Freed Sellzen is a recurring High School DXD antagonist. He was an exorcist who was the first ally of the fallen angels and Raynare to steal Sacred Gear from Asia and later to initiate the plan for Kokabiel and another war between angels and demons.
Freed in the same institution that Siegfried was trained when he was considered a genius at age 13, however he did nopt believe from the start and just wanted to kill monsters for sheer pleasure, he became a wanted criminal at the Vatican and was forced to flee, and eventually joined the fallen angels. He soon killed Issei's client who had no battle experience before attacking him, and nearly killed him, yet Asia screamed when Freed was close to killing him who interrupted him, asking him what he was doing. She Protected him and cried begging him not to kill her, unfortunatelly he got angry and cut off his clothes, Issei in his defense told him to touch her, he still continued angry because she did nothing with the barrier. As a result, Team Gremory soon arrived to save them, and Freed assaulted Asia for doing nothing with the barrier. And then when Issei, Koneko and Yuuto went to the church leaving for Asia Argento, Freed soon reappeared before them and revealed that he worked for Raynare and then fought the three and before retreating for being at a disadvantage. And shortly after Raynare was ordered her to save her, but was rejected by Freed who abandoned her and backed down for proclaiming that he himself would be the one who would kill Issei.
Soon after. Freed reappears with a Kokabiel underling after they stole three Excaliburs. And when Issei, Koneko, Yuuto and Saji make a temporary alliance with Xenovia and Irina to destroy the Excaliburs, Freed showed them wanting to test Excalibur's power before retreating along with Valper Galilei white Irina, Xenovia and Yuuto pursued them. And then Kokabiel appears and turned away Irina to hurt her. Freed later received the four Excaliburs: Rapidly, Nightmare, Mimic and Transparent. And before being fused to can fight against Xenovia and Yuuto, but he was eventually defeated after Durandal's revelation and was destroyed. His body was later recovered by Vali Lucifer along with Kokabiel and after was recolated by Azazel and before leaving Grigori to join Khaos Brigade. During his time at Khaos Brigade, Freed's body was modified in a chimera and during which Rias and Diodora Astaroth's supposedly Rating Game, he devoured two knights of Diodora before being killed by Yuuto in a flash.
Freed is a young man with short white hair and red eyes. He wears clerical clothes. Like chimera, he has a massive body like, thich arms and legs and sharp fangs sticking out of his mouth, he also had bat wings and an extra arm sticking out of his back.
Freed is a cruel and sadistic psychopath who is a maniac in battle, and besides being a psychotic he often speaks in a vulgar way and was somewhat insane, he killed monsters and devils only for his own pleasure. He hates the Devils, Freed also proved to be a pervert, because he threatened to rape Asia if she didn't disobey him and also asked Raynare to have sex with him in return he would save her from Rias.
Powers and Abilities[]
As an exorcist, Freed wore a light sword and an exorcist weapon that fired bullets of light, and both weapons were dangerous to demons. And during his alliance with Kokabiel, Freed had three of the seven sword under his control, Rapidly, Nightmare, and Transparency, and before being fused to Mimic.