | Alien Rice Weevils

Fanboy & Chum Chum
Boog | Lenny Flynn-Boyle | Kyle Bloodworth-Thomason | The Global Warmer | Sigmund the Sorcerer | Professor Flan | Berry the Ice Monster | Necronomicon | Marsha | Mr. Trick

Sanjay and Craig
Mr. Noodman | Benjy Warlin | Carlos Bandana | Chef Mei | Chido | Colonel Badguyski | Conquistador | D.I.N.K | Dillinger Softlips | Mr. Noodman, Sr. | Munchie | Pizza Demon | Ronnie Slithers

Harvey Beaks
Dade | Fogbark Monster | Halbreth | Kip Dinkly, Jr. | Les Squirrels | Moff | Randl

It's Pony
Otis Perrybottom | Jill Perrybottom | Bob Perrybottom

The Twisted Timeline of Sammy & Raj
Tara Gupta | Malini Gupta | Hugo | Kristi Lee | Shapiro | Mrs. Hugeman | PAL

The Secret World of Alex Mack
Danielle Atron | Paradise Valley Chemical

The Amanda Show
Judge Trudy

Legends of the Hidden Temple
Temple Guards

Drake & Josh
Ashley Blake | Thornton Locke | Milo McCreary

Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide
Mr. Sweeney | Vice Principal Crubbs | Huge Crew | Killer Bees | One-Bite

Zoey 101
Logan Reese | Rebecca | Stacy | Dean Rivers

The Thundermans
Dark Mayhem | Green Ghoul | Mike Evilman | King Crab | Lady Web | Scalestro | Son of Scalestrp | Strongdor | Fairy Pinch-ess | Villain League | Lionel, Jake and Tom | Olympia Wong | Darcy Wong | Balfour | Madison Robertson

Nevel Papperman | Lewbert Slime | Nora Dershlit | Mr. & Mrs. Dershlit | Chuck Chambers | Wade Collins | Missy Robinson | Amber Tate | Kyoko and Yuki | Chip Chambers | The Petographers | The Shadow Hammer | Francine Briggs | Valerie | Jocelyn | Jonah | Rona Burger | Pirates | Marta Trundel | Lervin's Bully | Dimitri and Ivan | Lauren Ackerman | Tessa | Candance | Carter Ford | Steven Carson | Doug Toder | Billy Boots | Cal | Dana Bukowski | Trick-or-Treaters | Totally Teri Writers | Natalie | Sunshine Girls | Backflesh

Jade West | Tara Ganz | Hayley Ferguson | Fawn Liebowitz | Mona Patterson | Mr. Dickers | Mrs. Lee | Rhoda Hellberg | Melinda Murray | Barney and Billy Triplet | Bella | Christie | Francis Thornesmith | Randy Bronson | Jarold and Merl

Big Time Rush
Gustavo Rocque | Mr. Bitters | George Hawk | Wayne Wayne | Jett Stetson | Rebecca | Tad | Dara's Stepmother | Atticus Moon | Sandy | Molly | Captain McAlister | Jane Kennedy

Game Shakers
MeGo | Lance

Knight Squad
Ryker | Commander Umbala | Ryker's Army

I Am Frankie
Lorenzo Bravo | Segundo Mehija | Mr. Kingston | Eliza | EGG | Cynthia Mondall | WARPA | Simone | Dóminus | Luz

Welcome to the Wayne
Calliope Organization | Flowershit

Are You Afraid of the Dark?
The Shadowman | Mr. Tophat | Dr. Vink | Evil Spirit | Adrian | Badge | Basement Demon | Belinda's Witch | Black Figures | Braun Family | Brother Septimus | Chameleons | Corpse | Crimson Clown | Diggers | Doctor Capel-Smith | Evil Executioner | Evil Sheriff | Evil Witch | Ghastly Grinner | Gort | Gremlin | Jake "The Snake" Desmond | Keeper | Koda | Madame Visage | Madeline | Margot | Master Raymond | Mr. & Mrs. Taylor | Mr. Olson | Mrs. Briar | Ms. Valenti | Nosferatu | Peter Kirlan | Phone Police | Quiet Librarian | Renegade Virus | Sandman | Suitmen | Teddy Mars | The British | The Stone Maiden | The Watcher | Zeebo

The Other Kingdom
Versitude | Peter Quince | King Reed | Pixies

LEGO Jurassic World: The Legend of Isla Nublar
Danny Nedermeyer | Sinjin Prescott | Vic Hoskins | Indominus Twins | Computer Interface | Dianne

Nick Arcade
Game Wizards

Action League Now!
Big Baby | Hodge Podge | Madame Shyster | Red Ninja | Roboflesh | Smarty Pants | Spotzilla

See Also
Avatar: The Last Airbender Villains | Barnyard Villains | Breadwinners Villains | CatDog Villains | Danny Phantom Villains | Doug Villains | Henry Danger Villains | Hey Arnold! Villains | Invader Zim Villains | Jimmy Neutron Villains | Monster High Villains | My Life as a Teenage Robot Villains | Nick Jr. Villains | Nickelodeon All Star Brawl Villains | Rocko's Modern Life Villains | Rugrats and All Grown Up! Villains | SpongeBob SquarePants Villains | T.U.F.F. Puppy Villains | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Villains | The Fairly OddParents Villains | The Loud House and The Casagrandes Villains | The Wild Thornberrys Villains
