Antagonists Wiki

Lazlo, we're standing here in Prickly Pines naked and the moose we thought was our scoutmaster had just got hauled off as a deranged lunatic to a funny farm.
~ Edward to Lazlo in the ending of Camp Lazlo after learning Lumpus wasn't a real scoutmaster.

Edward Platypus is the secondary villain and anti-hero in the 2005 animated television series Camp Lazlo.

He was voiced by Doug Lawrence, who is well known for voicing Plankton in SpongeBob SquarePants and Filburt Turtle in Rocko's Modern Life.


Edward is a sadistic, ill-tempered and not completely sane platypus who sleeps in Pinto Cabin with Chip and Skip. He enjoys watching the suffering of others and is constantly coming up with schemes to spoil any fun that Lazlo and his friends might have. He has a severe hatred for Lazlo and Camp Kidney, though that has lessened over time.

Despite his intense dislike of Lazlo, Edward is usually seen as a friend/ally of Lazlo and often associates and joins forces with him usually for a common goal. He's often shown grateful to Lazlo whenever he performs any acts of kindness towards him.

Edward is the smallest member of Camp Kidney, and, as evidenced in Movie Night, he's the youngest as well. He was the only camper who could not watch the horror movie because everybody thinks that he was not a "big boy" yet according to the Bean Scout handbook. Despite his age, he often acts more mature than the other scouts at Camp Kidney and his voice is more like an adult than the rest of the campers. He even has his own credit card.

As opposed to his aggressive and bitter attitude, Edward secretly loves playing with dolls, his favorite being a doll named Veronica that he got for Christmas, and he liked it so much, he told his mom (Susan) to give the rest of his presents to charity. He would also really like to own a "voodoo drum".

He has a tendency to panic and overreact when something really upsets him. Due to his spoiled attitude, Edward is constantly needy for attention at all costs. He won Camp Kidney's mascot contest with his "Duke of Lice" costume by using a blackmail drawing of the Jellies who were certain to win but the prize was not as good as it originally seemed. A similar twist of fate occurred when Edward wins the go-kart race, yet his trophy is the smallest of them all.

Despite being precocious and sarcastic, Edward isn't as smart as he thinks he is. His closest friends are his bunk mates Chip and Skip who are the only campers who make him feel smart due to their collective stupidity. Edward is also close friends with Samson as the two are quite often seen with each other, although Edward sometimes picks on him as the series progresses. Perhaps because of their similar personalities, Gretchen from Acorn Flats has a crush on Edward, which Patsy finds amusing. Edward (and later, Gretchen) is terrified when he finds out his needs to compete with Lazlo in checkers. When he is confronted by McMuesli over his anger issues, Edward mutters a single word, "loser", which is a stark allusion to the insecurities Edward feels. He also has a few aspects in common with Scoutmaster Lumpus, and the two worked together to stop Edward from going to Tomato Camp in Tomato

He has no imagination when it comes to names. In Hello Dolly, when he received Veronica for Christmas, he said, "I think I'll call you... Veronica!" and in Ed's Benedict he named the egg he supposedly laid after himself.

Edward is very deceitful, and hardly an episode goes by without some scheme of Edward's failing to induced the worship Edward so much desires. He ordered a number of phony merit badges to make himself feel better, which almost has him attending Tomato Camp. This was one of the traits he had in common with Scoutmaster Lumpus. In Being Edward, he tried making everyone worship him on "Edward Day", only for everyone to misunderstand and so they light-kindheartedly decided to be as rude and obnoxious as him (basically, being Edward for a day).

Edward has a horrible tendency to bite off more than he can chew. When he faked a yeti attack in Radio Free Edward, he claimed that he handled the situation when really it was just a ratings stunt and he claimed that he would be ready next time they attack. However, when they broke into the radio station, he was reduced to a trembling, screaming wreck and is still cowering in a corner when the yetis turn out to be more or less harmless.

Edward has four older brothers who also attended Camp Kidney and look down on him due his being the youngest. It's because of this bullying that Edward has developed an aggressive personality. He finally stood up to his four older brothers after they used him as a tether ball and accidentally sent him hurtling towards two other campers who had been bullied, teased, and harassed by them four years prior.

