“ | This is a villain so evil, so sinister, so horribly vile that even the utterance of his name strikes fear into the hearts of men. The only safe way to refer to this king of darkness is simply... HIM. | „ |
~ The Narrator presenting HIM. |
“ | Oh, Mr. Quackers, am I the only one who hates those miserable little brats? [Squeaks his ducky] You hate them, too? Oh, I knew I could count on you! But how can I possibly beat them with all that love surrounding them?! [Squeaks his ducky] What's that you say? [Squeaks his ducky again] Yes! That's brilliant! Oh, Mr. Quackers, you are so smart. Quite a positively evil scheme you've hatched. And I'll finally be rid of those girls... FOREVER! | „ |
~ HIM to his toy duck Mr. Quackers, regarding his hatred for the Powerpuff Girls. |
HIM (sometimes spelled Him) is the main antagonist of The Powerpuff Girls franchise. He is one of the most powerful adversaries of The Powerpuff Girls, as well as one of their crueler opponents. In the reboot he is Bliss' archenemy.
He is voiced by Tom Kane, who also portrayed Magneto in Wolverine and the X-Men.
In The Powerpuff Girls, Him is portrayed as a mysterious, super-powerful, red-skinned, effeminate and immortal demonic creature with lobster claws, red skin, pointed ears, black puffy hair, sinister light green eyes, a hooked nose, and a spit-curled goatee, and is wearing makeup, including three long eyelashes on each eyelid, rosy red cheeks and black lipstick, a woman's red jacket with pink tulle at the collar and hemline, tight-fitting red trousers, and black thigh-high spike-heeled boots.
While never outright confirmed, HIM is the closest representation of the Devil in a children's program, his name in that case is an acronymn for His Infernal Majesty.

Him's character model in Powerpuff Girls Z
In Demashita! Powerpuff Girls Z, Him is not a crossdresser, but his effeminate manners remain. Here, Him is more of a harlequin-esque motif. He now has a yellow skin color, a jester's hat, a red tunic with a heart-shaped brooch and wears striped stockings (one black and white and one red and black) with Mary Jane shoes. He retains his habit of wearing makeup and changing the tone of his voice from soft and effeminate to loud and enraged.
Like the original, no one can mention his real name, because of how frightening his name is. Professor Utonium actually tells Ken the name, but the viewer is unable to hear it. Just mentioning the name frightened Ken and Peach.
“ | Mojo: Those boys were created to do pure evil, which makes me the more fit father, since I am pure evil! HIM: Oh, I'm sorry! But nobody does evil THE WAY I DO! |
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~ Mojo Jojo and HIM on who should lead the Rowdyruff Boys. |
Being one of the show's darkest entities, HIM is extremely ruthless and diabolical, possessing seemingly no motive other than personal pleasure of others suffering, treating everyone around him like toys that can be played with and broken to his heart's content. Unlike most other villains in the series, HIM learns from his mistakes and can adapt and change tactics if the situation demands it.
Also unlike most other villains, HIM frightens even the other vile criminals of Townsville, since he could quite easily destroy the world if he wanted to, but prefers to play mind games with his victims most of the time, especially the Powerpuff Girls who he constantly underestimates, being his most common downfall across all of the episodes he's featured in.
Outside of his psychopathic, bitter and domineering nature, he is generally very flamboyant, always speaking in an echoing effeminate falsetto, which changes as he gets angrier into a deep, masculine and commanding voice that can turn into monstrous growl. When not causing mayhem, HIM can be shown to be quite polite, as evidenced in "Telephonies" where the Powerpuff Girls broke into his dimension and nonchalantly and non-violently talked to them (even if he was shown to be angry afterwards, due to his rights as a citizen), as well as having a fatherly pride in "Custody Battle" where he sheds tears of joy when they made him proud about being evil (even hugging Mojo as the latter does the same), though this could just be HIM being satisfied about his competent minions showing how ruthless they are.
“ | Ohhhhh, snake beast. You didn’t destroy them at all, did you? How could you let the Powerpuff Girls HUMILIATE YOU so completely, hmmm? | „ |
~ HIM's first line, after watching the Powerpuff Girls defeat one of his monsters. |
HIM talks in a chilling voice that echoes at all times as if in a cave and which sounds like Tiny Tim alternating between high-pitched, silly and almost gentle when amused or thoughtful to evil, very sinister and growling when he is angry or enraged. He made his first ever appearance in "Octi Evil", where he possessed Bubbles's stuffed doll, Octi in an attempt to break the Powerpuff Girls up and he cleverly disguised his own voice to lure her into his trap.
