Guanomuck's Henchmen are the tertiary antagonists of Where's Waldo? episode "The Land of the Lost Pyramid".
While Guanomuck and his henchmen sails to the pyramid, the henchman is told by Guanomuck that the calendar holds the key to the secret entrance and inside is power beyond belief. When something sound is coming, Guanomuck's henchmen are ordered to pedal faster.
Guanomuck and his henchmen ties up Waldo and Woof while the Phantom Avenger retrieves his calendar. Guanomuck and his minions goes after the Phantom Avenger. During the chase, Guanomuck's henchmen was ordered to go faster as they can catch the Phantom Avenger.
After Guanomuck and his henchmen found the three heroes on the broken bridge, the henchman told his boss that he can paste the pieces of calendar back together. When the Phantom Avenger accidentally throws the calendar back to the bad guys, Guanomuck and his henchmen sets up the lift to jump over the edge.
When Guanomuck and his henchmen meet Odlaw, they lets Odlaw to team up with them and sets up a trap for the three heroes, leading the Phantom Avenger get stuck in the quicksand. After Waldo, Woof and the Phantom Avenger went to the pyramid, the henchmen is ordered by Guanomuck to scrape the blackboard with their fingernails. When the door is unlocked by Waldo, Guanomuck and his henchmen steals the calendar and enters the pyramid while they found the legendary golden headdress.
When Guanomuck gets the headdress and the pyramid starts to rumble, the henchmen were scared and attempting to retreat. After Guanomuck gets covered in feathers, the henchmen laughs at him and decides to bow down to Odlaw. Guanomuck and his henchmen chases after Odlaw while the three heroes retrieves the calendar.
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