Everett Lynch or also known Chameleon is the main antagonist of the seasons Fourteen and Fifteen.
When Everett was a child, he helped his mother in his scams to men by deceiving them and stealing all their money, pretending to be a crybaby who lived on the streets with his mother. And every time he and his mother suceeded in their plans, they laughed. And his mother's cons cons not only led him to develop a narcissistic personality, but also prevented him from forming his own personality, Then at some point in his life he had one and called her Grace. However one day white the family lived in Mississippi, Grace was talking a shower and being looker after by Roberta. But Grace drowned in the bath the moment Roberta looked away, it made Everett not to forgive her and decided to end his relationship with him for his blows where he would kill the women he created on. And he would kill her and take her faces as a trophy.
He then seduces Monica and kills her in the bathroom, after which he changes his appearance. Soon after he goes to Mary Cullen's house, where he and Grace are deceiving her; after that Everett seduce Mary and after she proposes to him, he brutally kills him with a vase on his head. After that Everett and his daughter deceive a woman named Mary Cullen, he seduces her and the two go out on a date. Before Everett kills her, Grace asks him not to hurt her, then when Mary asks Everett for the couple he drops her a vase on her head that horrifies Grace. Everett puts Mary on a chair, and after Roberta tells Everett that BAU had tracked him. He then sets a trap for BAU and after a fight against Agent Rossi, he manages to escape.
Season Fourteen[]
Lynch appears only in the flashback in which the story is told by David Rossi to his fiancee Kristal. Whenthe criminal was Everett Lynch, the was case was so traumatic for the team that's why everyone felt guilty after Lynch. After everyone was on an unlucky streak, Rossi fought Lynch, in which Lynch would beat him in the fight.
Season Fifteen[]
Under the Skin[]
Then Lynch would hire Dr. Sebastian Hurst a man with deadly skin fetish, and asked him to help in finding a lawyer whose identify would be useful to get his daughter out of poison. By unknown means Lynch took Hurst to the skills necessary to become a murderer in exchange for the identify of the particular lawyer who was Arthur Terrell. Then when Lynch entered the prison disguised as Terrell, and stabs Marshal Alison Faust to death. He then took Faust's gun and escaped with Grace, killing killing spree Marchals in the process, JJ tried to stop them but. Which made Lynch put the gun down, but Grace pulls the gun and shoots JJ in the abdomen. Causing the two to escape from prison.
Then when JJ suevived Grace's shooting, both Grace and her father abandoned area of the forest. Unfortunately for Grace, Everett decides to get rid of Grace, but she would want to be withhim and impress him. Later that night Grace killed the Forsters and encouraged her father to remove his wife's face. Then Grace met with his ex-girlfriend Charlotte Burker, and with her cut her fingerprint and made Grace use it to steal it. After when the BAU arrives, they find Charlotte tied and Grace dead without a face. Soon after, Lynch is shown walking away with his daughter's face and money too.
Family Tree[]
After killing Grace, Everett shows having a romantic relantionship with Alexandra Duggan at his Nevada home, he kills her and removes her face.
Face Off[]
After burning Alexandria's body, Lynch looked at her face and remembered how he strangled his own daughter to death. Then he met Marilyn Irwin and befriended his diabetic daughter named Olivia. After killing Marilyn without Olivia knowing it, Lynch wanted to meet her father, Delvin Weaver who abused women and even tried to kill him in a bathtub. But he was killed by Roberta, Lynch then decided to meet Rossi in person.
After the meeting Rossi had with Lynch in which he asked where Olivia was and why he killed Grace, but Lynch soon realized that JJ was aiming at with his sniper. Then he came home and took Olivia's medication, and tried to take it. But he was stopped by Roberta who airmed a gun at him. But Lynch took Olivia hostage and soon forced Roberta into the cellar to show them Marilyn's dead and cremated body. Then when BAU and SWAT arrived, Reid tried to direct Roberta on the phone, which she made him release Olivia, but she got a warning shot. Roberta cried when she held her son at gunpoint, at she wanted to die with him in an explosion in which he ended up killing Roberta and six SWAT agents. Reid is knocked out before Lynch escapes and presumed dead by all officers.
And in the End[]
Then when BAU finds out that Lynch had survived the explosion, the FBI then sends agents to protect Rossi's loved ones. Lynch goes after Krystal and takes her as hostage, he displays a plane that he emphatically gets the plane from, and Rossi manages to get Lynch to take him as a hostage. However, Rossi had pierced a lock on his watch and was able to break his handcuffs, he fought Lynch and the two started exchanging shorts at each other. However after the shooting, JJ shoots the fuel tank causes the jet to explode, killing Lynch inside.
Modus Operandis[]
Everett's profile according to BAU is that of a narcissist and misogynist who hates the women he takes advantage of, he also can't reveal who he really is, so Everett destroys his face and takes it with him. His for the women is so severe that it exceeds even the money, which indicates that he has a prejudiced relationship whith the female figure who is his mother. Something like that must have happened years ago for him to keep that hate and feed him for years. Although he goes to great lengths to hide his colors, he always uses the same story to complete his blow.