Antagonists Wiki

I am the future, Flash. AND YOU'RE JUST LUNCH!
~ Gorilla Grodd to the Flash.
We haven't seen each other in a long time, Barry. But I was always with you. Every time you would prattle on endlessly in your head about your mother, your loves, your friends...every time you said "My name is Barry Allen..." you were confessing to me. I know your real secrets. All your inner worries. And fears. It's time...for the Speed Force to finally be mine.
~ Gorilla Grodd.
Do you not know me, human? Often before we have fought and you defeated me. But today I have raised an army. An army of little brothers and they long to meet with you. Do you not know me? I am Grodd.
~ Gorilla Grodd.

Gorilla Grodd is a villain from the DC universe, and one of the archenemies of the Flash (Barry Allen). He is a super-intelligent gorilla with telepathic abilities who desires to conquer the world. He can also be considered to be one of, if not the main antagonist of the Flash series (aside from Professor Zoom).
