Antagonists Wiki

It not over yet
~ Emma

Emma Richard is the main antagonist of the telefilm My Fair Madeline. She is the student of St. Marjorie's Finishing School for Girls, and the archenemy of Madeline.

She was voiced by Annick Obonsawin.


She is one of the five girls who studies at St. Marjorie's Finishing School for Girls and at first a bully who constantly antagonizes and belittles Madeline during her stay to London. By the end of the film, she realizes the error of her ways and apologizes to Madeline before asking her if they can start over and become friends. Madeline agrees to this, and, as far as we know, despite the fact that Emma is never seen again, they have remained firm friends ever since.


Emma has hazel eyes and medium length blonde hair, which she styles in ringlets.


           The Incredible World of DiC Logo Villains

Animated Television
Doctor Claw | M.A.D. | MAD Cat | MAD Ninja | Jungle Bob | Squint | King Koopa | Koopa Pack (Mouser, Tryclyde, Fryguy, Clawgrip, Koopas & Hammer Bros.) | Goombas | Bob-ombs | Bloopers | Ganon | Mother Brain | Eggplant Wizard | King Hippo | Koopa Kids (Bully Koopa, Big Mouth Koopa, Kooky Von Koopa, Cheatsy Koopa, Kootie Pie Koopa, Hip Koopa & Hop Koopa) | Odlaw | Dr. Ivo Robotnik | Scratch and Grounder | Coconuts | Dr. Robotnik (SATAM) | Snively Robotnik | Cluck | SWATbots | Pepito | Dr. Robotnik (Sonic Underground) | Sleet and Dingo | Maria Not | Gem Stone | Enchantra | Cassandra | Olivia | Peculiar Purple Pieman | Sour Grapes | Mountain Lion | Wolf | Bear

Live-Action Television

Animated Features
Madame LaCroque | Maximo and Dumbella Richard | Henri | Tyrannosaurus Rex | Ilya | Star Schnitzel-Nightningale | Emma Richard

Live-Action Features

See Also
Care Bears Villains | Inspector Gadget Villains | Madeline Villains | Sabrina: The Animated Series Villains | Sonic Cartoon Villains | Strawberry Shortcake Villains | Super Mario Cartoon Villains | The Legend of Zelda Villains | Where's Waldo? Villains

           Madeline Logo Villains

Pepito | Sugar Dimples | Leopold | Madame LaCroque | Henri | Emma Richard | Maximo and Dumbella Richard | Scarfaced Man
