Antagonists Wiki

Gluttony is a major antagonist in Hiromu Arakawa's manga series Full Metal Alchemist and its second anime adaptation. He is a homunculus created by Fathers sinful desire of Gluttony.


Gluttony first appears next to Lust when Father Cornello is discovered as a fraud so after Lust kills Father Cornello he then devours him, after the Envy turns into Father Cornello to cause further chaos and destruction the three homunculus appears mocking the human's prestige.

Soon after, Lust sends Gluttony to track down a serial killer known as Scar who has alchemist targets, so it is not revealed that Scar is actually an Ishvalian survivor, an ethnic group that was exterminated by the military for Father purpose. He along with Lust against Scar, he ends up being injured by Lust but with this Scar does not see another exit not to escape that is what he does. 

Soon after to know that the former serial killer, Barry the Chopper is alive, then Lust sends Envy and Gluttony track him. Gluttony then discovers that Barry is being guarded by Coronel Roy Mustang and his Lieutenant Riza Hawkaye, Gluttony then attempts to attack Riza to eat it more is attacked by the Mustang with its flames. After Gluttony joins with Envy to fight Ling Yao and his coast guard Lan Fan, soon after Lust's death, Envy and Gluttony are forced to retreat. 

Some time later, the brothers Elrich along with Ling and Mustang plan, a great plan to capture a homunculus, while the Wrath orders Gluttony to go behind Scar, Ling and Lan Fan fight against Wrath, while Wrath ends up fatally wounding Lan Fan in the process, and traces it, ordering to deal with Scar.

He finds the Elrich brother's hideout, he ends up fighting Ling, he throws grenades at him, which does not help because he soon regenerates himself before he can regenerate, they tie him with a metal cable and capture him. 

When knowing that Mustang is it the Gluttony released alone he then uses his false gate of truth to try for swallow everyone who is there, but when Envy appears and rebukes him saying that he can not devour the Mustang, he then calms down, Gluttony together with Envy fight against the brothers Elrich and Ling, he then accidentally swallows the fake gate of truth, Envy, Edward Elrich and Ling, then without choice Alphonse manages to get Gluttony to take him to the Father in hope to get Ed out of Gluttony. 

When they reach the hideout of Father in the underground, Father then manages to take Envy, Edward Elrich and Ling from inside the Gluttony, then the brothers Elrich and Ling fight against the Father plus they lose when he takes away the ability of the Elrich brothers from to use alchemy. But when Scar and May Chang appear together with Xiao-Mei, Ed tells the truth about what happened to Ishval, the furious Scar he then attacks both Envy and Gluttony, he tries to attack Father more unsuccessfully, making him retreat along him with May Chang and Xiao-Mei, the Father let the brothers Elrich go for being the sacrifice, he puts a new Greed on Ling's body, he also gives another life to Gluttony.

Gluttony reappears again, along with Pride, they try to hunt the chimeras and kill Greed the homunculu traitor, using the smell of Gluttony, first Gluttony finds Alphonse ad Pride uses it as bait to attract Ed and the others, after Edward causes a blackout in the forest thus neutralizing Pride's shadow, Ling assumes the body and attacks Gluttony wounding him, but nevertheless the Pride makes the fire back to the battle, seeing as the battle could become more dangerous it devours the Gluttony without remorse being thus killing him.
