The Rodian bounty hunter Greedo is one of the few of his trade who is, perhaps, more famous for his death than his life.
Greedo is a Rodian bounty hunter who works for crime lord Jabba the Hutt.Greedo has a deep grudge for the smuggler Han Solo and wanted him dead.He first appeared as a minor antagonist in Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope,minor antagonist in a deleted scene of Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace, and a minor antagonist of The 2008 Clone Wars series (Secondary Antagonist of the season 3 episode Sphere of Influence)
Greedo has had a short temper since he was a kid.He always got into fights, at one point he was warned that it wouldn't end well for him if continued to be how he was.As an adult he was unjustifiably arrogant and overconfident, thinking he was a hotshot bounty hunter, due to working for Jabba. Greedo was a very persistent and cautious operator and fittingly he was greedy.He can also be highly sadistic seeing how at the sight of Baba getting his arm sliced off made him laugh.The Rodian is even a deceptive individual, who is capable of holding grudges, such as when Uncelta(his lover) became attracted to Han Solo just for him to break her poor heart.However Greedo can be cowardly.He has proven to not be very smart and naive, seeing how he is easily tricked more than once.
Greedo in the original film was portrayed by Paul Blake with Maria de Aragon for close up shots and voiced by Larry Ward.In the deleted scene of Episode I The Phantom Menace he was played by the child actors Simon Rose and Oliver Walpole.In The Clone Wars series he was voiced by Tom Kenny who is most known for playing SpongeBob SquarePants from the titular nickelodeon series and Ice King from Adventure Time.
Greedo was a 5ft 9in humanoid alien with green skin and indigo colored eyes.He pointed ears,small antenna on his head and small bumps.He wore a brown jacket and blue shirt, with blue pants in A New Hope.In the Clone Wars 2008 series Greedo had a brown jacket with tan shirt and gray pants with armored boots and brown gun holster on his thigh.
Born on the planet Rodia his family eventually moved to the desert planet Tatooine.He got into a fight with Anakin Skywalker after he falsely accused him of cheating to win the Boonta Eve Classic podrace against Sebulba, causing Qui-Gon Jin to stop the fight.
Clone Wars(2008 Series)[]
Greedo was employed by Jabba as a bounty hunter for hire.At one point during the war, he was hired by the Trade Federation alongside another mercenary to kidnap Chairman Papanoid's daughters to use as leverage to get Pantora to join the Separatists.One of his daughters(named Che), in the struggle struck Greedo with a idol, covering it in his green blood.After Chairman Papanoid found the green blood sample during investigation of his daughters kidnapping, he and his son Ion tracked down Greedo to Jabba's Palace on Tatooine.The Chairman presented Jabba evidence who then forced Greedo to bring the Pantorans to the cantina in Mos Eisley where Che was being held.A shootout happened inside the Mos Eisley cantina, but Greedo escaped while the Chairman Papanoid and his family shot the rest of Che's captors dead.
Imperial Era[]
Some time after Obi-Wan exiled himself to Tatooine, Greedo was confronted by a Sullustan armed with a blaster in the backalley Chalmum's Spaceport Cantina.
Later, while continuing his work for Jabba, Greedo captured Figrin D'an of Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes and brought him to Jabba, after which D'an and his band entered into indentured servitude under Jabba, due to D'an being in heavy debt to him. During their time spent there, they had tabs on Greedo thanks to their superior hearing, seeing him bring in bring small time criminals and help them escape, and bring them back to collect the bounty again.They once saw him capture the same Jawa 3 different times.When they got enough money and Freed themselves the band told Jabba what Greedo was doing, which enraged him. Greedo and the band developed a grudge against each other.
Trade Wars[]
During the Trade Wars of the Imperial Era, Greedo was hired by Jabba the Hutt to kill Intergalactic Banking Clan Vice Chairman Anolo on Mygeeto and take his Givin codebreaker.Greedo, Barada, and several of Jabba's thugs led an attack on the Vice Chairman and his guards.Greedo successfully killed Anolo and put the codebreaker in the Anolo's own office.Inside the office he used Anolo's lightsaber to escape with the Givin.However he couldn't capture the Givin and fell to its death.When Greedo returned to Tatooine he went on his before Jabba in his palace.Greedo attempted to hand the lightsaber to the Hutt, but Jabba turned it down.Jabba was going to have Greedo be eaten by his rancor, but a antique collector, Dok Ondar wanted to buy it from Jabba saving Greedo from his fate.
A New Hope[]
Greedo was humiliated briefly at the Mos Eisley cantina when he was tripped by a piece of the instrument used by Ickabel G'ont, a member of the Modal Nodes. He decided to ignore the insult, seeing payback against Solo as sweeter than revenge on the Nodes. Entering the cantina, Greedo saw its bartender, Wuher, ordering the droids C-3PO and R2-D2 to leave the premises. While the Rodian steeled himself mentally for the encounter, he thought about how his former girlfriend Uncelta fell in love with Han Solo only to have the smuggler break her heart.
At the bar he saw Baba get his arm cut by Obi-Wan's lightsaber to stop him from assaulting Luke Skywalker , which caused Greedo to laugh.This prevented Baba and Evazan from helping kill Solo like planned earlier, forcing the 44 year old Rodian to improvise.
Greedo challenged Solo at the Mos Eisley Cantina, where, threatening Solo with his DT-12 heavy blaster pistol, he demanded that he pay the money to Jabba or to Greedo himself; or hand over Solo's legendary starship, the Millennium Falcon. Solo stated he would rather die than give up his ship.Greedo admitted that was his intention and that he was waiting for this to happen for a long time.As Greedo was pulling the trigger and said that it would end with him.However Han Solo prepared his blaster under the table and Greedo shot Han and missed.Han then shot Greedo dead ending the Rodian's career.The last thing he saw was bright flash of light and a memory of bitter justice.Greedo body fell flat on the table, covering it blood.
Video Games[]
Greedo has appeared in many Star Wars games.He was a playable character in Lego Star Wars II:The Original Trilogy(2006),Lego Star Wars The Complete Sagaa2007),Lego Star Wars III:The Clone Wars(2011),Lego Star Wars:The Force Awakens(2016),Lego Star Wars:The Skywalker Saga(2011), and one of the seven playable villains in Star Wars Battlefront(2015) as part of the Outer Rim downloadable content alongside hero character Nien Nunb that came out on March 22nd 2016.
*The Hutts
*Jabba the Hutt(Deceased)
*Jabba's Criminal Empire
*Bib Fortuna(Deceased)
Anakin Skywalker
Lando Carissian
Jedi Order

Greedo cosplay

Greedo as a child.

Greedo after Han Solo killed him.

Lego Greedo

Greedo in Star Wars Battlefront
* Greedo was the first antagonist to die in the films
*Greedo is the very first Rodian to appear in all of the franchise
*He could have killed Han Solo in the first film if he pulled the trigger when he held him at gunpoint, instead of forcing Han to sit at the table with him, and he would still be alive.
*Greedo was named after his father, who was a competent bounty hunter
*In universe Greedo is more famous for his demise than he is for anything he accomplished in life.
*Greedo only has 4 minutes of screen time for the entire franchise.
*Greedo is possibly the least dangerous villain in the franchise due to his poor Marksmanship, getting pummeled by Anakin Skywalker before he was able to use the force(When they were kids),bad planning,arrogance, and recklessness.
*In the movies Greedo only speaks huttease, but in the 2008 Clone Wars series he speaks Galactic Standard.
*Greedo's full name is Greedo Tutsu Jr.