Grace Ballard or also born as Grace is the main antagonist of the 2019 comedy film Murder Mystery.
She is featured in the film as Charles Cavendish's ex-girlfriend. She was also the illegitimate daughter of Malcolm Quince, when Malcolm reunites with everyone in the family, Suzi, Tobey, Colonel Ulenga, Sergei and Juan Carlos Rivera. He simply humiliates everyone in front of the protagonists Nick and Audrey Spitz, making Grace withdraw, he then announces that he will give his fortune to Suzi Nakamura. However, when the lights were cutt off, Grace kills him in plan of revenge.
After that, she kill Tobey the only son and incriminates Nick and Audrey, after that Grace kill Suzi when she was confronting Rivera, and she runs away. After that, the Spitz discover through the colonel that the killer is a woman who was Malcolm's daughter who rejected him because he only wanted a boy.
After that it is revealed that Grace is Malcolm's daughter and that her money belongs to her as well, but she denies being the murderer, after Delacroix asks them if there is any evidence, they then demand that Grace take off her hat which she denies. Audrey then remembers that Nick hit the killer on the head with a plate, with the Delacroix demands that she take off Ballard takes a gun, Juan Carlos tries to stop it but is stopped by she who hits him with her gun. Ballard takes her hostage, but Nick takes the Colonel's gun and shoots Ballard in the arm, she is then taken to a hospital and then to prison. After that is also revealed that Juan Carlos was Ballard's accomplice, but he is hit by a bus while trying to escape.