Like his older brother Cheesly, Edward can be very sycophantic, especially towards the Scoutmaster. However, unlike his four older brothers, Slinkman knows how to handle the platypus.

As a result, Edward is very insecure and concerned with being 'macho' in order not to be humiliated by everyone, in spite of the fact that in Hello Dolly, Lazlo is very accepting of the fact that he plays with dolls (much to his older brothers' disgust). It's revealed in Movie Night that despite his attitude, he is actually the youngest camper in Camp Kidney.


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           Cartoon Network 2010 logo Villains

Code Lyoko
XANA | William Dunbar | Men in Black | Scyphozoa | Laura Gauther

TV Movie Villains
Albadon | Astaroth | Troy Adams | Steve | Big Rob | White Diamond | Spinel | Sonny Appleday | Grandfather | Father | Senior Citi-zombies | Agent Trout | National Wildlife Control | Pizza Rat

Crossover Villains
Lord Fuse | The Announcer's Remote Control | Delightful Reaper | Alpha | Strike

Sym-Bionic Titan Villains
General Modula | Galalunan Commander

What A Cartoon!
Yuckie Duck | Sledgehammer O'Possum | Dogg | Big Bad Wolf | Wind Up Wolf | Luther | Fox Chef | French Chef | Tumbleweed Tex | Noof | Mad Bomber | Reilly | Blammo the Clown | Boid | Aliens

Dexter's Laboratory
Mandark | Quackor | Crazy Robot | Badaxtra | Hookocho | Lalavava | Comrade Red | Mental Mouse | Huntor | Peltra | Simion | Orgon Grindor | Dynomutt X-90 | Ultrabot 2000

Cow and Chicken
Red Guy | Rooster | Cerberus | I.R. Baboon | Big Foot | Buffalo Gals | Bully from Scottsdale | Butch | Chachi | Dick | Dr. Chunks | Fluffy the Anaconda | Grizzly Beaver | Headhunters | Jolly Roger | Laughing Hyenas | Luigi Rustknocked | Man-Eating Giraffes | Photocopy | Queen of Yurp | Scott Weil | Sow | The Milkman

¡Mucha Lucha!
Queen Voladora | Monster of San Luis Rey | 6-Armed Monster | Carlton Cold Jones | Heavy Traffic | Primadonna Hodges | Cindy Slam | Potato Patata Jr. | El Perrito | El Custodio | El Dolor De Kurtz | El Evil Cheese Grande | El Evil Dentista of Doom | El Haystack Grande | Coco Demento | El Maléfico | El Pared | El Toro Amarillo | Esteban | Futboloco | Mask Savages | Masked Toilet | Mysterioso Grande | Mr. Fishy Fish | El Oscuro Invasor | Rick O' Shea | Private Reinhardt | Queen Voladora's Mummified Mommy | Slurf | Timmy of a Thousand Masks

I Am Weasel
I.R. Baboon

Edgar & Ellen
Edgar and Ellen | Pet | Stephanie Knightleigh

Krypto The Superdog
Mechanikat | Snooky Wookums | Delilah | Bud and Lou

The Life & Times of Juniper Lee
Auntie Roon | Auntie Roon's Minions | Loki | Thor | Demoness | Jonathan | Kai Yee | Lex | Sandman | Vikki Devvyne | Taylor Evermore | Wrongness

Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends
Terrence | Berry | Duchess | Extremesaurs | Kip Snip | Lord Snotzax | Lil' Lincoln | Nemesis | Omnizot | Wild Mac | World

Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi
Axel & Rod Skidmark | Eldwin Blair | Mr. Darrell | Mr. Master | P.A.L. | Rumaki | Sunekura | Sauerkraut Malone | Julie

My Gym Partner's a Monkey
Bobby Lion | Bull Sharkowski | Chad | Euripides Sharkowski | Larry Raccoon | Lola Llama | Possum Girl | Principal Wolverine | Rick Platypus | Mr. Cheetah | The Spiffies | The Ferals | Ted Oxpecker

Class of 3000
Preston | Dustin | Eastley | Big D | Mr. Yin and Mr. Min | Blob | Dr. Nefario | Kaylie and Mackenzie

