“ | HEY, BON-BON! GO G-GET 'EM! | „ |
~ Funtime Freddy's most famous quote. |
~ Molten Freddy after killing Michael Afton in Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator. |
“ | Thanks for letting me join the pa-a-arty. I-I'll try no-o-ot to disappoint... | „ |
~ Molten Freddy after being salvaged by Michael Afton |
Funtime Freddy, later known as Molten Freddy, is a murderous animatronic created by Afton Robotics who debuted in Sister Location. After becoming the main intelligence of Ennard, as Molten Freddy, he featured in Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator, attempting to infiltrate Freddy Fazbear's Pizza Place to kill any children inside of it
He is one of the antagonists of Sister Location, and the tertiary antagonist of Pizza Simulator.
Funtime Freddy is a sadistic and bloodthirsty beast he was in the past, intent on continuing his programming of killing children. He has proven he's nothing more than a sadistic monster. He enjoys manipulating people for his own amusement and even enslaving them for his own gain and for fun. He normally oppresses others simply because he can and he's so deranged that Funtime Freddy even kills kids after he broke his original programming which forced him to do so. Funtime Freddy shows no guilt for his actions and often tortures and taunts people all for his own amusement and has shown little to no concern for Bon-Bon by abusing him by doing things like throwing full force at metal doors, along with manipulating him and the others into getting rid of Baby and then the moment he did it's heavily implied that he enslaved them and if this is true that means that when he became the Blob he also enslaved the already tortured victims of William's. This proves that he has no remorse and the only time when he's shown remorse it was rather fake and he didn't mean it and was simply being condescending. All in All Freddy is a complete monster who only cares about themselves.
In the lore[]
Sometime after the closure of the 1988-1993 Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria, William Afton created a pizzeria titled Circus Baby's Pizza World. One of the animatronics there was Funtime Freddy and Bon-Bon. However, the duo, like every other animatronic in the location, were made to kill children, so William Afton could test and study their remnant. Before opening day, Elizabeth Afton, William's daughter, was killed by Circus Baby, resulting in the restaurant closing with the "excuse" of gas leaks. William then put the animatronics in an underground banker under his house. The animatronics, presumambly having MCI's Remnant after Follow Me minigame (FNaF 3), that is Implied by Henry in Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator (Insanity Ending), making them developed consciousness and tried to escape the underground bunker many times, but failed.
Years later, William's son, Michael Afton, is sent by William to the location. On his second night, he encounters Funtime Freddy and Bon-Bon. Michael uses Bon-Bon to lure Funtime Freddy onto his stage. Ultimately, Michael survives, and returns home. On Night 3, Michael has to repair Funtime Freddy. After opening the faceplates and the chestplates, Bon-Bon starts moving and wants to kill Michael, only to be deactivated.
Eventually, the duo is scooped in the Scooping Room, and fuses with the other Funtimes to create Ennard. Michael sees their remains in the Scooping Room. Ennard, with Baby in control, scoops Michael, and replaces his organs, finally escaping the underground location. Although the disguise was working at first, the corpse started to rot. After a week, Ennard escaped Michael's body. However, Michael was injected with Remnant, allowing him to survive.
At an unknown point of time, Funtime Freddy, Bon-Bon, Funtime Foxy, and Ballora got into an argument with Baby, due to the fact that she was bossing everyone around. Ultimately, it ends with the Funtimes throwing Baby out of Ennard. Funtime Freddy takes control of the body, gets the body a Freddy mask made of molten metal, and becomes Molten Freddy. Ballora, Bon-Bon, and Funtime Foxy are all still active inside Molten Freddy, but are overshadowed by Funtime Freddy at all times. At an unknown point of time, Molten Freddy is called into Freddy Fazbear's Pizza Place. There, he is salvaged by Michael, who is now a rotten undead corpse. Every day, he meets new animatronics - at first it was Scraptrap, who was William Afton after the fire in Fazbear's Fright, then Scrap Baby, who was Baby that repaired herself after being kicked out of Ennard's body. Finally, there was Lefty, a mysterious black bear. On Saturday, Scrap Baby is about to kill Michael, but is stopped by Henry Emily, William's old business partner.
