“ | You know on the path we've been traveling up until now... Saying a thing like 'I'm the one who will claim One Piece' would just get you laughed at. Although... I slaughtered anyone and everyone who had the nerve to laugh at me...!! But from here on out... we're gonna be sailing the sea where anyone without the nerve to say something like that is as good as dead... | „ |
~ Eustass Kid |
Eustass Kid is a supporting character in the manga / series One Piece. He is a Worst Generation pirate and captain of the Kid Pirates. His Japanese voice actor is Daisuke Namikawa and the English voice actor is Justin Cook.
Eustass Kid comes off as a vicious, temperamental and bloodthirsty pirate, notorious for causing huge amounts of civilian casualties. When he feels that he is being mocked or insulted, even through a glance, he is quick to resort to violence. He also seems to be cruel even when not provoked, crucifying another defeated pirate crew just because he deemed them too weak to roam around in the New World. While Kid is capable of restraining his anger in certain situations, he will absolutely throw all caution to the wind when said situation involves someone who previously wronged him, going straight for revenge. Kid is bold, cocky and fearless, known to run into danger regardless of the consequences. He does not hesitate to challenge the Four Emperors, having previously fought Kaidou and Shanks and destroyed two ships belonging to Big Mom. Kid rarely backs down from a battle, and may fight a powerful enemy until his last breath. The fact that he did not join the Beasts Pirates despite not standing a chance against Kaidou is a testament to Kid's disposition. Kid seems to believe that possessing the determination to achieve the impossible is necessary to survive in the New World, and that anyone who does not is as good as dead.
Devil Fruit Abilities[]
Jiki Jiki no Mi enables the user to generate magnetic fields that can either attract or repel metallic objects to and from their body as they please. This makes them particularly effective against the majority of weapons in the world: namely swords, guns, and cannons. By using repulsion, the user can deflect metal projectiles back to where they came from, turning them against the aggressor. Using attraction, the user can strip opponents of their weapons and bring them to their own body, rendering said opponents helpless. The user can also use attraction to pull themselves to large metal objects like ships, allowing them to travel through the air in a manner resembling flight. In general, the creatable magnetic forces are extremely strong and very difficult, if not impossible, to resist; by wrapping a metallic arm around Big Mom and repelling it, Kid was instantly able to send her flying up in the air, a noteworthy feat considering Big Mom's massive size and weight.
- Kid, Luffy and Zoro are the only known members of the Worst Generation who can use Haoshoku Haki.
- Like Luffy, he has another member of the Worst Generation in his crew.
- Unlike Luffy, when Kid speaks of his experiences in the Grand Line, he mentions killing everyone who dared to laugh at him and his dream to find the One Piece and become the next Pirate King. In contrast, when the Bellamy Pirates started laughing at the Straw Hat Pirates for being "dreamers", instead of responding to Bellamy's mockery, Luffy claimed that it was not a battle worth fighting, following the example taught to him by Shanks.
- Similarly, while Luffy idolizes Shanks, Kid targets him with his allies.
- After suffering wounds post-timeskip, Kid's appearance resembles that of Shanks in that both of them have scars running down the left side of their face over their left eye and have both lost their left arms, in addition to both having red hair as well. However, unlike Shanks, Kid's scars are more extreme, stretching down his chest, and he has also obtained a prosthetic replacement for his missing arm, while Shanks appears to have done nothing to fix his handicap. Fittingly, it was in battle with the Red Hair Pirates that Kid sustained his injuries.
- In the 6th Japanese fan poll, Kid ranked 37th, which makes him the second most popular non-Straw Hat Supernova, behind Law. He managed to retain this distinction despite falling 19 places after ranking 18th in the 5th fan poll. In the 7th poll, Kid ranked 23rd
- Kid being incarcerated in the region of Udon could be considered ironic since curry udon is his most disliked food. He shares this aspect with Killer, who also gets briefly imprisoned and tortured in the same location.
- The water torture that Kid and Killer were subjected to in the Wano Country Arc is a version of the old Japanese torture and execution method known as or "reverse hanging".
- Interestingly, the real-life William Kidd was executed through a very similar method: gibbeting, or being "hanged in chains".
- Kid, Sengoku and Boa Hancock are the only characters confirmed to have Haoshoku Haki, but never shown any usage of it yet.
- Kid currently holds the record of the largest single bounty increase of 2,530,000,000; beating Marshall D. Teach's old record of 2,247,600,000 (assuming Teach obtained his current bounty at once).