His next main episode was in "Telephonies", where he is one of the villains the Girls visit to investigate the crank calls. It's also revealed that he can alter his own voice at will, changing from feminine and chirpy to masculine and angry in just a few seconds depending on his moods. He also formed a "partnership" with Mojo Jojo and Fuzzy Lumpkins when they discovered the Gangreen Gang were the ones behind the Powerpuff Girls unexpectedly breaking into their homes. It's also shown that Mojo Jojo calls Him "Sir" and has some respect for him.
In "Moral Decay", HIM lost many of his teeth when he was beaten up by Buttercup (due to her greedy obsession for dollar coins). HIM placed a steak on his cheek when he went to dentistry. HIM, Mojo Jojo, Fuzzy, The Gangreen Gang and all the other criminals (who also lost many of their teeth by Buttercup) wants revenge on the Powerpuff girl. Blossom and Bubbles allowed HIM and the other toothless villains to beat up Buttercup, breaking almost all of her teeth.
During "Tough Love", he used his own powers to spread the seeds of anger and hatred into Townsville at night which triggered the residents rising up against the Powerpuff Girls and unwillingly becoming his puppets. While most villains prefer to destroy Townsville themselves or through their own sheer strength. He often disguises himself or creates psychological events or catastrophes which he uses as an attempt to cause the Powerpuff Girls to break mentally. He has shown numerous satanic forms, most of which are revealed in apocalyptic or hellish situations or realms. These forms, in turn, can often greatly enhance his power and cause him to grow to enormous size.
In "Speed Demon", set 50 years into an alternative future and with the Girls themselves having gone missing, HIM managed to gain control of the entire planet including Townsville which in turn, resulted in his powers becoming great, and during a fight against the Girls, he was able to withstand the full force of their attacks without even bothering to defend himself.
“ | HIM: ...Are you finished? [Close-up of Buttercup, panning slowly from her to Blossom and Bubbles. All three are sweating.] Buttercup: No, but you are! Blossom: [panting] Don’t you know… you can never beat us! HIM: Beat you? But girls, don’t you see? I've already won! |
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~ HIM after the inconsequential beating from the Powerpuff Girls, revealing his true power. |
He took little or no damage in the fight, even finding the Girls' actions amusing. In this setting, he was also able to change into a much larger and more sinister-looking true form of HIM. Luckily, the Powerpuff Girls managed to go back in time to avoid this from ever happening, though if HIM manages to outlive them, the world will end the same way.
In "Meet the Beat-Alls", Him joins forces with Mojo Jojo, Fuzzy Lumpkins, and Princess Morbucks as the 4 evil doers together formed their own band called "The Beat-Alls" which lasted for short time and later became disbanded due to the arrival of the chimp named Moko. When forced to engage in battle, he is an entity to be reckoned with, as he heralds doom in every direction.
In "The Boys Are Back In Town", he resurrects and improves The Rowdyruff Boys, though the Powerpuff Girls manage to find a way to defeat them once again.
HIM also appeared in the rock musical episode "See Me, Feel Me, Gnomey", where, like other villains, he is seen causing chaos and terrorizing people in Townsville, the Powerpuff Girls when they arrive, he, like the other villains, defeating them succeed. Yet, when it comes to the Gnome, he is responsible for eliminating all the villains, including HIM, but later, when HIM and all the villains revive, the Gnome loses power.
He is also seen along with all the other villains singing "Why Can not We All Get Along?", giving to understand that it can also have redeeming features, including in his villainy.
Other Media[]
Demashita! Powerpuff Girls Z[]
Him here has a yellow skin color, but he retains the habit of changing the tone of his voice from soft and effeminate to loud and enraged.
Like the original, no one can mention his real name, because of how frightening his name is (Professor Utonium actually tells Ken the name, but the viewer is unable to hear it. Just mentioning the name frightened Ken and Peach).
In this version, Him is a demon who brought about chaos and destruction in Edo (Tokyo City) long ago. However, he was eventually defeated by the Ōedo Chakichaki Musume, three superheroines who resemble the Powerpuff Girls Z.
Him's powers were drained and his body was sealed in a coffin. The coffin was buried at Ueno Shrine, which later became an abandoned museum when the shrine was caught on fire long ago.