Henry reveals that it was all a trap made to lure every single animatronic that is still alive. With this, he sets the location on fire. He reveals that Lefty captured the Puppet, who is possessed by Henry's daughter. Henry deems William to Hell, and says his last goodbye to his daughter, as the pizzeria is slowly burning down. Molten Freddy is presumably killed once and for all, ending the homicidal animatronic, and freeing the many souls he had contained within his body.
Several years later, Fazbear Entertainment, the company behind Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, made a VR game based on the rumors about the locations from decades ago. In one of the levels, there are versions of Funtime Freddy and Bon-Bon. Due to the fact that they are literally video-game characters, they aren't the real robots, and aren't in any way possessed.
In the mainline games[]
Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location[]
Funtime Freddy is active only during Night 2 at the Breaker Room. The main objective of this night is to turn on the power in the breaker room, where Freddy is being kept. If the player does not periodically close the screen to check on Funtime Freddy, he will jumpscare them, resulting in a game over.
On Night 3, in Parts/Service, the player is sent to repair Funtime Freddy. They first open the faceplates, then the chestplates. Then, finally, the player must click Bon-Bon's button to reboot it as well, but Bon-Bon will make an attempt to hide from the player. If the player fails to find Bon-Bon, then he will jumpscare them, ending the game.
On Night 5, the "corpses" of the duo are seen in the Scooping Room, as they became a part of Ennard.
Custom Night[]
Funtime Freddy and Bon-Bon return as a singular character in the non-canon Custom Night DLC for Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location. If one plays a preset where Freddy is active, he will attempt to kill the player resulting in a game over. To prevent said game over, the player must watch the camera to observe Funtime Freddy. Freddy will approach from either the right or left side. If Funtime Freddy commands Bon-Bon to attack, the player must close the door correlating with Freddy's location. However, if he announces a surprise, the player must close the door opposite of the side he is positioned. Regardless of his proclamation, failure to defend accordingly will result in Bon-Bon jumpscaring and killing the player. Bon-Bon has a female counterpart introduced in the custom night named Bonnet.
Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator[]
After Circus Baby's parts were removed from Ennard's remains, the remains formed together and became Molten Freddy; a moving mass of robotic parts and wires with Funtime Freddy's personality having taken over as leader. Molten Freddy ended up in the back alley of the newly opened Freddy Fazbear's Pizza Place, trying to get inside and fulfill its intended purpose. The protagonist, Michael Afton, salvages it on Monday, making it the first animatronic the player has to deal with unless they let someone else inside by having a high risk rating on their first day. From Tuesday onwards, Molten Freddy hunts Michael in the vents, trying to kill him to get to the children in the pizzeria. Mike lures it and the others with sounds of children while ordering supplies, cleaning the restaurant, etc. On Saturday, Henry Emily reveals his plan to kill everyone present as he sets the entire pizzeria on fire. Molten Freddy, like everyone else in the building, is burned alive, and the souls inhabiting it were set free with its destruction.
From Tuesday onwards, Molten Freddy hunted Michael in the vents, trying to kill him to get to the children in the pizzeria. Mike lured him and the others with sounds of children from the RASC. On Saturday, Molten Freddy is burned with the others, with Henry assuring the spirits inside of him would receive peace.
Ultimate Custom Night[]
Molten Freddy appears as one of the customisable antagonists of Ultimate Custom Night. He climbs through the vents making his way towards the protagonist's office. He can be tracked on the vent monitor along with the other vent animatronics. The protagonist can't use the vent snare to stop him from reaching the vent opening, but instead, closing the vent door when Molten Freddy laughs crazily. However, if the protagonist does not close the vent door in time, they will be jumpscared by him.
Five Night's at Freddy's Security Breach[]
Funtime Freddy/Ennard is only in the non-cannon ending in SB. We see them snoring upon entering (possibly meaning that they are asleep) once the Afton boss fight is finished a cutscene plays. Which shows Burntrap being grabbed by the blob. While it's not known what it is a popular theory is that the blob is simply what happened to the agony of all the souls. They are still ennard most likely just made with spare parts from the scrap in the area since it takes place after FFBPS.
Five Nights at Freddy's VR: Help Wanted[]
Funtime Freddy and Bon-Bon reappear in their own level based on FNaF 4. The player must prevent both animatronics from entering the bedroom while also watching out for Bonnet. The animatronics outside the bedroom can be repelled by flashing a light on them down the hallways or listening if they are at the door. While Bon-Bon and Bonnet's jumpscares are only distractions, getting one from Funtime Freddy results in a game over.
