Antagonists Wiki

Grigri, Zina and Ulbert (aslo know as Les Mascrapules) are deuteragonists and villains of Les Pyjamasques picture book series.


Les Mascrapules show envy and jealousy towards Les Pyjamasques on what they have. As seen in their recent appearances, they tend to be attached to Les Pyjamasques' certain items such as their crystal.


           PJ Masks Logo Villains

PJ Masks
Romeo | Robot | Robette | Fly Bots | Luna Girl | Motsuki | Moths | Night Ninja | Ninjalinos | Wolfy Kids | Munki-gu | Octobella | Percival | Pharaoh Boy | Mabel | Orticia | Baby Pumpkins | Pirate Robot | Flybot Sally | Speedy Twins | Gloop the Third | Gloopets | Bad Guys United | Baddie Bots | Naughty Bots | Robo-Masks

Les Pyjamasques
Gatzo | Roméo Mécano | Agent Pin and Pon | Grigri, Zina and Ulbert | Mille Bras | Sandman | Machine à bisous | Ogrechou | Sablotin | Croque-Chaussettes | Magistère la sorcière | Robot-Blizzard | Sorceline | Orticia | Apophis
