Antagonists Wiki

The Fatui (Fatuus for a singular member), also known as Diplomats of Zapolyarny Palace and Diplomats of Snezhnaya, are the main antagonists in Genshin Impact they are a corrupt and malicious delegation of "diplomats" hailing from the Zapolyarny Palace in Snezhnaya under the command of the Tsaritsa of Snezhnaya. They are led by the Eleven Fatui Harbingers.


They, unlike the Abyss Order, are an organization composed of and controlled by humans. They are also more well-organized economically, militarily and politically. The Eleven Fatui Harbingers, who each control a certain division inside of the Fatui to fulfil their mysterious and sinister missions given by the Tsaritsa, are scattered across all of the Teyvat continent. They use conspiracy movements to infiltrate the nations' governments so they can plant their seeds of corruption in an attempt to control the affairs of all seven nations.

The Fatui are described as an overwhelming military force in terms of power and numbers that make Snezhnaya the strongest of all the seven nations in Teyvat. They are widely distrusted, feared, and despised by the other nations. The organization is mostly composed of combatants instead of politicians and merchants for an organization who proudly call themselves "diplomats."

The Fatui are publicly seen as a political department that represent the good will of the Tsaritsa and manage foreign affairs with all other six nations, often using economical means and fair trade movements to first engage with other governments in order to safely assert their influence inside the nations' center of power. Once they have near full control of the government and capital, the Fatui cease being a friendly and diplomatic group and start using corrupt and violent means to get what they want, implementing abusive taxes and inhumane demands that will cost the lives of civilians in the process.

Despite their public façade of a benevolent group that seems to engage with merchants and politicians with friendly proposals, their infamy is already too widespread for the Fatui to keep hiding their true colors from the people so they are now widely viewed as a threat to all nations. The Fatui are experts in the field of economics, defense, and policies and will use any modern ways to gain full control of all nations of the world to further the Tsaritsa's "perfect world".

Despite their loyalty to their queen, many of the Fatui's underlings are unaware of the Tsaritsa's true plans and no one dares to question her true motives. The only one so far that has come close to know the Tsaritsa's true purposes may be La Signora who is directly in charge of gathering the Gnoses of the other Archons of Teyvat. Despite their good organization, the Fatui are divided into groups that are each headed by one of the Eleven Fatui Harbingers. The groups don't have any contact or relations with each other once said groups isolate themselves in different regions of Teyvat to complete their tasks.

While the Fatui are widely distrusted, hated and feared by the people of Teyvat, in-game it's presented that many grunts are actually normal workers (all of them being from the staff teams) and are unaware of their superiors' true intentions. Moreover, when said underlings try to be presented as "evil" they ultimately fail to even become a suspicious enemy.

The Fatui seem to be the group controlling the Northland Bank, a national bank founded in Snezhnaya. They opened a bank in Liyue and became the favorite bank of Teyvat due to their openly illegal activities. As a neutral department, the Fatui often uses the bank as a mask to cover their operations and will more likely use the branch as their center of intelligence to command their operations across the region.



Tsaritsa of Snezhnaya[]

The supreme leader of the Fatui as well as the ruler of Snezhnaya, she is the Cryo Archon and one of The Seven. As the Empress of the country, the Fatui, specifically the Eleven Harbingers, answer directly to her and vowed to fight and die for her even if it costs the lives of countless innocents from Snezhnaya and other nations. This implies the Fatui are more than willing to wage war at any moment for her.

Despite the Fatui's loyalty to her, Dainsleif describes her as a god with no love left for her people. Her own people, those not affiliated with the Fatui, only seem to adore her out of fear.

==Eleven Fatui Harbingers[]

The Eleven Fatui Harbingers are the top echelons of the Fatui and the Tsaritsa's most powerful lieutenants. They have been given absolute authority and have had their abilities boosted with the Cryo Archon's own power, giving them enough power to face Archons themselves. This makes them even more powerful than a normal Vision wielder, who are already far stronger than an ordinary mortals. Each Harbinger leads their own division within the Fatui.

When an individual becomes a Harbinger, they immediately also become wealthy enough to literally buy anything in the world of Teyvat and are recognized as powerful members of Snezhnaya high society. Since their wealth is private, the Harbinger is allowed to do anything they want with their own currency even if it's going to be used in trivial things like buying an extremely expensive gift for a friend or relatives. When members of the Fatui have proven themselves in their own strength in combat, the Harbingers choose them to become their direct subordinates of the Tsaritsa of Snezhnaya.

