Antagonists Wiki

All I wanted was a miracle and now I'M STUCK WITH 22 BABY TADPOLES

The Fair Fairy is a minor antagonist in the Dog Man book series.


After many complaints about the Fair Fairy show (like last weeks when she have a breakdown of kids complaining about cookies and ice cream melted) Sam said that she was the worst employee ever, being fired after insulting his baldness.

Later the Fair Fairy came near the pond over there as she plot her revenge, as 22 tadpoles began immediately imprinted her thinking she their mommy, and after Super Brian Dots landed in the pond and gaving the tadpoles powers and bringing a tree to life, Fair Fairy decided to use that for her revenge!

Later Dog Man, Zuzu, Chief and Sarah were trying to fight her and her tadpoles, only getting them (except Zuzu) captured, and after Zuzu tells Lil Petey what happened they want off to save the day! After Flippy the Fish save Dog Man, Chief and Sarah, The gang try to stop them only getting captured (except Lil Petey).

After Lil Petey met Molly and ask her to be friends with him which she agreed and became good, but a fter Lil’Petey, Molly and Zuzu make an antidote, Zuzu use it to pour into the pond after Lil’Petey and Molly tricked Grandpa that the antidote is in a balloon the tadpoles (except Molly) are back to normal, the Fair Fairy and Grandpa were trying to epacse only leaving Petey and Big Jim fell off a cupcake sign and getting them arrest.


           Dog Man logo Villains

Crunky | Bub
The Robo-Brontosaurus

Robo-Time Industries
Dr. Scum | Petey the Cat | Mayor
Robo-Chief | Burgle Balls | Robo-Shark Duck
A.I. Buddies
Dr. Scum | Dog Man

Leader Weenie | Philly
Mecha-Weenie Leader | Supa-Mecha Philly
Claymation Philly

The 22 Psychokinetic Tadpoles
Naomi | Melvin the Frog

Petey the Cat | Grampa | Dr. Dilbert Dinkle | Flippy the Fish | Deputy Doo Doo | Vacuum | Robo-Baby | Mecha Petey | Mean Officers | Flat Petey | Beasty Buildings | Dog Jail Warden | Judge | Fair Fairy | Barky McTreeface | Munchy | Sippy Cups | Junior

See Also
Captain Underpants Villains | Dog Man Antagonists

           Captain underpants logo Villains

Main Villains
Benjamin Krupp/Captain Underpants | Tippy Tinkletrousers | Melvin Sneedly/The Bionic Bogger Boy

Book Villains
Bank Robbers | Dr. Diaper | Dr. Diaper's Robots | Talking Toilets (Turbo Toilet 2000) | Zorx, Klax & Jennifer | The Evil Zombie Nerds | Dandelion of Doom | Wedgie Woman | Robo-George and The Harold 2000 | Carl, Trixie, and Frankenbooger | Captain Blunderpants/Nice Benjamin Krupp | Evil George Beard | Evil Harold Hutchins | Giant-Evil Sulu | Kipper Krupp | Loggie, Bugg and Finkstein | Petey the Cat | Zombie Nerd George Beard and Zombie Nerd Harold Hutchins | Supa-Mega Tippy Tinkletrousers | Slightly Younger Tiny Tippy Tinkletrousers | Tyrannosaurus Rex | Thirty-Nine-&-Three-Quarters-Year-Old George Beard & Forty-Year-Old Harold Hutchins | Old Benjamin Krupp | Sir Stinks-A-Lot | Mecha Petey | Flippy the Fish

The Epic Tales of Captain Underpants
Flabby Flabulous | DJ Drowsy Drawers | Homework Hydra | Messica Gorgon | T.P. Mummy | Avacadwoe | Claylossus | Socktopus | Theodore Murdsly | Alternate timeline Melvin Sneedly | Alternate timeline Benjamin Krupp/Captain Stretchypants | Smartsy Fartsy | The Fart Army | Melvinborg | Teachertrons | Furcules | Queen Zombee | Zombees | Poopacabra | Chupacabra | Malison | The Saurus Brothers | The Splotch | Crocobats | Butt-erflies | Cloggernaut | Clogneta | Brainy Blabulous | Cruelius Sneezer | Tubbadump | Dr. Disgruntled | Fingers the Petty Thief Panther | Nanobots | NanoZero | H2O Bliterater 2000 | Camplafire | Ragely J. Snarlingtooth | Altitooth | Barfilisk | Melvinathan | Salamangler | Camoflush | Camoflush’s Rule Breakers | Blah Borelock | Gumbalina Toothington | Combotato | Laserlightmare | Sugamechanger | Sebastian | Poopertrators | Evil Living Halloween Decorations | Hack-O-Ween Balloons | Dupe Licitous | F.L.U.S.H.E.R | Squorg and Garg | The Biglyans | Hangry Hypnosinger | Greego and Dohlar | Captain Pandernuts/Mr. Purpk | Arice | Utopiqua Kids | Jacked Santa

Super Diaper Baby
Deputy Doo Doo | Rip Van Tinkle | Petey the Cat

Ook and Gluk
Chief Goppernopper | J. P. Goppernopper | Goppernopper's Guards | Mechasaurs

See Also
Dog Man Villains