It was there that Him remained dormant, until the most potent Chemical Z black light brought him back to life, although the seal prevented Him from escaping. In order for Him to escape, Him created a mummy whose sole purpose was to undo the seal by obtaining the white energy of the Chemical Z white lights.
The mummy, although defeated by the Powerpuff Girls Z, was able to drain their energy, and its bandages returned to the abandoned museum and broke the seal on the coffin, allowing Him to bring about chaos and destruction once more. Him's main power is the ability to unleash evil black particles.
These particles are able to sway people/objects to the side of evil and transform its victim into a monster (The black particles eventually takes the place of the black lights). In addition, Him has total control over his particles. He is able to call them back at will, change the speed at which they move, communicate to his victims, and can view the memories of whoever or whatever was affected by his particles.
In actual combat, Him is capable of stretching his limbs to lash out at his enemies, control and unlock the true powers of the weapons (notably those used by the girls) and hypnosis.
Him can travel great distances by forming a black tornado. His only known weakness is his hatred of cold temperatures. His second weakness discovered in episode 49 is the emotion of love. It was His weakness to cold weather that led to his defeat at the hands of the Ōedo Chakichaki Musume as well as prevent him from leaving the abandoned house. He has a deep hatred towards the Ōedo Chakichaki Musume, which is now directed at the Powerpuff Girls Z for their resemblance to the Musume.
At the end of episode 30, he returns to the abandoned museum but swears that he will destroy the Powerpuff Girls Z. When his body and mind are separated, his mind and powers take on the form of the Black Particles while his body turns into a rag doll version of himself with X for eyes.
Powers and Abilities[]
“ | Poor, unsuspecting Townsville, all snug in your beds. Unaware of the evil that takes place high above your heads. And so, with a flick of my wrist and a twirl of my claw, I'll be rid of those girls once and for all. | „ |
~ HIM forms a gas out of clouds that will spread hatred across the city towards the Powerpuff Girls. |
Due to being a supernatural manifestation of pure evil, HIM is considered to be one of the Powerpuff Girls' most powerful enemies. So far he has shown;
- Superhuman Abilities: He possesses the conventional superhuman levels of strength and near invulnerability as well as the ability to fly, which allows him to engage the Powerpuff Girls in battle.
- Immortality: As a demonic entity, he is immune to the passage of time. This is evident as despite the girls rriving 50 years into the future in "Speed Demon", he was still youthful and full of vigor.
- Self-Transformation: He is able to alter his size and appearance at will, transforming into butterflies, a clock tower, and many more. As seen in "Speed Demon", when he had fed off too much negative emotions, he transforms into his true form.
- Mental Manipulation: In "Power-Noia" he turned into red smoke and entered the Powerpuff Girls' minds to torment them in their dreams, which means he can not only control minds (an ability he's showcased multiple times) but also manipulate dreams (and make them real). He was even able to make the entire town of Townsville despise the Powerpuff Girls.
- Reality Alteration: HIM is capable of warping reality as he pleases, manipulating the weather, shooting energy beams of all kinds from his claws and eyes, spitting acid in one instance, teleport from his dimension to Earth. One of, if not his most impressive display of power is seen in "Custody Battle" where HIM at one point manipulates some scientists into sending the Earth rocketing towards the Sun. Mojo Jojo rants about how stupid this evil plan is and HIM casually stops the Earth and brings it back to its original position with a single hand gesture.
- Enhanced Resurrection: HIM is capable of bringing people back from the dead as well as bestowing them with new forms and powers. HIM did this with the Rowdyruff Boys and even gave them a new ability and immunizing them to the girl's kissing.
- Negativity Empowerment: His most important and dangerous power is his ability to feed off negative emotions, which made too powerful for even the Powerpuff Girls' strongest and rage-fueled attacks, as he had grown so strong even their best couldn't faze him in the slightest, as shown in the future of "Speed Demon".