According to Ozvaldo (von) Hrafnavin(e)s, their wickedness has no bounds.

Eleven Fatui Harbingers
Image Alias Nationality Emblem (o'clock)
Director - Pierro "The Jester" Khaenri'ah ???
2nd - Il Dottore "The Doctor" Sumeru ???
3rd - Columbina "Damslette" ??? ???
4th - Arlecchino "The Knave" Fontaine 3
5th - Pulcinella "The Rooster" Snezhnaya ???
6th - Scaramouche "Balladeer" Inazuma 4
7th - Sandrone "Marionette" ??? ???
8th - La Signora "Fair Lady" Mondstadt 5
9th - Pantalone "The Regrator" ??? ???
11th - Tartaglia "Childe" Snezhnaya 6
??? - Il Capitano "The Captain" ??? ???



Government agents serving the Fatui from the shadows. The duty of a Fatui Agent is to settle debts — but not only those of a monetary or goods-in-kind nature.

They also ensure dues are paid when it comes to the principle of "an eye for an eye". If there is one thing the Fatui are not known for, it is leniency, and whoever dares to oppose them will invoke the full force of their wrath upon them.

Fatui Agents are mercenaries with multiples skills to assist with assassinations such as stealthy movements. They use multiple Sacrificial Knives that are similar to elemental daggers to conduct their pyro Vision.

Cicin Mages[]

The Fatui's mysterious all-female mages control bat-like creatures called Cicins. So far, only Cicin Electro and Cyro Mages have been found in-universe. A Fatui Mage can command Cicins in battle and is capable of generating an Elemental Shield for defense. Similarly to the way Electro Cicins go crazy for Mist Grass, Cicin mages take great pleasure in toying with their prey. They seem to wander the land aimlessly, as if compelled by some unknown duty.

Alongside pyro agents, the Cicin Mages are among the most numerous agents of the Fatui across Teyvat. However, their purposes are unknown besides sometimes serving the Harbingers alongside their personal most vital quests. Unlike other Fatui members, Cicin mages are mentally unstable and show psychotic behavior like wandering around the land like childish lunatics and laughing insanely while in combat. Likewise, the reason why Cicin Mages present such odd behavior for a Fatui army is unknown.

They are voiced by Amber Connor in the EN dub, Aoto Hiroka in the JP dub, and by Nuoya in the CN dub.

Mirror Maidens[]

Mirror Maidens are honor guards of Snezhnaya that command Hydro Mirrors in battle. They are willing to do anything to achieve the grand goals of the Fatui, stark opposites of their "maiden" title. Their posture is highly dignified, as if they are worshiping a god.

The Hydro Mirror manipulated by Mirror Maidens lures those enchanted by them to willingly fall for their illusion. Nothing seems to escape their ears. No one knows what those covered eyes have seen or what kind of obsession might be reflected in them.

Fatui Skirmishers[]

The Fatui Skirmishers are foot soldiers that compose the backbone of the Fatui's army, usually being the front line of the organization's military might. A skirmisher is a soldier encased within a Fatui war machine. These skirmishers do not question if they shall live or die as they advance into nations far from home to complete advance missions and lay the groundwork for operations to come.

Unlike the elite Mages and Agents, Fatui Skirmishers are soldiers of lesser individual might. To complete their tasks and reduce losses in men and materiel, their tactics are thus more reliant on teamwork.

All Fatui Skirmishers are capable of generating an elemental shield which boosts both their offensive and defensive capabilities. With the exception of the Anemoboxer Vanguard, once their shield is broken via through elemental reactions, they will become compromised and stunned, leaving them vulnerable for a short period of time.

The Skirmishers come with different variants, all have their own varying abilities:

  • Geochanter Bracers: Fatui Skirmishers that harness the power of Geo and defend their allies. They attack by conjuring Geo projectiles with their staff. If their Geo barrier is activated, they can teleport away from the Traveler for breathing space or generate a huge Geo shield to defend their allies against ranged attacks.

The Geochanter Bracer is voiced by Emma Martello in the EN dub while Ry McKeand provided their voice in Yelan's character teaser.

