Not to be a pessimist, but if the commander isn't back soon with those reinforcements…
~ Grey to Depa Billaba in "Aftermath".
Hunter: If you're done hiding down there, I suggest you launch a counterattack. Another droid battalion's approaching.
Grey: The general is the one who gives the orders around here.
~ Hunter and Grey
Captain Grey (birth number CC-10/994) is a minor character of Star Wars franchise. He is a clone trooper captain of the Grand Army of the Republic, who fought alongside with Jedi Master Depa Billaba and her apprentice, Caleb Dume. He is the leader of Depa Billaba's Battalion.
Grey appears in the episode "Aftermath". He could be seen waiting with Depa Billaba for her padawan to bring reinforcements. This leads to Grey asking her if Caleb would return which she told him he will. When Caleb arrived with 5 clone troopers, Grey thinks they will lose. Grey could be seen using a pair of electrobinoculars to watch The Bad Batch destroying the Separatist droids without any help from Depa's battalion. Not long after The Bad Batch destroyed all of the Separatist droids on the battlefield, Darth Sidious executed Order 66, an order to all of the clone units to execute their Jedi generals. Grey receives Sidious's message and telling him to execute Order 66. Grey begins to shoot his Jedi general but was overpowered by her after she sliced his blaster into half and kicked him. After Depa Billaba's death, Grey got back up and starts chasing after Caleb Dume but failed after losing track of him.
Grey was a veteran, battle-scarred clone. He was very loyal to his men as well as Billaba until the onset of Order 66. However, as Grey and his men continued the pursuit of Padawan Dume, he was able to overpower his programming and came to understand his actions during Order 66 and sacrificed himself and his men to help Dume escape.
While Grey was impressed by the skills of Clone Force 99, he rejected Hunter's advice about launching a counterattack against the Separatists, insisting that only his Jedi General had the authority to give orders to him. Grey was also pessimistic during the battle on Kaller. He felt that defeat was certain when he learned that Dume had returned with only five clones to reinforce them. His sense of loyalty to Billaba ended when he received the command to execute Order 66, which he silently obeyed.
Powers and Abilities[]
Information needed
Weapons and Equipment[]
Phase II Clone Trooper armor: Grey utilizes Phase II Clone Trooper armor to protect himself from his enemies in battle.
Grey before Palpatine orders him to execute Order 66.
Grey after Palpatine orderded him to execute Depa.
Grey vs. Depa
He also appears in the 2015 Star Wars comic book called Kanan where it shows what happened to Grey after Order 66.
His armour is different from the Kanan comic book.
In Star Wars: The Bad Batch, his armor has green stripes while in the Kanan comic book, he has red stripes instead of green on his armor.
Grey first appeared in the comic Kanan 1, written by Greg Weisman, as a tie-in to Star Wars Rebels. His depiction in the comic varies slightly from his appearance in Star Wars: The Bad Batch. Grey was originally a Clone Commander with red markings on his armor, while in the show, he is a captain with green armor markings.
In "Aftermath", Grey was identified only in the end credits rather than in-universe dialogue.
Inquisitorius The Grand Inquisitor |
The Second Sister |
The Third Sister |
The Fourth Sister |
The Fifth Brother |
The Sixth Brother |
The Seventh Sister |
The Eighth Brother |
The Ninth Sister |
The Tenth Brother
Officials and Military Officers Admiral Conan Antonio Motti |
Admiral Garrick Versio |
Admiral Kassius Konstantine |
Admiral Kendal Ozzel |
Captain Bragg |
Captain Lorth Needa |
Commandant Cumberlayne Aresko |
Commander Brom Titus |
Director Armand Isard |
Director Orson Callan Krennic |
Fleet Admiral Firmus Piett |
General Maximilian Veers |
Governor Arihnda Pryce |
Grand Admiral Savit |
Grand Admiral Thrawn |
Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin |
Major General Cassio Tagge |
Moff Gideon |
Moff Raythe |
Moff Tiann Jerjerrod |
Taskmaster Myles Grint |
Vice Admiral Rampart
Operatives and Other Officials Agent Alexsandr Kallus |
Commander Appo |
Commander Crosshair |
Commander Fox |
Commander Gideon Hask |
Commander Iden Versio |
Commander Vult Skerris |
Endo Frant |
Veris Hydan |
Governor Tiber Saxon |
Grand Vizier Mas Amedda |
Grand Vizier Sate Pestage |
Minister Maketh Tua |
Protectorate Gleb |
Scorch |
Senator Orn Free Taa |
Sly Moore |
Tenn Graneet |
Vaneé |
Viceroy Gar Saxon
Soldiers Emperor's Royal Guard |
Stormtroopers |
501st Legion |
Purge Troopers |
Death Troopers |
Imperial Navy Troopers |
Dark Troopers
Affiliates The Client |
Cylo |
Doctor Pershing |
Imperial Navy |
Imperial Special Forces |
Lama Su |
Morgan Elsbeth |
Naare |
Nala Se |
Military Officers Admiral Frantis Griss |
Allegiant General Enric Pryde |
Captain Moden Canady |
Captain Phasma |
Colonel Erich S. Datoo |
Colonel Kaplan |
Commander Gideon Hask |
Commander Pyre |
General Armitage Hux |
General Brendol Hux |
Grand Admiral Rae Sloane |
Major Baron Elrik Vonreg
Officials and Operatives Agent Terex |
Agent Tierny |
BB-9E |
FN-2199 |
Lady Carise Sindian