Miss Endive | Gorgonzola | Reuben | Chestnut | Funjl | Meaches | Gumbo | Mr. Fugu | King of the Sky | Sour Ron | Kevin | Frank | Scary | Puckerberry Overlords | Sour Wife | Rosemary | Cinnamini Monster | Weirdos | Frau Broten | Florentine | Jeffrey | Peking Duck | Jam | Mr. Samball | Robert Limburger | Pepperjack | Flendive | Crazy Fruit | Meanie Cream Cake | Mold Pixie | Steve | The Teriyaki Triads | Roquefort | Ms. Butterscotch

The Secret Saturdays
V.V. Argost | Munya | Argost's Army | Rani Nagi | Zak Monday | Doc Monday | Drew Monday | Fiskerton Monday | Zon Monday | Abbey Grey | Baron Finster | Francis | Shock Troopers

The Mr. Men Show
Little Miss Naughty | Little Miss Scary | Mr. Rude | Mr. Stubborn | Aliens | Alien Space Pirates | Mr. Metal | Lions | King Kong | Sea Monster | Snow Monster

Hero 108
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Nixels | Major Nixel | King Nixel | Nixel Guard | Nixie | Painted Nixels | Slap Nixel | Tentacle Nixel | Muscle Nixel | Boomerang Nixel | Cannon Nixel | Boxing Nixel | Catch Up Nixel

The Looney Tunes Show
Cecil Turtle | Yosemite Sam | Elmer Fudd | Marvin the Martian | Wile E. Coyote | Sylvester | Taz | Daffy Duck | Henery Hawk | George P. Dog

New Looney Tunes
Yosemite Sam | Ivana | Rhona Roundhouse | Carl the Grim Rabbit | Elmer Fudd | Marvin the Martian | King Thes | Cal | Jack | Eagle Scout | Hazmat | Count Bloodcount | Sir Littlechin | Computer Virus | Winter Stag | Krakos the Polar Bear | Scarecrow | Vera the Vulture | Ninjas

Mighty Magiswords
Queen Porcina | Morbidia | Gateux | Phil The Pilefer | Glori | Nohyas | King Rexxtopher | DeBizz | Helmut | Manfish the Fish Man | Frostferatu | Brocoli Dumplin Kids | Brotherhood of Thieves | Francis Thingshooter | Naso | Birda | Purrlance | Mr. Flumooks

Over the Garden Wall
The Beast | Adelaide | Dog | Evil Spirit | The North Wind

Belson Noles | Balance | Brenda Shoop | Joshua | Mildred | Cooter | Malakevin | Mountain Lion | Mr. Noles | Seabass

Uncle Grandpa
Pizza Steve | Aunt Grandma | Cheesepuff Mike | Bottom Bag | Chinease Take Out Delivery Guy | Christopher Columbus | Cloud Wizard | Curly | Emperor Krell | Evil Forces Shadow Guy | Foreign Madman | Free Sample Elves | Galaxy Guardians | Gary | G-Dog | Gornak | Green Alien | Jimmy | Kevin E. Peepants | Kid Cousin | Larry | Leo | Lexus, Lisa, & Lori | Moe | Mouse | Mole People | Moon Man | Mud Goblins

Generator Rex
Black Knight | Van Kleiss | The Pack (Biowulf , Breach , Skalamandar, Bouncer, I-Bol & Circe ) | Consortium | Dr. Branden Moses

Annoying Orange
Broccoli Overlord | Broccoli Minions | Grapefruit | Big Rock Candy Monster | Teddy Juicer

Apple & Onion
Beef Jerky | Cheesesteak | Duck | Maritimers (Crab Cake, Tempura Shrimp & Tuna Can)

Summer Camp Island
Basketball | Jabberwock | Jeremiah

See Also
Adventure Time Villains | Ben 10 Villains | Camp Lazlo Villains | Codename: Kids Next Door Villains | Courage the Cowardly Dog Villains | Craig of the Creek Villains | Ed, Edd n Eddy Villains | Infinity Train Villains | Johnny Test Villains | OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes Villains | Regular Show Villains | Robotboy Villains | Samurai Jack Villains | Steven Universe Villains | Teen Titans Villains | Teen Titans Go! Villains | The Amazing World of Gumball Villains | The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy Villains | The Powerpuff Girls Villains | Total Drama Villains | Victor and Valentino Villains | Villainous Villains | We Bare Bears Villains
