Antagonists Wiki
Stone Warrior General Kozu

General Kozu is a supporting antagonist in LEGO Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu. He served as the Overlord's servant as well as the leader and high ranking officer of his Stone Army.


While General Kozu and the other Stone Warriors were asleep, the Great Devourer's venom entered their tomb and awakened them, after which he and the other Stone Warriors began to carry out the orders of the Overlord and Lord Garmadon. On the Island of Darkness, he was put in charge of mining the Dark Matter for the ultimate weapon Garmadon was building, and he reported to Garmadon on the progress of the Stone Warriors, as he was the only Stone Warrior who spoke both the ancient Stone Warrior language and the modern language. After Garmadon's ultimate weapon was completed, he and the other Stone Warriors began to conquer Ninjago as the Overlord consumed Garmadon's body and began launching dark matter into all corners of Ninjago. In Ninjago, when the Overlord's Helmet of Shadows was off the Overlord's head, he and the other Stone Warriors obeyed the Overlord even without the Helmet of Shadows. But when Dareth put on the Helmet of Shadows, he and the other Stone Warriors then began to serve Dareth, and began to work against the Overlord. And during the battle he was killed and he ended up in the Departed Realm.

Later in "Day of the Departed", Ninjago Special Kozu returned from the Departed Realm with the help of Master Yang's magic along with Samukai, General Cryptor, Master Chen, and Morro, and Yang would let him and the other villains returned from the Departed Realm return to the world of the living if he and the other villains would destroy the Ninja who defeated and destroyed him and the other villains. When he saw Dareth, he wanted to destroy him so badly that he enlisted the resurrected Stone Warriors to help him. And when Dareth saw him and the Stone Warriors, and realized they didn't have any costumes, he ran off to find the Helmet of Shadows to use to control his warriors. And when Dareth took control of his warriors with the Helmet of Shadows, he used it and his warriors to defeat him, and so Dareth defeated him and he ended up back in the Departed Realm.



  • The Overlord - Creator/Formerly
  • Stone Army
    • Lord Garmadon - Former Master/Formerly
    • Giant Stone Warrior
    • Stone Warriors
    • Stone Swordsmen
    • Stone Scouts


  • First Spinjitzu Master
  • Ninja
    • Lloyd
    • Kai
    • Jay
    • Cole
    • Zane
    • Nya - Former Prisoner
  • Dareth


External Links[]

           Ninjago logo Villains

Leaders: Lord Garmadon | Samukai
Generals: Kruncha | Nuckal | Wyplash
Members: Frakjaw | Chopov | Krazi | Bonezai

Goddess: The Great Devourer
Anacondrai Tribe: Pythor P. Chumsworth | Arcturus | Anacondrai Generals
Hypnobrai Tribe: Skales | Slithraa | Mezmo | Rattla
Fangpyre Tribe: Fangtom | Fangdam | Fang-Suei | Snappa
Constrictai Tribe: Skalidor | Bytar | Chokun | Snike
Venomari Tribe: Acidicus | Lizaru | Spitta | Lasha | Zoltar
Vermillion Warriors: Supreme Commander Machia | Commander Raggmunk | Commander Blunck | Slackjaw | Rivett | Tannin | Vermin | Buffmillion
Pyro Vipers: Aspheera | Char | Pyro Destroyers | Pyro Slayers | Pyro Whippers | Fire Fang | Elemental Cobras
Mini-Snakes: Golden Vipers | Hypno Vipers | Red Vipers | Sly Vipers | Toxic Vipers | Translucent Blue Vipers | Translucent Orange Vipers | Translucent Purple Vipers | Electrocobrai

Destiny's Bounty Pirates
Leader: Captain Soto
Members: First Mate | No-Eyed Pete | Guide Parrot

The Overlord's Forces
Leader: The Overlord
Stone Army: Lord Garmadon | General Kozu | Giant Stone Warrior | Stone Warriors | Stone Swordsmen | Stone Scouts
Nindroid Army: Pythor P. Chumsworth | General Cryptor | Nindroid Warriors | Nindroid Drones | Min-Droid | Nindroid MechDragon

Anacondrai Cultists
Leader: Master Chen
Members: Clouse | Zugu | Eyezor | Kapau | Chope | Sleven | Krait | Anacondrai Serpent | The Mechanic

Ghost Warriors
Leaders: The Preeminent | Morro
Weapon Masters: Soul Archer | Bansha | Ghoultar | Wrayth
Ghost Ninja: Attila | Hackler | Ming | Spyder | Howla | Yokai | Wooo
Ghost Warriors: Cowler | Cyrus | Ghurka | Pitch | Pyrrhus | Wail
Other: Skreemers | Morro Dragon | Ghost Dragons

Sky Pirates
Leader: Nadakhan
Members: Flintlocke | Delara | Dogshank | Doubloon | Monkey Wretch | Clancee | Sqiffy | Bucko | Cyren

Shadow Army
Leader: Clouse
Members: Shadow Minions

Yang's Students
Leader: Sensei Yang
Members: Chris | Martin | Chuck

Time Twins
Acronix | Krux

Sons of Garmadon
Leaders: Emperor Garmadon | Harumi
Generals: Killow | Mr. E | Ultra Violet
Members: Luke Cunningham | Chopper Maroon | Mohawk | Skip Vicious | Nails | Sawyer | Scooter | Buffer | The Colossus

