Antagonists Wiki

The Genie is the main antagonist of Where's Waldo? episode "The Meanie Genie of Aladdin's Lamp".


The Genie approaches Waldo, Woof and the Mayor who want his lamp. The mayor blows the trumpet by ordering the people of Lampsmania to give all the lamps for him to look, but the Genie couldn't find the best one. He angrily shoves the lamps and tells the Mayor where is his magic lamp of Aladdin. The Mayor told a Genie that he used to live in Aladdin's lamp until he lost his temper and broke it. He grows bigger and furiously told the Mayor that he wants his lamp. The Genie threats the Mayor to destroy Lampsmania by sundown if he doesn't find Aladdin's lamp. Waldo and Woof decides to travel Tangleland and find Fernwick, the man who created the genie's first lamp.

During the sunset, the Genie grows bigger once again and ready to destroy Lampsmania before he spots the three heroes ride on the helicopter who came back to Lampsmania with the pieces of Aladdin's lamp. The Genie prepares to squish the Mayor and destroy Lampsmania while Fernwick has to finish fixing the lamp before sundown. Waldo tells the Genie that everyone's working to get you a lamp (just like Aladdin's), which the Genie feels grateful and gets shrinked by Waldo pleasing him. The Genie redeemed himself that Fernwick fix his magic lamp and the he goes back into Aladdin's lamp. The Genie tells Fernwick that the time he need him, just rub the lamp.


           Where's Waldo? logo Villains

1987 series
Captain Pegbeard | Sidney | Pirate Captain | Donkey | Trench Coat Lady

Red Dragon | Long-Tongued Dragon | Brown Dragon

Odlaw | Vampire King | Evil Grey Knights (Fred) | Blech | Gundra | Tabby | Hedge Monster | Porcina | Boomer | Yellow Underground Snakes | Guanomuck | Guanomuck's Henchmen | Master Trasher | Giants (J. Archibald Barrington III) | Ali Blobi | Six-Armed Cyclops | Carn | Vikings (Head Viking) | Norwood Oou | Gladiators | Genie | Snoozy and Woozy | Darrell Dinwiddie | Porcupines

2019 series
Main Villains
Odlulu | Fritz

Chinese Statues
Guardian Lions | Stone Dragon

Amazon Plants
Pitcher Plants | Vines | Banana Trees

Shadow Odlulu | Shadow People | Shadow Animals | Shadow Waldo | Shadow Wenda | Shadow Darma

Knights of England
Knight Captain | Knights of the Round Table

Halloween Decorations
Dracula | Frankie | Mums | Finny | Skeletons | Pumpkins | Bats | Ghosts | Purple Octopus | Witches | Scarecrows | Big Turnip

Fritzes | Mr. Grouchy | Cyclops | Mega Noodle Monster | Leopard Seals | Tarbosaurus | Snow Queen | Helka and Oliver | Octopuses
