“ | I told you I'd break you. | „ |
~ Loeb tasting Jim Gordon |
Gillian Loeb was the corrupt police Commissioner of the GCPD, and a supporting antagonist in season 1 of the TV show Gotham.
He is portrayed by the late Peter Scolari.
Season 1[]
Following the Electrocutioner's escape from Arkham Asylum, Loeb orders Detective Jim Gordon to find him within 24 hours, threatening to fire him and his partner Harvey Bullock if he fails. He later turns up after Gordon and Bullock capture the Electrocutioner has been caught, to pose for the pictures and steal the credit. Under the pretence of civility, he tells Gordon he will stop him, while Gordon replies he will get Loeb for his corruption.
Later Loeb has the corrupt Narcotics detective Arnold Flass cleared of all charges and reinstated, as well as even supporting him as president of the Policeman's union. Infuriated, Gordon confronts him, its revealed he got Bullock to retract his statement. Meeting with Assistant District Attorney Harvey Dent, Gordon discovers that Loeb is in mob boss Carmine Falcone's pocket, but remains in power because he could take down Gotham's entire government and police force with him if his corruption were ever exposed.
Gordon reluctantly goes to the Penguin for help, and learns that Loeb has a secret property, which is probably where he hides all his information. Likewise it might hold some evidence linking Loeb to the suspicious death of his wife 10 years earlier. However upon arriving there, after a gun battle with two of Loeb's thugs, they find that instead this is were Loeb keeps his mentally ill daughter Miriam (who was the one who really killed her mother), to keep her safe from being admitted to Arkham.
Armed with this information, Gordon confronts Loeb. Not wanting to put his daughter in danger, Loeb agrees to resign. Gordon turns him down, however, as he would just be replaced with someone equally corrupt. Instead he forces Loeb to have Flass arrested for real, and to also to publicly support Gordon for the same position he was supporting Flass for.
However to get revenge, Loeb later forces another officer to trick Gordon into taking a case about The Ogre, a serial killer who promises to murder the family of any police officer who tries to catch him. Realising his trickery, Gordon drops all pretences and outright tells Loeb he will get his revenge after he stops the Ogre.
Following the mob war between Falcone and Salvatore Maroni, when it looks like Maroni will win, Loeb switches teams and withdrawals his support of Falcone. Leading some corrupt officers to kill Falcone (and curry favor with the new head Don) he confronts Gordon again, who refuses to back down, believing Falcone is the only one who can stop the Anarchy (not to mention being a much better candidate than Maroni).
Loeb leaves, his men ordered to kill Gordon, but they fail.
Season 2[]
In Season 2 he demotes Gordon and later fires him from the police force. Gordon again goes to the Penguin for help, and he and hitman Victor Zsasz go to Loeb's home and threaten to kill him. He is then forced to reinstate Gordon and to make sure he doesn't try and fire Jim in the future force him to resign as commissioner.
Much later, Loeb gets revenge on Gordon once Gordon has been imprisoned for a murder he didn't commit. The warden, a good friend of Loeb's, moves Gordon to a prison wing that houses several criminals he arrested. Soon, Gordon is approached by a relative of a member of the Red Hood Gang, his brother shot by Gordon, and together with other criminals beat up Gordon until guards intervene.
Episode Appearances[]
Season 1[]
- "What The Little Bird Told Him"
- "Everyone Has a Cobblepot"
- "Beasts of Prey"
- "All Happy Families Are Alike"
Season 2[]
- "Rise of the Villains: Damned If You Do"