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If you ladies leave my island, if you survive recruit training, you will be a weapon. You will be a minister of death praying for war. But until that day, you are pukes. You are the lowest form of life on Earth. You are not even human f---ing beings. You are nothing but unorganized grab-a---tic pieces of amphibian s---! Because I am hard, you will not like me. But the more you hate me, the more you will learn. I am hard but I am fair. There is no racial bigotry here. I do not look down on n-----s, k---s, w--s or greasers. Here you are all equally worthless. And my orders are to weed out all non-hackers who do not pack the gear to serve in my beloved Corps. Do you maggots understand that?
~ Some of Sgt. Hartman's first lines.
Private Pyle, you had best swear your a-- away and start s---ing me Tiffany cuff links, or I will definitely f--k you up!!
~ Sgt. Hartman's second famous quote.

Sgt. Hartman is the main antagonist of the first half of the 1987 war film Full Metal Jacket. He is the film version of Gunnery Sergeant Gerheim from the novel in which the film is inspired, The Short-Timers.

He is a foul-mouthed drill sergeant who appears to bully and torment his recruits as he was ordered to do and shapening them for war, most frequently Private Pyle because he is a "disgusting fatbody".

He was portrayed by the late R. Lee Ermey, who also portrayed Sheriff Warren Pike in Life and Sheriff Hoyt in the Texas Chainsaw Massacre franchise.


(Sergeant Joker): "Is that you John Wayne? Is this me??"
(Gunnery Sergeant Hartman): Who said that!? WHO THE F--K SAID THAT?! WHO'S THE SLIMY LITTLE COMMON OF S--T TWINKLE TOE C--KSUCKER, DOWN HERE?! WHO SIGNED HIS OWN DEATH WAR?!?!?! ...Nobody HUH?! The VERY f--king godmother said: "I'll f--king standing I will PT you all until you all f--king DIE!!!", I will PT you into your a--hole for sucking buttermilk! *Faces * Was it YOU, you scroungy little F--K huh?!
(Pvt. Cowboy): Sir no sir!
(Gunnery Sergeant Hartman): You little piece of s--t you look like a f--king worm I bet it WAS you!
(Pvt. Cowboy): Sir no sir!
(Sergeant Joker): Sir I said it SIR!!
~ Sgt. Hartman trying to find out who made a joke that Sergeant Joker made without Hartman knowing.
(Gunnery Sergeant Hartman): ...Well, no shit. What do we got here? A f--king comedian Private Joker! I admire your honesty, *sarcastically:* Hell I like you, you can come over to my house and f--k my sister. *punches his stomach* YOU LITTLE SCUMBAG! I got your name I GOT YOUR A-S! You will not LAUGH! You will not CRY!!! You will learn by the numbers! I will teach you! Now get up, get on your feet!!! You had best unf--k yourself or I will unscrew your head and shut down your NECK!
(Sergeant Joker): Sir yes sir!
(Gunnery Sergeant Hartman): Private Joker why did you decide to join my beloved core?
(Sergeant Joker): Sir to kill sir!
(Gunnery Sergeant Hartman): So you're a killer?
(Sergeant Joker): Sir yes sir!
(Gunnery Sergeant Hartman): Lemme see your war face!
(Sergeant Joker): ...Sir?!?
(Gunnery Sergeant Hartman): You got a war face!? AAAAHHH!!! THAT's a war face! Now lemme see your war face!
(Sergeant Joker): *screams*
(Gunnery Sergeant Hartman): Bulls--t! You didn't convince me! Now lemme see your REAL war face
(Sergeant Joker): *screams again*
(Gunnery Sergeant Hartman): You don't scare me! Work on it!
(Sergeant Joker): Sir yes sir!!
~ Sgt. Hartman's response to Sergeant Joker's "John Wayne" quip he tricked Hartman with, and right after Joker told the truth.
(Gunnery Sergeant Hartman): Do you think I'm cute Private Pyle do you think I'm funny?
(Private Pyle): Sir no sir!
(Gunnery Sergeant Hartman): Then wipe that disgusting grin off your face!
(Private Pyle): Sir yes sir!
(Gunnery Sergeant Hartman): Well any f**king time sweetheart!?
(Private Pyle): ...Sir I'm trying sir!
(Gunnery Sergeant Hartman): Private Pyle I'm gonna give you three seconds, exactly three f**king seconds! To wipe that stupid looking grin off your face, or I will gauge out your eyeballs and SKULL F**K YOU!!! ONE! TWO!! THREE!!
(Private Pyle): Sir I can't help it sir!
(Gunnery Sergeant Hartman): BULLS--T!! Now get on your knees scumbag!! Now choke yourself... with MY hand numbnuts!! Don't f--king pull my hand I said choke yourself, now go choke yourself... Are you through GRINNING?
~ Hartman ordering Pyle to get choked and lean in to get strangled by Hartman's hand as punishment for smiling.
HOLY jesus, what is that?! WHAT!? THE F--K IS THAT?! WHAT IS THAT PRIVATE PYLE?!?!
~ Sgt. Hartman's third famous quote.
What is your major malfunction, numbnuts? Didn't Mommy and Daddy show you enough attention when you were a child?
~ Sgt. Hartman's poor handling of Private Pyle's murderous insanity.

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           Sony Pictures Logo Antagonists

Angry Humans | Beefimodo | Brent McHale | Cerberus | Cheespider | Humans | Ian | Jerome | Jett Black | Krampus | Miller | Missy Shelbourne | Nate | Odile Anjelou | Rico | Sandman | Spam | Tacodile Supreme | Timeclops | Truth Bugs | Vlad Dracula

See Also
Aardman Antagonists | Amblin Entertainment Antagonists | Buena Vista International Antagonists | DreamWorks Antagonists | Jumanji Antagonists | Netflix Antagonists | New Line Cinema Antagonists | Warner Bros. Antagonists

           WBLogo Antagonists

Ala Bahma | Argus Filch | Beaky Buzzard | Berkely Beetle | Bing Bong the Gorilla | Broken Arms Hotel manager | The Bull | Bunny and Claude | Burmese Tiger | Businessman | Cal | Cannonball Taylor | Casbah Rabbit | Casper Caveman | Cerberus | Cheswick | CM Punkrock | Duncan Douglas | Dr. Chilled-Air | Dr. Scratchansniff | Eagle | Elmyra Duff | Eugenia Kisskillya | Flanigan | Furrball | General Rogard | Giovanni Jones | Gossamer | The Gremlin | The Gruesome Twosome | Gus | Hector the Bulldog | Hello Nurse | Johnny Pew | King Kong | King Mongkut | L.B. Mammoth | Lilith | Mammy Two Shoes | Marble Henry | The Martin Brothers | Meowthra | Mozo and Gringo | Mr. Cogswell | Mr. Crazy Person | Mr. Mole | Mr. Slate | Mrs. Fieldmouse | Miss Flamiel | Nathan Grantham | Nora Rita Norita | Pappy and Elvis | Pete Puma | Pinky | Ralph T. Guard | Rock Ogre | The Russian Dog | Schnooks | Sylvester J. Pussycat Sr. | Thaddeus Plotz | Thes | Uncle Ed | United States Army | The Winged Keys | Workshop's Cat

See Also
Amblin Entertainment Antagonists | Cartoon Network Antagonists | DreamWorks Antagonists | Looney Tunes Antagonists | Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Antagonists | Pokémon Antagonists | South Park Antagonists
