Antagonists Wiki
Galactus, devouring a world

Galactus (real name: Galan) is one of the overarching antagonists of the Marvel Universe, serving as the main antagonist of the Silver Surfer franchise, the overarching antagonist of the Fantastic Four franchise and one of the overarching antagonists of the Avengers franchise.

He is a godlike supervillain from the Marvel universe, who, although not exactly malevolent, is nevertheless a dangerous individual who requires nothing short of entire worlds to hold off his eternal hunger and is also linked in such a way to the Marvel universe, that if he dies, the entire Marvel universe will end. This makes Galactus somewhat unique in the fact he is both an immensely destructive force yet also necessary for the existence of the universe. He is the arch-enemy (and occasional ally) of the Silver Surfer.

He appears in the Fantastic Four comics, the Ultimates crossover Cataclysm: The Ultimates' Last Stand and the coming of Galactus trilogy, and Ulitmate Alliance 2.
