Antagonists Wiki
Riders On The Storm 6x10 Garrett Douglas

Garrett Douglas is the main antagonist of the first half of season 6 of the horror series Teen Wolf. Before the events of the series, Douglas was a German military man who was called Der Soldat. He was also a hybrid half-wolf werewolf. He was someday captured by Dream Doctors and imprisoned for years.



Douglas was one of Himmler's people who was working on the design and use of the occult, he somehow found out about the Ghost Riders and soon became obsessed with it. In Germany, Douglas summoned the Ghost Riders, and they killed everyone in the place except Douglas who survived. After some time, Douglas was captured by Dream Doctors and kept for up to 70 years.

Season 5[]

Douglas was mentioned once by Theo Raeken during his conversation with Scott and Liam before the fight.

Season 6[]

After escaping the Dream Doctors lab. He soon enters the same school where Scott and the others are and poses as a teacher. Then during the Ghost Riders attack, Garrett kills a person and devours him. He also infiltrates the McCall Pack. However, he soon shows his true colors when he kills a Ghost Riders and takes his powers in front of Theo Raeken. He tries to kill Theo once, but without success. Then when all people including even werewolves and supernatural creatures are sent to another world by Ghost Riders. However, they manage to escape. And when Douglas orders the Ghost Riders to attack the McCalls, the Ghost Riders themselves erase Douglas memory and turn him into a Ghost Riders.