Dragon Hunters
Leader: Iron Baron
Members: Heavy Metal | Jet Jack | Daddy No Legs | Muzzle | Chew Toy | Arkade | Scar the Skullbreaker | Stalwart Dangerbuff | Otto Pilot | Talon | Nitro

The Oni
Leader: The Omega
Members: Oni Warriors | Oni Soldiers | Oni Scouts

Red Crows
Leader: Mogra
Members: Killow | Ultra Violet | Francis

Blizzard Samurai
Leader: The Ice Emperor
Members: General Vex | Grimfax | Blizzard Warriors | Blizzard Sword Masters | Blizzard Archers | Boreal | Ice Behemoth

Unagami's Army
Leader: Unagami
Red Visors: Red 27 | Red 29 | Aerial Drones
Members: Avatar Harumi | Sushimi | Sushi Hostess | Sushi Chefs | Monster Sushi
Whack Rats: Atta the Ratta | Richie | Ritchie

Leader: The Skull Sorcerer
Members: The Skull Of Hazza D'ur | Grief-Bringer | Undead Mino

Keepers of the Storm Amulet of Wojira
Leader: Chief Mammatus
Members: PoulErik | Rumble Keepers | Thunder Keepers | Elemental Golems

Kalmaar's Army
Leader: King Kalmaar
Members: Gripe | Glutinous | Maaray Guards | Wojira

Vengestone Army
Leader: The Crystal King
Council of the Crystal King: Harumi | Mister F | Aspheera | Vangelis | Pythor P. Chumsworth | The Mechanic
Crystal Warriors: Vengestone Warriors | Vengestone Brutes | Vengestone Guards
Other: Crystal Spiders | Crystal Beasts

Shark Army
Leader: Lord Garmadon
Generals: General Olivia | General Omar
Soldiers: Angler | Angler Goon | Four Eyes | Octopus | Private Puffer | Puffer | Crusty | Jelly | Great White | Hammer Head | Shark Army Gunner | Charlie | Shark Army Thug
GPL Tech: Terri | Asimov | Steve | IT Bat Nerd

Lost Generals
Leader: General Olivia
Members: General Omar

Snake Army
Leader: General Shen
Members: Captain Oraku | Snake Brutes | Snake Goons

Spykors | Fangpyre Robot | Treehorns | Treehorn Queen | Mud Monsters | Craglings | Bizarro Ninja | Brad Tudabone | Gene | Grundle | Starteeth | The Leviathan | Stone Hawk | Quartet of Villains | Cardinsto | Mask of Malice | Insect Master | Time Ninja | Diaman | Kirchonn the Invincible | Six-Armed Warriors | Gahrann the Dreamer | Barracudox | Astro Parasites | Kryptarium Inmates | Ronin | Dark Samurai | Ice Serpent | Fangfish | Strangle Weed | Fenwick | Nimbus | Tiger Widow | Sand Eels | Geotomic Rock Monsters | Meowthra | Mystery Dust | Crabby | Beohernie | Vastodectrus Venemous | Venomasicus Tigrus | Frost Wolves | Ice Bird | Thugs | Red Dragon | Dire Bats | Moe | Giant Spiders | Lava Monster | Cece | Reflectra | Miss Demeanor | Tanabrax | Moody | Bunch | Nineko | Warriors of Felis | Original Master of Amber

See Also
Lego Villains

           Lego Logo Villains

Amset-Ra | Crazy Scientist | Dr. Inferno | Drillex | Frenzy | Lord Vampyre | The Swamp Creature

Video Games
LEGO Batman: Joker (LEGO Batman) | Lex Luthor | The Rookie
LEGO Dimensions: Lord Vortech
LEGO City Undercover: Forrest Blackwell | Rex Fury | Vinnie Pappalardo | Moe De Luca | Chan Chuang | Blue Whittaker | Bucky Butler | Warden Stonewall | Carlo Jerome | Paulie Blindfolds | Mikey Spoilers | Burt "Birdman" Wellington | Booster Strange | Salvatore Calzone | Grubby Grubster | James Curry | Jimmy the Snitch | Smokey Fuentes | Tony One-Time | Tony "Knuckles" McGee | Von Kruchman

TV Series
Legends of Chima: Crocodile Tribe | Cragger | Crooler | Wolf Tribe | Worriz | Raven Tribe | Razar | Scorm | Crawlers | Scorpion Tribe | Scorm | Spider Tribe | Spinlyn | Bat Tribe | Braptor | Ice Hunters | Saber-Tooth Tiger Tribe | Sir Fangar | Mammoth Tribe | Maula | Mottrot | Mungus | Vulture Tribe | Vardy | Ice Bear Tribe | Icebite
Nexo Knights: Jestro | Monstrox | Roberto Arnoldi | Lava Monsters | Stone Monsters | Jorah Tightwad

Other Brands
LEGO Star Wars: Graballa the Hutt | Jek-14 | M-OC
Other: Comic Book Guy | Syndrome

See also
BIONICLE Villains | LEGO DC Villains | LEGO Dimensions Villains | LEGO Marvel Villains | Ninjago Villains | The LEGO Movie Villains
