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Evelyn Claythorne is the secondary antagonist of the Glitch Productions animated web series Meta Runner.
She is a Meta Runner who used to work for TAS Corp before Derek Lucks was shot dead by Masa's hacked Meta Runner arm. She was forced to be Tari's teammate for the Hidden Heroes showmatch despite showing jealousy and hatred towards her. Since she was unemployed, she gets an offer from a phone call to get Tari's abilities and have revenge on her from Dr. James Sheridan.
She was voiced by Elsie Lovelock, who also voiced Mommy Long Legs in Poppy Playtime andNicole in Class of '09.
Evelyn! You are a vile, spoiled, little brat that is finally going face some consequences for her actions!
~ Lucinia berates Evelyn for her behavior and everything she has done to Tari and her friends.
Evelyn is shown to be arrogant, snobby, egotistical, and self-centered. She thinks that she is superior to everyone towards her who she thinks is "inferior" and sometimes would condescend on others. She is also attention-seeking and spiteful based on how she complains to Lucks about preferring Tari over her and also mentions Tari as a "Blue Haired Science Experiment" and a "freak". She also enjoys flaunting her abilities.
After being defeated by Tari twice, Evelyn became more of a dangerous person towards her and everyone else. This leads to her teaming up with Dr. Sheridan to get revenge on those who have made a fool of her. Her reason for wanting Tari dead, however, makes her act very childish and petty.
Despite being cocky and smug when fighting in video games, Evelyn is a helpless coward when it comes to combat in real life, as evidenced when Lucinia punches her before chewing her out for her spoiled and selfish behavior as she backs down. When she angrily yells at her for strapping her to a chair immediately afterwards, Belle threatens to smack her out of annoyance, which immediately causes her to flinch and whine.
Evelyn wears a gray dress, with a black overall dress, white stockings, and white doll shoes. Some parts of her clothes have lights which depends on her emotions. Green whenever she is happy or calm, yellow whenever she is neutral, red whenever she is angry, and blue whenever she is upset. She has long, light pink hair, with green eyes and pink eyebrows.
Her Meta Runner arm is on her right arm.
Evelyn: Belle, does Lucks hate me? Belle: (sighs) Seeing as he is about to bring you into the main lineup. I would doubt it. Evelyn: THEN WHY DOESN’T HE GIVE ME EXHIBITION MATCHES LIKE HE DOES FOR THAT BLUE HAIRED SCIENCE EXPERIMENT?! Belle be honest would you rather play with me or her?
~ Evelyn revealing her jealousy towards Tari while talking to Belle.
Did Lucks come already?! I can’t believe I missed it! How mad was he? Did he yell? Did she cry? Tell me everything!
~ Evelyn asks Belle if Tari is about to get punished.
Growing up as the youngest child in the Claythorne family. Yes! The Claythorne family. I never got the attention I truly deserved.
~ Evelyn's speech to her fans.
Oh ho! I’m cheating? You’re the one with built in aimbots and speed run tools. The cheats stay on thank you very much.
~ Evelyn keeps using a cheat.
Oh ho, don’t you dare complain to me. You’re on shaky ground as is.
~ Evelyn refuse to turn off her infinite life cheat.
Sir! It’s not my fault! They ganged up on me! I can still beat her! All you need to do for me is-!
~ Evelyn begs Lucks to give her another chance.
Season 3[]
Oh, I love working with you doctor.
~ Evelyn after receiving a knife from Dr. Sheridan.
Awwww~ Don't cry!~ You'll be joining him soon enough~
~ Evelyn when she was about to kill Tari.
Ugh! Got your Meta Runner vision back did you?!
~ Evelyn after Tari got her Meta Runner vision back.
~ Evelyn before she was defeated for the final time.
How dare you disgusting, filthy NOBODIES!!! Why do pieces of trash from the gutter keep on interfering with my life!? All of you and that blue head fumbling -
~ Evelyn's villainous breakdown before she was silenced by Lucinia
Ugh! How dare you do this to me?! Do you know who my father-?! Hnnnnnggghhh!!!
~ Evelyn when she is tied up by Lucinia.
Evelyn is the youngest child out of the Claythorne family.
Despite this, she was supposed the be the heiress of the family prior to being arrested, this is most likely to show how spoiled she was.
Evelyn would've gone to live with her father if she wasn't contacted by Dr. Sheridan, thus making her a Karma Houdini in the process.
Before Season 2 was released, Evelyn's name can be shown on the display of Tari's Meta Runner arm during the official Season 2 trailer, below "Partner Name" which made people theorize that Evelyn was her name.
Due to her overall whiny personality, Evelyn is one of the most hated characters in Meta Runner, this hate, in a similar situation to villains like Pong Krell, caused the creation of a Subreddit dedicated to hating on her titled "r/fuckevelyn".
She is currently the GLITCH Staff's favorite character, due to her personality being made specifically for fans to hate her.
Evelyn is the only villain alive in the series to serve full comeuppance for her actions, as both main villains like Sheridan and Derek Lucks both died in circumstances but never lived to serve their sentences. She is also the only villain in this series to never have any sort of redeeming qualities whatsoever due to her already being spoiled, as Lucks used to have decent care for Masa, Belle and Lucinia and Sheridan used to genuinely care about Lucinia before her disappearance.
Evelyn's prison number, 072619, is a reference to the date of the first episode of Meta Runner being released.
The Season 3 finale credits reveals that Evelyn's height is 5 feet tall.