The Galactic Empire, also shortly known as the Empire, was a cruel and powerful monarchy that ruled the galaxy with an iron fist for many years. Its presence is felt throughout the Star Wars franchise.
Originally the Galactic Republic, it was turned into the Empire by the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Sidious, who was masquerading as Supreme Chancellor Palpatine assisted by his new apprentice Darth Vader. They ruled the galaxy for many years until they were defeated and overthrown by the Rebel Alliance in the Battle of Endor, causing the Empire to collapse.
Early Foundations[]
Following the Sith being defeated and seemingly wiped out at the end of the Jedi-Sith war by the Jedi, the galaxy was reorganised into the Galactic Republic and led by an elected figure, the Supreme Chancellor. In 32 ABY, Senator Palpatine, who was secretly the Dark Sith Lord Darth Sidious, orchestrated a plan into action by having Nute Gunray and the Trade Federation invade and conquer Naboo. Sidious then manipulated it's queen, Padme Amidala, into appealing the Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum and the Republic for help. Realising how ignorant they were due to Sidious' further manipulations, Padme and her Jedi aides instead liberated Naboo, but since Sidious showed great concern for Naboo, he was elected the new Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. In the next decade, with the help of his apprentice Count Dooku and the Separatist Alliance, Sidious caused events that would cause the Republic to plunge into chaos and bring a devastating war. After using his manipulation skills to cause a disturbance in the force to lure Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas into starting the clone army project, Sidious' men finished him and Sidious then instructed the head of the clone facility, Lama Su, and his aide Nala Se to place an inhibitor chip in the clones to follow whatever orders they are given as part of his master plan. Once these were done, political tensions grew in the Republic and the clone army began construction. With the seeds of destruction planted, Sidious watched as the Jedi, the Republic and the clone army fought Dooku and the Separatists on Geonosis, beginning the Clone Wars while Sidious was granted emergency powers and a prolonged term as Supreme Chancellor. The galaxy was divided by the destructive war and politics were corrupt and tense. The war neared it's end after three years, and following a scheme by Sidious, he feigned to be kidnapped by Dooku and General Grievous. Anakin killed Dooku, and Grievous was temporarily made the new head of the Separatists. Sidious began luring Anakin Skywalker to the dark side, and the Clone Wars ended when Obi-Wan destroyed Grievous. Once Anakin became Darth Vader, Sidious publicly revealed his identity and ordered Order 66. As a result, all the clones turned and executed their Jedi Masters, and only a couple of survivors.
The Galactic Empire[]
After destroying the Republic, Sidious reorganizes the galaxy into the Galactic Empire and later defeats Yoda in a duel, while Vader massacres the Separatists, although his injuries from a duel with Obi-Wan cause him to be replaced with mechanical parts. The construction of the Death Star, a superweapon plotted by the Separatists, begins construction. Moff Tarkin, who served as a high-ranking figure in both the Republic and the Empire, was dispatched to Kamino to oversee the clones and how their inhibitor chips changed their loyalty to the Empire. As Sidious planned, all the clones were just as loyal to the Empire as they were to the Republic. However, it came to Tarkin's attention that the genetically enhanced and most powerful squad of the clone army, Clone Force 99(also known as the Bad Batch) had a certain disregard to orders and more unruly tendencies, yet they would get the job done. To test them, he sends them to eliminate dangerous rebels on Onderon led by Saw Gerrera, sending a probe droid to see. Naturally, the team refuse to finish the job and spare Gerrera's rebels, so they are brought back and imprisoned with another genetically enhanced clone(yet young and not a soldier) Omega, who aided them. The only one who showed slight loyalty to the Empire during the mission(although not as much as the average clone), CT-9904, also known as Crosshair, had his inhibitor chip enhanced to be even more loyal than the regular clones. The Bad Batch and Omega escape. Tarkin, Vice Admiral Rampart and Prime Minister Lama Su make Crosshair in charge of an elite squad as part of Project War-Mantle and they go on missions to serve the place the Bad Batch did in the Republic days, including wiping out Gerrera's rebels. The celebration of the eradication of the Jedi spreads across the galaxy, while Sidious diverges deeper into learning the "unnatural" ways of the dark side of the Force that Darth Plagueis mastered. With Vader as his enforce, Sidious expanded the Empire's cruel reign, and many workers from various planets were forced to help in the Death Star's construction. However, numerous assassination attempts on Vader's life took place by some Imperial soldiers, so he killed a few to demonstrate his powers. Meanwhile, the Inquisitors were dispatched to hunt down any remaining Jedi and kill them, assisted by the Purge Troopers. Vader leads an occupation of Mon Cala, and the Empire celebrate the first Empire Day, one year since the rise of the Empire. Meanwhile, Bail Organa and Ahsoka Tano begin the early foundations of a Rebel Alliance. As orchestrated by Sidious, Gallius Rax joins the Empire. Seeing that the Rebel Alliance has spread to Ryloth, Sidious and Vader lead a squadron and mostly eliminate them. A major shift takes place in