“ | Hello, girls. What a pleasant surprise. Ooh, what's the occasion? | „ |
~ HIM to the Powerpuff Girls after they break into his dimension, only to find him doing aerobics. |
“ | Narrator: Those little scamps are so adorable! How we just love the Powerpuff Girls! [Hidden in the shadows] HIM: Oh, how I HATE THE POWERPUFF GIRLS! Narrator: "Hate the Powerpuff Girls"?! Who could hate the...? Oh, no. Please don't let it be...Him! HIM:[Mockingly] "Oh, Powerpuff Girls, save us! Oh, Powerpuff Girls, we need you! Oh, Powerpuff Girls, we LOVE you!" Powerpuff Girls! Powerpuff Girls!! POWERPUFF GIRLS!!! |
„ |
~ HIM watches the PPG doing heroics |
“ | Blossom: Take your claws off of the Professor! Bubbles: What's he ever done to you? HIM: Oh, it's not what he's done to me, but what he's going to do to YOU! You see, I've taken all of their love for you and tuuuuuurned... it into... HATE! Now they will destroy you. And you poor, helpless creatures won't be able to fight back. Because the Powerpuff Girls would never hurt the ones they love. Oh, no, they wouldn't! NOW DESTROY THEM! |
„ |
~ HIM turns the people of Townsville against the PPG. |
“ | Tsk, tsk, tsk. You girls underestimate me. I never give repeat performances. But I assure you, I'll be back! | „ |
~ HIM to the PPG after they fix the people of Townsville from HIM's cloud of hatred. |
“ | HIM: [laughing] Don't you know the faster you go, time slows down? Your time stopped for fifty years whilst you were out racing around. Blossom: I know that voice! HIM: Seconds, minutes, hours, days and nights all crawl by on hands and knees as you race the speed of light. [HIM has now emerged. The Girls gasp in horror] Bubbles: Look! HIM: Yes! Coming back now? Remember? [Buttercup remembers her dare to her sisters: "So - which of you slowpokes wants to race me home?"] Buttercup: No! HIM: Yes! As you raced through time, the whole world went to Heck! |
„ |
~ HIM reveals himself to the PPG in "Speed Demon". |
“ | All I did was take over! It was EASY! | „ |
~ HIM to the Powerpuff Girls in the future of "Speed Demon". |
“ | Oh, haha! That? That's my little secret. You see I realized that the boys only weakness was your PATHETIC LITTLE KISSES and since I knew you would resort to that I added a little something extra: a cootie vaccination. Circle circle, dot dot, now you have a cootie shot ah,ha,ha. I got the spell off the internet. | „ |
~ HIM explaining to the Powerpuff Girls how he made the Rowdyruff Boys immune to their kisses. |
- HIM is The Powerpuff Girls creator Craig McCracken's favorite villain.
- HIM is arguably responsible for some of the darkest episodes in The Powerpuff Girls, especially when he is the main antagonist of them.
- As a result, episodes such as "Speed Demon" and "Tough Love" are commonly included on lists of disturbing/creepy moments in cartoons.
- HIM's voice and mannerisms were inspired by the Chief of the Blue Meanies in the Beatles film Yellow Submarine.
- HIM was originally going to have more devilish appearance during the Whoopass Girls series, such as having horns and a long devilish tail. He was also originally refered as "The Devil". It is likely that this had to be changed for censorship reasons.
- HIM is, alongside Red Guy of Cow & Chicken, one of the two Cartoon Network villains implied to be, if not actually be, the Cartoon Network version of the Devil due to his demonic appearance. However, while HIM is a genuine threat occasionally, the Red Guy is pure comic relief and a nuisance at worst.
- However, according to The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy creator Maxwell Atoms, Cartoon Network has since regretted ever featuring both HIM and Red Guy in their respective shows, which is why they later refused his idea to include Krampus in his show's Christmas episode.
- When Black Hat said HIM's name, the screen became glitched, with Dr. Flug asking why that happens every time HIM's name is said, with Black Hat mentioning that whenever his real name is said, weird things happen.
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Code Lyoko TV Movie Villains Crossover Villains Sym-Bionic Titan Villains What A Cartoon! Dexter's Laboratory Cow and Chicken ¡Mucha Lucha! I Am Weasel Edgar & Ellen Krypto The Superdog The Life & Times of Juniper Lee Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi My Gym Partner's a Monkey Class of 3000 Chowder The Secret Saturdays The Mr. Men Show Hero 108 Mixels The Looney Tunes Show New Looney Tunes Mighty Magiswords Over the Garden Wall Clarence Uncle Grandpa Generator Rex Annoying Orange Apple & Onion Summer Camp Island See Also |
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Major Villains Minor/One-Time Villains |
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Black Hat Organization Employers Agents Other Villains Criminals and Monsters Crossovers |