Antagonists Wiki
Background information
Feature films Godzilla, Mothra, and King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack! (2001)
Television programs
Video games
Park attractions
Performance model
Character information
Other names God of Destruction
Personality Monstrous, dangerous, destructive, malevolent.
Appearance Large reptilian creature with dorsal plates sticking out from back, and sharp teeth protruding from mouth.
Occupation Vengeful Spirit, Menace of Japan.
Affiliations None
Goal Kill the Gaurdian Monsters and Burn down Japan (Partly Succeeded, Mostly Failed)
Home Ocean
Friends None
Enemies Baragon

King Ghidorah Everyone

Likes Destroying Tokyo
Dislikes Baragon

King Ghidorah

Powers and abilities Super Strength, Intelligence, Speed
Weapons Atomic Breath, Physical Strength, Energy Absorbtion and Projection.
Fate Accidentally blasting himself apart with his Atomic Breath

Godzilla appears as the main antagonist of Godzilla, Mothra, and King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack!.

In the film, he is the malevolent amalgamation of other member of namesake kaiju who killed by Oxygen Destroyer in 1954 and souls of those who perished during Pacific War seeking to lay waste across Japan as vengeance for the country's actions during the era.



Ishiyama: Artillery shells can do nothing to stop him. This animal has survived for eons. Atomic weapons and energy have given him extraordinary capacities for survival. But he's still an animal, and he can be defeated. But I repeat, not with any weapons. This animal represents the collective will to survive of many thousands of people.
Yuri: Collective will?
Ishiyama: This animal contains the restless souls of the countless people who perished during the terrible battles that took place during the Pacific conflict.
Yuri: Their souls in Godzilla? The souls of all those people... But tell me... why is Godzilla attacking Japan? Why does he want to destroy us?
Ishiyama: Because the Japanese people want to forget what happened.
Yuri: What?
Ishiyama: They have deemed it preferable to forget the pain and agony they inflicted on all those people!
~ Hirotoshi Isayama revealing the second Godzilla's true nature and origins to Yuri.

This Godzilla's origin is more supernatural compared to other Millenium iterations of the character. While still a prehistoric reptilian kaiju irradiated by nuclear testings just like them and his predecessor who killed by Oxygen Destroyer in 1954, said Godzilla happened to be the host of restless souls of those killed as a result of the Japanese military's actions during World War II and therefore filled with nightmares, anguish, and lust for revenge in their last moments. This necessitated Ishiyama to set out to awaken Guardian Monster to put the kaiju into rest.

Godzilla, Mothra, and King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack![]

In 1954, Japan suffered enormous losses from original Godzilla's attacks and the kaiju proved too much for JSDF to handle. The original Godzilla was eventually killed by Oxygen Destroyer developed by Daisuke Serizawa who then sacrificed himself so the knowledge pertaining the weapon died with him. To avoid ridicule from its inability to defeat the kaiju and ease the public, JSDF took the credit of defeating him.

Over the next several decades, humanity began to forget about Godzilla and many assumed him to be a mere legend. But recent emergences of other kaijus, one of which being a reptilian monster similar to Godzilla at United States in 1998 put that into question. Taizo Tachibana was among few who knew better that Godzilla existed, having lost his parents during his rampage and therefore determined to ensure history won't repeat itself hence urged his peers to deal possible threats of new kaijus more seriously.

In 2002, an American nuclear submarine was reported missing off the coast of Guam. Satsuma, a research submarine belonged to JSDF, was sent to investigate alongside its sister ship. Just as both found the wreckage of said submarine indicating it to be destroyed by something huge, the perpetrator crashed Satsuma's sister ship against a rock before left, but not before pilots of Satsuma witnessed familiar-looking dorsal fins behind several large rocks. This prompted JSDF to scramble to search the waters all around Japan for Godzilla to no avail, even ultimately called off search operations despite news of destruction of several houses at Bonin Islands during a stormy night, JSDF had a tough luck in finding him and eventually called off search operations. Such shortcoming left Taizo uneasy, which didn't help by his daughter Yuri told him about Ishiyama's warning about the new Godzilla being otherworldly one for carrying restless souls of those killed by Japanese during World War II and therefore can only be stopped by Guardian Monsters.

Sure enough, Godzilla came ashore in Japan once again, destroying a small seaside town before moving on to countryside. While taking his time in pulverizing a hill over people nearby, he was intercepted by Baragon, one of three guardian monsters. Godzilla easily overpowered the smaller monster, and after a short fight obliterated Baragon with his atomic breath before moving on toward Tokyo. Not even fighter jets could stop him as their missiles proved ineffective against Godzilla who then retaliated with his atomic breath.

Upon reaching Yokohama, Godzilla faced off against not just JSDF's last line of defense to protect Tokyo, but also Mothra and Ghidorah. He easily dispatched the former with the latter proved to be more formidable obstacles in his path of destruction. Yokohama Landmark Tower was destroyed by a stray blast of Godzilla's atomic breath while fighting Mothra, and the newly arrived Ghidorah didn't make things easier. Still, as Ghidorah at that time still have three heads and developing wings, Godzilla proved to be more than a match for both Guardian Monsters, knocking Mothra aside with his tail and tearing into Ghidorah's necks with his teeth before slamming him onto a building. Godzilla fired his atomic breath at the unconscious Ghidorah only for Mothra intercepted the beam and sent flying in process. Engaging remaining JSDF forces, Godzilla anticipated Mothra's attempt to attack him from his blind spot thus vaporized her with atomic breath originally aimed at them.

The battle was not over however, as both energy and souls of honorable protectors of Japan within Mothra transferred themselves into Ghidorah, causing him to mature into Yamata-no-Orochi despite still having three heads. Yamata-no-Orochi formed an energy shield and took to the air, screeching at Godzilla. Godzilla fired his atomic breath at King Ghidorah, but his shield deflected it. Yamata-no-Orochi dropped his shield onto Godzilla, causing a massive explosion that blasted Godzilla into the sea and left a wound on his neck. Yamata-no-Orochi flew out over the water and attacked Godzilla again, but was pulled underwater. Taizo and Commander Yutaka Hirose joins the fray with Satsuma and another submersible respectively, armed with D-03 Missile to kill the supernatural kaiju. The former managed to injure Godzilla by firing at his wound neck but, the latter had a tough luck as Godzilla responded by using Yamata-no-Orochi as meat shield. Even though Yamata-no-Orochi soon recovered thanks to sacred stone Yuri dropped by mistake when she got caught into the battle while reporting the unfolding events all over the country, he soon perished when Godzilla empowered his atomic breath with his absorbed Gravity Beams against the last Guardian Monster.

As ghosts of Guardian Monsters emerged and dragged Godzilla underwater, Taizo made a risky maneuver by bringing Satsuma into the supernatural kaiju's mouth and then fired its missile from the inside. The tactic worked in his favor as it inflicted a lasting damage that ensured Godzilla's doom; breaking free from ghosts' grip, the defiant Godzilla resurfaced and attempt to vapprize Yuri and her friend nearby with his atomic breath only for the beam shot out of his neck wound instead. The next attempt yielded same result, worsening the injury. Noticing Satsuma emerging from the gaping hole on his body, Godzilla charged his atomic breath again. This time however, the supernatural kaiju self-destructed instead.

All remained of Godzilla was his disembodied heart, which still beating in ocean floor as Japan celebrated.