the rankings of the Empire, Moff Tarkin is promoted to Grand Moff Tarkin(and therefore equal to Vader himself in ranking) and Yularen was promoted to Colonel Yularen. The Inquisitors sense Cal Kestis, a Jedi apprentice who survived Order 66, in a mission to restore the Jedi Order, so the Second Sister and the Ninth Sister seeked to hunt him and his allies down. The latter went into self-exile, and when the Second Sister was defeated by Kestis, Vader arrived and executed her for her failure, while Kestis narrowly escaped. A fortress is built on Mustafar for Vader: Fortress Vader. When Ahsoka Tano meets Jedi Kanan Jarrus and his apprentice, Ezra Bridger, they face the Fifth Brother and the Seventh Sister, the Inquisitors sent by Vader to destroy them. After the two Inquisitors are killed in their hunt for the group, Sidious dispatches Grand Admiral Thrawn to finish him. Ezra escapes from Sidious and sacrifices himself by sending himself and Thrawn into the Unknown Regions. 19 years since the Empire's rise, Jyn Erso leads a brave team of Rebels to steal the plans to the finished Death Star and save her father Galen Erso, one of the most critical scientists to the Death Star, from the clutches of Director Orson Krennic, one of Tarkin's men and the true genius behind the Death Star. In the ensuing battle, Jyn, her team Rogue One, Galen and Krennic are killed but the Rebels take the Death Star plans, furiously pursued by Vader. Princess Leia Organa, Vader's unknowing secret daughter, sends the plans to safety before Vader and his forces capture her, bringing her to Grand Moff Tarkin and imprisoning her on the Death Star. Later, Vader's unknown son Luke Skywalker, alongside an elderly Obi-Wan Kenobi, Han Solo, Chewbacca, R2-D2 and C-3PO infiltrate the superweapon after Tarkin has the Death Star destroy Leia's home planet Alderaan and free her, although Vader kills Kenobi. After finding the flaw in the Death Star(which Galen purposely put) through the plans, the Rebels attack and Luke destroys the Death Star, killing Grand Moff Tarkin, Colonel Yularen, Chief Admiral Motti and everyone else aboard. Over the course of the next three years, Sidious continued to test Vader as the latter led the Empire had minor skirmishes with Luke, Han, Leia and the Rebels. Hunting them to the icy planet of Hoth in 3ABY, the Rebels suffered a humiliating defeat, with many different Rebels going in different ways. Evading the Empire, Han, Leia, Chewbacca and the droids arrived at Cloud City, but Vader and his fleet arrived alongside Boba Fett and captured them. Luke arrived and duelled his father while Han is frozen in carbonite and taken away by Boba Fett. The rest of the rebels escape with Lando Calrissian, and rescue a wounded Luke, who now knows Vader is his father. A second Death Star began construction, and was mostly finished several months later when Darth Vader arrived on it while his hunt for Luke prolonged, and met the second-in-command of the battle station Moff Jerjerrod. Sidious himself then arrived on the Death Star, and lured the Rebels into his trap with the help of Vader. Soon, the final battle occurred on the moon of Endor under the Death Star. Luke was imprisoned and brought to Sidious' throne room, where he fought Vader. Eventually, Sidious prepared to kill Luke, but Vader made the ultimaye sacrifice and sent Sidious flying down the reactor of the Death Star, destroying the emperor. As the mournful Luke escaped, Lando Calrissian shot the perfect shot into the Death Star, destroying it and killing Jerjerrod and everyone else aboard. The remnants of the Empire escaped to Jakku, where they were defeated, ending the Empire.
- Darth Sidious-Founder/Galactic Emperor/Commander-in-Chief/Dark Lord of the Sith (deceased)
- Darth Vader-Chief Enforcer/Death Squadron Commander/ Commander of of Imperial Military/Sith Apprentice (deceased)
- Mas Amedda-Grand Vizier (unknown)
- Wilhuff Tarkin-Grand Moff/Imperial Governor of Outer Rim Territories/Death Star Commander (deceased)
- Tiaan Jerjerrod-Moff/Commander of Death Star II (deceased)
- Thrawn-Grand Admiral/Commander of Seventh Fleet (unknown)
- Firmus Piett-Admiral/Second-in-command of Death Squadron (deceased)
- Gideon-Moff(deceased)
- Conan Antonio Motti-Admiral/Chief of Imperial Navy (deceased)
- Kendal Ozzel-Admiral/Former Second-in-Command of Death Squadron (deceased)
- Rae Sloane-Grand Admiral (deceased)
- Garrick Versio-Admiral of Imperial Security Bureau (deceased)
- Gallius Rax-Counsellor (deceased)
- Cassio Tagge-Grand General/Chief of Imperial Army (deceased)
- Kassius Konstantine-Admiral (deceased)
- Orson Krennic-Director of Advanced Weapons Research (deceased)
- Cumberlayne Aresko-Commandant/Headmaster of Imperial Academy (deceased)
- Myles Grint-Taskmaster/Deputy Headmaster of Imperial Academy (deceased)
- Alexsandr Kallus-Agent of Imperial Security Bereau/Commander (deceased)
- CC-1010/Fox-Commander of Coruscant Guard (deceased)
- CC-2224/Cody-Commander of 212th Attack Batallion (unknown)
- Iden Versio-First Commander of Inferno Squad (deceased)
- Gideon Hask-Second Commander of Inferno Squad (deceased)
- Gar Saxon-Imperial Governor/First Viceroy of Mandalore (deceased)
- Tiber Saxon-Imperial Governor/Second Viceroy of Mandalore (deceased)
- The Grand Inquisitor-Leader of Inquisitors (deceased)
- Second Sister (deceased)
- Fifth Brother (deceased)
- Sixth Brother (deceased)
- Seventh Sister (deceased)
- Eighth Brother (deceased)
- Ninth Sister (unknown)
- Tenth Brother (deceased)
- The Empire is primarily based on America during the Vietnam War, with Sidious specifically being based on leaders like Richard Nixon, Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Napoleon Bonaparte, Julius Caesar and Alberto Fujimori.