Funtime Freddy is also a threat during Funtime Foxy's level in Nightmare Mode. He is one of a few animatronics wandering in the darkness and will jumpscare the player if he gets too close to them.
Five Nights at Freddy's AR: Special Delivery[]
Funtime Freddy phase[]
When Funtime Freddy enters your house, he will act like Freddy Fazbear. However with a faster charge, and bigger shock opening. Look AWAY when he haywires, and shock him when he decloaks to stun him.
Bon Bon phase[]
After hitting Freddy, the fight isn't done, as now you have to go through Bon-Bon. Bon-Bon is extremely fast and will only move or charge. If Bon Bon hits you and Freddy ISN'T dead, Freddy will come back.
Bon Bon will kill you if Freddy IS dead, be careful about that.
“ | Unknown Funtime animatronic: You are crowding us. Baby: Be quiet. Unknown Funtime: You can’t tell us what to do anymore. Baby: Yes, I can. You will do everything that I tell you to do. Unknown Funtime: We outnumber you. Baby: That doesn't matter, dummy. Unknown Funtime: We found a way to eject you. Baby: You would be lost without me. Funtime Freddy: Ha, ha! Say goodbye to our friend! Baby: I can put myself back together. |
„ |
~ The source code of ScottGames.com and FNAFWorld.com between March 31 and June 21 of 2017, depicting Circus Babys removal from Ennard and, therefore, the birth of Molten Freddy. |
“ | Knock kno-o-ock, I'm heeere! | „ |
~ Molten Freddy in Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator. |
“ | Together aga-ain! | „ |
~ Molten Freddy after killing Michael Afton. |
“ | Oh, what a pleasant surprise! | „ |
~ Molten Freddy in Freddy Fazbear's Pizza Place. |
“ | With the most amount of remnant collectively in its structure, this amalgamation of Afton's constructs is a necessary element of Paragraph 4. | „ |
~ Henry Emily's note on Molten Freddy's blueprints. |
Funtime Freddy[]
Molten Freddy[]
What Makes him a Complete Monster?[]
- While it's possible that he experienced the same torture via Controlled Shocks alongside the other Funtime Animatronics, this is speculation at best, as not only is he never shown to have to experience the same shocks in the game itself, but he's also located in the Breaker Room when the game starts, an area which notably doesn't have a built in Controlled Shock system. He's also never implied to be motivated by his tragedy, his characterization and actions making it more likely that he is motivated purely by sadistic bloodlust, invalidating any possible Freudian Excuse he may have had.
- It is highly speculated that he killed at least one child before the events of Sister Location, as his blueprint shows a child diagram inside his stomach.
- He helped Circus Baby and the other animatronics combine into a hybrid called Ennard and subjected Michael Afton to a fate worse than death via using the Scooper to rip out his insides and wear him as a skinsuit, while being fully aware he will survive and be forced to live his life as a zombie. With him seemingly even gloating about it with how he say that he and Michael are "together again" in Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator.
- During Night 2, he tries to kill Michael and only doesn't do it due to Bon-Bon calming him down.
- In Night 3, HandUnit mentions how multiple technicians tried to turn off Funtime Freddy's power module and were all unsuccessful, and that making them do it again would require "six to eight weeks for recovery and physical therapy", which means that Funtime Freddy brutally assaulted a few employees.
- It's possible he sent Bon-Bon to kill Michael on Night 3 due to being deactivated at that time.
- It can be safely assumed he helped Baby hang two innocent technicians to trick the HandUnit.
- He helped Ballora, Bon-Bon, and Funtime Foxy overthrow Baby, although this was justified due to her controlling nature. Freddy is still shown to take sadistic joy in it, telling Ballora, Bon-Bon, and Funtime Foxy to "say goodbye to our friend".
- After becoming Molten Freddy, he accepts the offer to slaughter children at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza Place out of pure bloodlust.
- It's highly speculated he attacked, and perhaps even killed at least one person before the events of Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator due to his mask seemingly having blood on the teeth.
- He tries to kill Michael Afton and clearly takes joy in it, happily laughing about the idea and mocking him while attacking.
