Antagonists Wiki

James Venamun also known as The Gemini Killer is the main antagonist of The Exorcist III and the secondary antagonist of all the other films in the franchise.

He is portrayed by Brad Dourif, who also portrayed Chucky in the original Child's Play series and Gríma Wormtongue in the Lord of the Rings film trilogy.



The story is identical to that of the film, but with minor changes and an alternative nickname such as Patient X, Tommy Sunlight. And also the other difference is that he loved but not mentioned in the film. It is also shown that he and his brother were abused as children by their alcoholic father who was a religious preacher. Which later resulted in its blasphemous nature.


Then when Father Karras killed himself during the first novel/film. And the assassin named James Venamun was executed at the same time. Pazuzu then transfered Venamun's soul to Karras dead body, as the rest of Karras's body had been destroyed, making him unable to be controlled, after which Karras was found and locked in a psychiatric hospital for 15 years under the name of Patient X. After that, Patient X became hostile towards other people claiming to be Gemini Killer. And after several very strange occurrences of patients murdering people. After that, Detective Kinderman interrogates Patient X, and he realizes that Patient X looks similar to his close friend Karras. Then the next day Venamun tries to kill Kinderman's daughter, using one of the patients as a vessel. After failing, he attacks Kinderman, but Pazuzu intervenes to bring him down. Paul then motivates Karras to fight the demons that work, Karras asks Kinderman to shoot him, which he does by expelling Kinderman and Pazuzu from inside him. After Karras's soul still inside, Kinderman ends his pain with the injection.



  • Gemini Killer is based on the real life serial killer, The Zodiac Killer.
  • Gemini Killer for some unknown reason has an obsession with the letter L.
  • Real-life serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer identified with the Gemini Killer and often played The Exorcist III on his VCR while committing his murders.