  • Pyroslinger Bracers: Pyro Skirmishers armed with a flaming rifle. They can back off from the Traveler and initiate a counterattack with their rifle.

The Pyroslinger Bracer is voiced by Thomas Bello Rivas in the EN dub.

  • Cryogunner Legionnaires: A fattish Skirmisher wielding a freeze gun. They spray jets of Cryo blasts, dealing rapid damage. When the player character strays too near, they can perform a charge attack or a leaping attack when the player character strays too far.

The Cryogunner Legionnaire is voiced by Dan Foster in the EN dub.

  • Hydrogunner Legionnaires: A Legionnaire-type Skirmisher wielding a Hydro gun. They can fire jets of water to deal moderate Hydro damage, however their potential comes to their ability to support their allies by healing them. When infused with their elemental barrier, they are capable of providing HP regeneration instead of just restoring it.

The Hydrogunner Legionnaire is voiced by Michael Schwalbe in the EN dub.

  • Anemoboxer Vanguards: These Skirmishers are armed with gauntlets that can manipulate the Anemo element. They can perform a powerful punch that deals Anemo damage or generate an Anemo shield which provides them immunity to physical damage for a short period of time. If their shield comes into contact with Pyro/Hydro/Cryo/Electro elements, they can perform an elemental absorption that sucks the player character before unleashing a powerful punch, dealing the absorbed elemental as damage. Aside from these, they can bring back a downed teammate whose elemental barrier is destroyed.
  • Electrohammer Vanguards: Skirmishers with an Electric hammer capable of dishing out powerful Electro energy. When infused with their elemental barrier, they are capable of dishing out AoE Electro damage.

The Anemoboxer Vanguard and Electrohammer Vanguard are both voiced by Dan Foster in the EN dub.


Frost and Wind Operatives are Fatui units found mainly in Fontaine as servants of the Knave.

In combat, they can corrode characters and prevent them from healing. Upon a successful first hit, they will perform additional follow-up attacks.

Known Staff[]