- He, alongside Afton and Baby, attempt to hide in multiple items that Michael can buy for Freddy Fazbear's Pizza Place, which have the potential to cause lawsuits, which can vary from disruptive noises to violent incidents, such as biting.
- To make this worse, these lawsuits could lead to the pizzeria going bankrupt or Michael getting blacklisted, which makes him partially responsible for Michael's potential financial issues.
- One of his voice lines implies that he was aware that Afton and Baby were on their way and that he has a sadistic interest in the Missing Children incident, mocking Michael about being related to the perpetrator.
- While he is a robot made to kill kids, he was able to outgrow his programming and do the things he wanted, and he has knowledge of right and wrong as he knew Baby's control freak tendencies were bad. Additionally, his sadistic persona and his willingness to kill implies that he knows what he's doing is wrong and takes pleasure in doing so.
- While it could be inferred that he cares for Bon-Bon in some way, due to how he listens to him whenever he tries to calm him down during his segment on Night 2, this is likely due to his programming rather than genuinely wanting to listen to him. Even outside of this, Funtime Freddy's only interactions with Bon-Bon consist of little more than villainous banter, making it likely that he sees Bon-Bon as a sadistic partner rather than a genuine friend.
- While he did end up assisting the other Funtime Animatronics in overthrowing Circus Baby, their relationship is never elaborated upon beyond this, making it too vague to be considered genuine.
- Furthermore, while Ballora, Bon-Bon, and Funtime Foxy are active inside Molten Freddy during the events of Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria Simulator, they are overshadowed by Freddy’s presence at all times and make no indication that they’re present during the game, making it likely that he sees the three as tools for him to be more powerful rather than true friends.
- While Kellen Goff does give him a rather hammy and laughable performance, none of it ever detracts from his villainy. As a matter of fact, most of his upbeat attitude goes to show how sadistic he is as opposed to being comedic, and everything involving him is played very seriously in-universe.
- Although his death was outright horrific, nothing about it was played for sympathy due to him being just as irredeemable and monstrous as Afton.
- It's possible that Molten Freddy may have enslaved the other Funtimes when he became Molten Freddy as shown by the fact that he's the only one who's able to speak as molten Freddy and because we never once here from the other Funtimes, along side that he even had a Freddy head which also hints that he may have enslaved the Funtimes.
- In UCN he constantly mocks Afton by laughing at him each time he kills him and constantly reminds Purple guy that he's going to kill him over and over again.
- This would also mean that Funtime Freddy tortures people as well.
- While it's true that he did stand up to Baby, at the same time he had far more sinister intentions for doing this which proves that he never cared for baby at all.
- He also became Tangle, when this happened not only did he destroy the entire pizzaplex which is vandalism but it's also likely that he killed several people while doing this and crushed Burntrap in the process (Probably).
- In his blueprints, Funtime Freddy revealed to be 6 ft tall, and weight 350 lbs. He is seen to have a stomach that functions as a 'storage tank' that can contain a child.
- Molten Freddy was supposed to be in FNaF AR but it can be presumed that this was cancelled.
- As well as this, his hat has a "Proximity Sensor/Group Coordination" and he has a "voice Mimic/Luring" function.
- A version of Funtime Freddy appears in the novel, The Fourth Closet. As well as this, Funtime Freddy appears as the main villain of the Fazbear Frights' short story Count the Ways.
- It is unclear whether Funtime Freddy is the only AI within Ennard at this point as the other Animatronics within Ennard do not indicate they still function. On the other hand, in the unused Insanity Ending blueprint, the security tags of the other three Funtimes are as functional as Funtime Freddy's, and the former animatronics didn't speak often while the latter animatronic did not speak at all in Sister Location, when they were definitely still active.
- It is also unclear whether Molten Freddy is haunted, as he still acting as Funtime Freddy, but Henry's speech implies that there are souls in Freddy, and with the reveal of Remnant, it is entirely possible if there are souls, they function as fuel for the amalganation, being unable to influence it.
- The Blueprints also mention Molten Freddy having the most amount of Remnant, thus requiring his destruction.
- Funtime Freddy is the third Sister Location/Funtime Animatronic in FNaF AR. the second being Ballora and the first being Baby.
- Funtime Freddy was leaked on December 21st.
- The Blueprints also mention Molten Freddy having the most amount of Remnant, thus requiring his destruction.