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William says This article Four Hounds is a Spoiler and may contain information which may spoil something for you.If your new to the series please read at your own risk thank you.Antagonists Wiki is NOT responsible for any spoilers you see again you have been warned.                       

Zephia: As for who I am, my name is Zephia. I am a Mage Dragon of great power... and Lord Sombron's humble servant in all things. As for my companions here... they are like family to me. Together, we known as the Four Hounds.

Griss: Hah! You tell yourself that. She's a dragon, and the rest of us are humans. Family, she calls us... The name's Griss, and I'm not the prisoner-taking type.
Marni: Call me Marni. I heard we'd be meeting some royalty today... but you look like a bunch of losers to me.
Mauvier: I am Mauvier. The pleasure is all mine. Lady Veyle has told us much about you.

~ The Four Hounds
Griss: The Four Hounds, a family… I always did like the sound of that. I can’t even remember what my parents faces looked like. You the closest thing I had to a mother. Even since the First day you met me, poor little twisted Disciple that I was… hoping that my suffering would be good enough in the eyes of Lord Sombron. You were like a mom to me. And a big sister. Honestly even a god. The most important person in the world to me.

Zephia: Griss… I don’t like this joke.
Griss: It’s no joke. I’d follow you anywhere… dummy.
Zephia: You’re right. How could I have been so blind? The one thing always wanted… staring me in the face all the while. If only I had realized… But no. It’s too late to think of that. I hope you forgive me. We are… a family. I thank you, Griss.
Griss: Zephia? You drifted off already? Guess I will… too. No reason to stick around without her… Nothing hurts me… anymore.

~ Griss and Zephia final moments together

The Four Hounds are major antagonist from Fire Emblem Engage. There four of the most devoted dark servants to the fell dragon Lord Sombron. This cult consist of four members. Zephia is the leader of this group awhile Griss Marni and Mauvier serve under her.

Zephia is voiced by Elizabeth Maxwell. Griss is voiced by Jamison Boaz. Marni is voiced by Sarah Williams. And Mauvier is voiced by Gavin Hammon.



Zephia is the oldest out of all the hounds. She the one with white long hair, purple eyes, black cloth to her back and across her arms, purple skimpy outfit, a purple Face gear, two dragon horns with one of them being longer than the other, a headpiece on her forehead, pink dress, and purple High heel shoes.


Griss is the one with red massive scars on his face and his chest. He also has green messy hair, red eyes, piercing on his chin and near his eye, wears a black cape, greenish clothing on his arms with some spikes on his waist, greenish dress with some belts on it, white bandages, spikes near the bottom of his legs, and greenish shoes.


Marni is the shortest and the youngest of the group. She has short yellow hair while also covering one of her eye, light blue eyes, a pink hat, a pink outfit with some white on it, wears multiple pink bow ties on her hat her on her arms her dress and her leg, pink dress, pink sharp claws, and wears some pink armor high heels.


Mauvier is the one that look the most normal. He the one with black hair and facial hair, yellow eyes, a headpiece, wears sliver bulky armor with some purple fabric cloth on it, black belts on his chest and his wrists, a purple cape, black gloves, sliver sharp claws, black baggy pants, and sliver armor shoes.



Villainous Acts[]

  • They chased down Alear and their allies in the Shadowy Moor. But failed due to Ivy’s interference and giving both the Rings of Lyn and Lucina.
  • Zephia Marni and Mauvier along with a brainwash Hortensia hold Queen Seforia hostage in order for Alear to give up Ike ring to them.
  • Marni and Mauvier chase down both Goldmary and Rosado at the Azure Coast. After the two of them stolen Eirika ring from the Four Hounds.
  • The Four Hounds destroyed Florra Port killing many people that live there.
  • Both Marni and Mauvier attempted to stop Alear Alfred Diamant Ivy and Timerra from reaching Elusia Castle.


While the hounds mean seem like just another cult that worship their fell dragon they behave more than just a cult group. In Chapter 23 when Zephia said when she called the Four Hounds family she was being honest. Zephia did saw Griss Marni and Mauvier as one big family. Even Griss didn’t seem to mind that. It’s just that Zephia take things to an extreme measures when over one of the hounds fail. Like punishing both Marni and Mauvier for losing both Micaiah and Roy ring. Or killing Marni after she just to free Veyle from mind control. The ladder of which resulted in Mauvier leaving the Four Hounds and join with Alear.



  • Sombron (Master)
  • Veyle (Commander)
  • Hyacinth (Pawn)
  • Nelucce (Former Ally. Killed by Zephia)
  • Abyme
  • Rodine
  • Corrupted


  • Alear
  • Vander
  • Clanne
  • Framme
  • Lumera
  • Alfred
  • Céline
  • Ève
  • Diamant
  • Alcryst
  • Morion
  • Timerra
  • Fogado
  • Seforia
  • Ivy (Former Ally)
  • Hortensia (Former Ally)
  • Goldmary (Former Ally)
  • Rosado (Former Ally)



  • The Four Hounds might just be referring to another group of Fire Emblem villains called The Four Fangs from Fire Emblem The Blazing Blade. Both theses groups has similar names, both consist of four members, and both groups serve their respective master, for the hounds its Sombron, for the fangs it Brendan Reed.
  • The Four Hounds along with Jeritza from Fire Emblem Three Houses tied for being the most frequent villains throughout the series. Most Fire Emblem villains you usually fight them for about one to two maybe three times. But the hounds you encounter them a total of 8 times throughout the game. Their Chapter 11 Retreat wher you fight to escape all Four Hounds with Veyle with them. There Chapter 14 The Battle for Solm fight the hounds there with no Griss. Chapter 16 Seashore Travels you fight both Marni and Mauvier. Then there the next chapter Serenity in Ruin where you fight all Four Hounds again with Veyle with Hyacinth being among them. Chapter 19 The Dead Town you fight both Marni and Mauvier again. In Chapter 20 The Kingless Castle you fight Griss alone. Chapter 21 The Return you fight Griss again this time with Zephia with him along with Veyle once more. And finally they’re the final battle against both Zephia and Griss in Chapter 23 The Four Hounds. That eight chapters in total you fight the Four Hounds. And only two of which you fight all Four Hounds together.
  • As of right now Zephia and Mauvier are the only hounds currently in Fire Emblem Heroes. Both Griss and Marni has yet made any appearances there.

External Links[]
