Antagonists Wiki

Fanboy Abel is One of the Mistaken Mystery Antagonist from Gacha League who makes His Non Canon Debut in NetGameSaga and is the Enigmatic Boss in Anime Fidget Spinner. He also appears as a Presets in Gacha Studios. Gachaverse, Gacha Life, Gacha Life 2 - The Club and Gacha Life 3 - The WonderEnd.

He is an All times Rival and Anti Villainous Counterpart of Hatsya Kanlaon who dates Hatsumi Kalantiao and is the Arms Masters where He created All of the Thousands Weapons like Cykopath, Reed, Nova Blade, Pat and Ace. Abel is also a Student of Both Lucas Lee and Creator Luni.

He is also voiced by the Japanese Voice Actor, Kazuyuki Okitsu.
