Antagonists Wiki

Frank Pentangeli was a mobster who ingratiated himself with sicilian warlord Giuseppe Mariposa .Pentangeli later became a spy for Vito Corleone reporting to Peter Clemenza however when Mariposa became suspicious Vito was fearful for his friend,s safety and brought Pentangeli under his protection as they prepared for war with Mariposa.Much later after Clemenza,s death Pentangeli took over his regeime. in 1958 Pentangeli approached Vito,s Michael asking him to eliminate his rivals the Rosato brothers who claimmed to have been prommised territories in new york by clemenza but Michael refused as he didn't want it to interfere in a deal with Hyman Roth who supported the brothers .When Roth tried to assasainate him Pentangeli agreed to put aside his feud with the brothers and help Michael take revenge.

When Pentangeli tried arranging a meeting with the Rosato Brothers they tried to kill him under instructions From Roth and claimed to have been sent by Michael .due to his belief Michael had tried to Kill him Pentangeli gave up information to the feds however a glannce he and his brother Vinchenzo exchanged before Michael,s trial made him recall the importance of the Omerta and recant his earlier statements.Pentangeli was later visited by Tom Hagen who subtely told him that if he were to kill himself ensuring nothing could come back on The Corleones his family would always be taken care of and remain unharmed.after hearing this Pentangeli slit his wrists in the bathtub killing himself.The Corleones kept their word and The Pentangeli Family was well provided for.