Felix, a subordinate of Childe

  • Barnabas - A Fatui scientist from Sumeru, serving as a secondary antagonist. He was sent to Mondstadt to pursue Collei which he experimented on, but was eventually defeated by Diluc.
  • Luke - A Fatui diplomat stationed at Goth Grand Hotel, Mondstadt. His work was only to protect the entrance of the hotel to keep non-Fatui personnel away from the entrance.
  • Viktor - A Fatui diplomat that seems to be more busy delivering boxes for the organization's operations in Mondstadt. It's unknown if Viktor is part of some division of Fatui but before the Traveler arrived in Mondstadt, Viktor was sent to the city to work for Signora but was left in the dark since the day he arrived and stayed his entire time inside of the Cathedral waiting for orders that never came. Although during the Commission "Return to Days of Winter", Viktor finally got some new orders and bids farewell.
  • Pavel - A non-combatant staff member working for Tsarevich, a famous merchant from Snezhnaya rather than affiliated with Fatui itself. He seems to be upset all the time.
  • Mikhail - A diplomat from Fatui who openly admits his hatred for Mondstadt and constantly antagonize the Knights of Favonius as weak, cowards and inferior to the Fatui's army, something he feels proud of and genuinely believes in Signora's diligence and objectives.
  • Lyudmila - A diplomat from Fatui dispatched to Mondstadt and seems to be one of the few Fatui to be actually non-Jingoist of some sorts. Instead of appealing to the people's fears she genuinely cares for the people of the seven nations and is known for being a pessimist that the Fatui's nefarious plans will never go well much to Mikhail's annoyance.
  • Felix - A diplomat of the Fatui working to Childe's division in Liyue as his right-hand man.
  • Ekaterina - A bank teller at the Northland Bank branch in Liyue Haror. She serves as one of Childe's most trusted underlings in Liyue and manages the bank in his absence.
  • Nadia - A Fatui Guard found in front of the Northland Bank branch in Liyue. Nadia was assigned to serve as a guard for the bank who is constantly writing letters to her family in her homeland which seems to be her hobby while serving Childe in Liyue Harbor.
  • Vlad - A Fatui Guard assigned to serve as a guard for Northland Bank branch in Liyue Harbor and serves to Childe's division. Much like Nadia, he is homesick and is had trouble forming bonds and relationships with the people of Liyue due to their cultural barrier. After accidentally finding Nadia's letter and mistaking it to be for him, they became pen pals.
  • Kliment - A self-proclaimed archeologist who has no regards or reverence towards ancient Archon relics, rather he values them for greed and profit. Unlike the other Fatui members, he sports no mask.
  • Nathan - A double agent of the Fatui sent to join the Watatsumi Army as a 2nd Naval Lieutenant. He was actually sent there to sabotage the resistance in order to prolong the conflict, thus serving as a major antagonist in the third act of the Archon Quest's Chapter II.
  • Borenka - A Fatui Intelligence Offcer found during "Clean House" World Quest. He was sent on Inazuma to collect remnants of the Inazuma Shogunate. Eventually this draws the attention of the Traveler and Shizuru, eventually defeating him twice as a result.
  • The Ninth Company - A squadron of Fatui Skirmisher sent to the Chasm with the collaboration with the Liyue Qixing. After their mission failed, were attacked by a pair of Abyss Lectors and the most of the members went missing or died in the underground mines, the Liyue Qixing became enemies with them like most of the Fatui after Tartaglia summons Osial. Despite being Fatui, they show concerns for the entire Liyue cutting ties with the Fatui.
    • Anton Melnikov - The current acting Ninth Company Commander who was originally sent along with his squadron to investigate the mysterious sludges in the Chasm's underground mines. Apparently, majority of his comrades were either lost or died as a result and the mission failed after the device they're supposed to use exploded and failed to purify anything. Thus him, Radomir, Danila, and Temur are the only ones left and were left weakened due to hunger.
    • Radomir - A Hydrogunner Legionnaire working in the Ninth Company. Among the four other remaining members, he is the most laid-back and polite. He often cut-off Temur for his insolence and thanked the Traveler for aiding help to them.
    • Danila - A Geochanter Bracer working in the Ninth Company. Like Radomir, he is also calm and polite although he is somewhat doubtful about Anton's commanding skills. He shows gratitude after the Traveler helped them later on.
    • Temur - A Pyroslinger Bracer working in the Ninth Company. He is the most cocky among the four remaining members, showing pessimism and displease to Anton after the latter becomes the acting commanding officer. He does not hesitate to sarcastically mock his fellow comrades, but nonetheless shows admiration after the Traveler helps them.
    • Corporal Mashkov - An Electrohammer Vanguard working in the Ninth Company. After he found Anton interacting with the Traveler, he labels him as a traitor and tries to rob the Traveler of their food, but was eventually defeated as a result. Forced to retreat into the Chasm and already starving, it's unclear if he and those under him were able to survive.
    • Katarina Snezhevna - An Electro Cicin Mage working in the Ninth Company, alongside her brother, Nikolay. She would later run into the Traveler, which ended up in conflict due to miscommunication. After she clears up everything, she concluded from information given by the Traveler that her brother had betrayed them under the guise of acting as a distraction, and sought to bring him to justice. The Traveler later finds a scattered pile of her belongings alongside a Shadowy Husk. However, they later disappear, leaving her fate ambiguous.
    • Nikolay Snezhevich - A Fatuus working in the Ninth Company, alongside his sister, Katarina. He acted as a distraction to prevent Abyss Lectors Agnarr and Egill eliminating the entire company, but was injured and later killed by a Shadowy Husk.
  • Lyney Snezhevich & Lynette Snezhevna - A pair of twins in Fontaine, where they manipulate magic against the so-called "Justice" of the nation.
  • Freminet Snezhevich - Their brother through the House of the Hearth. A diver and assassin.

Former Staff[]

  • Crucabena - The former director of the House of the Hearth and a Fatui Harbinger. She was abusive to those under her care and had the children kill each other to weed out the weak. This cruel treatment that even extended to her own daughter lead to her death at the hands of a child named Peruere Snezhevna, who would take her place among the ranks of the Fatui Harbingers.
  • Krupp - A menial working for Il Dottore as his servant. He was later killed by his own master for his ineptitude and breach of confidential information.
  • Lyudochka Snezhevna - A Fatuus posing as "Gendou Ringo" after Momoyo faked her death. While regretful for her actions, she was convinced by the Traveler to remain on Inazuma and adopt her new identity as "Gendou Ringo".


            :Category:HoYoverse Villains Villains
:Category:Honkai Impact 3rd Villains

The Will of Honkai
Herrscher of the Void | Herrscher of the End | Corruption (current era) | Thunder | Wind | Toxin | Ocean | Sexual Desire | Rock | Metal | Light | Death | Flame | Reason | Domination | Ice | Stars | Sentience
Pseudo Agata | Pseudo Aphora | Pseudo Bella
Honkai Beasts
Cocolia (GGZ) | Seele Vollerei | Sin Mal (GGZ) | Welt Joyce Clones | Frederica Nikola Tesla | Liesert Albert Einstein
Otto Apocalypse (GGZ) | Great Overseer of Schicksal | Bishop X | Eleanor Schariac | The Noble | Grandfather Arthur | Rita Rossweisse | Bianka Ataegina | Dr. March | Doctors of the Plague
World Serpent
Kevin Kaslana | Hare | Raven | Gray Serpent | Jackal | Stan | Catherine | Raiden Mei
Sky People
Void Archives | Worlds | Judgements | Lucheni | Deaths | Hanged Men | Empresses
Decarabias | Foxxes | Balams | Demons | Temperances | Hermits | Emperors | Priestesses
Suns | Moons | Stars | Justices | Wands X | Swords V | Wheels of Fortune | Strengths | Chariots | Lovers | Mages | Fools
Quantum Shadows
Mexicatl - Umbreist | Tonatiuh | Couatl: Revenant Imaginary Creatures
Husk (Husk - Nihilius) Others
Dr. Mei | Yae Sakura's Father | Catherine the Great | Dracula | Elizabeth Bathory | Shicksal's Babylon Tower Scientist | The Pedophile Noble | Yodo Dono | Cleopatra | Rapists | HOMU King | Dark Xijuanyuan | Murata Ryusuke | Unknown Creatures

:Category:Genshin Impact Villains

Primordial One
Sustainer of Heavenly Principles

Seven Sovereigns
Nibelung | Dvalin | Azhdaha | Apep

Decarabian | Ursa the Drake | Fellflower | Immernacht Fischl
Lawrence Clan
Lord Lawrence | Schubert Lawrence | Barca Lawrence

Osial | Beisht | Zhiyi

Nobushi | Kanna Kapatcir | Takatsukasa Susumu | Kunikuzushi
The Shogunate
Raiden Shogun | Kujou Takayuki | Hiiragi Shinsuke

The Eremites
Matriarch Babel Tanit | Mishal | Jawad | Samail | Masseira
Sumeru Akademiya
Azar | Moseis | Nasejuna | Setaria

Cowell | Marcel | Virgil | Lorenzo | Jemma | Noailles | Coutrot | Dougier | Morris | Uther | Elodie Lefevere
Narzissenkreuz Ordo
Rene de Petrichor | Jakob Ingold | Narzissenkreuz

Tsaritsa of Snezhnaya
The Fatui
Eleven Fatui Harbingers
Il Capitano | Il Dottore | Columbina | Arlecchino (Crucabena) | Pulcinella | Scaramouche | Sandrone | La Signora | Pantalone | Tartaglia

Rhinedottir | Subject Two | Durin
Abyss Order
Chlothar Alberich | The Traveler's Twin

The Abyss
The Sinner | All-Devouring Narwhal

Treasure Hoarders

:Category:Honkai: Star Rail Villains

Nanook | Yaoshi | Terminus | Ena | Oroboros | Tayzzyronth | IX

Antimatter Legion
Lord Ravagers
Zephyro | Phantylia
Calamity Vanguards
Doomsday Beasts
Reavers | Distorters | Eliminators | Tramplers
Baryons | Antibaryons

Denizens of Abundance

Interastral Peace Corporation
Daimond | Topaz | Aventurine | Jade

The Swarm

The Family

Stellaron Hunters
Elio | Kafka | Silver Wolf | Blade | Firefly

Annihilation Gangs
Ever-Flame Mansion
Duke Inferno | Akash | Dubra | Caterina | Constance

Disciples of Sanctus Medicus
Dan Shu | Mauve Moon

Other Factions
Fragmentum Monsters

Other Villains
Boss Stone | Cocolia Rand | Chadwick | Tizocic II

:Category:Zenless Zone Zero Villains

Vision Corporation
Charles Perlman | Ms. Sarah

Red Fang Gang
Miguel Silver


Mountain Lions Gang
