Eberwolf is a major antagonist in Season 2 of the Disney Channel animated series, The Owl House. He is the leader of the Beast Keeping Coven who reports under Emperor Belos.
He was voiced by Kari Wahlgren.
Eberwolf is a child-sized bestial humanoid. He had a wild mane of auburn hair, tied in a big fluffy ponytail using a yellow, frayed band. Their body is covered with orange fur, with some unkempt spots on his cheeks and elbows. His eyes have yellow sclerae with magenta irises and slit pupils and he had two pointed ears similar in shape to a cat's. Eber has the ability to make himself look even more beast-like with larger claws, tusks, and fangs.
He wear a sage green sleeveless shirt, a dull brown loincloth in the likeness of a hand or paw with light gray claws, and a pair of dark brown boots with gray soles. He also wear a pair of spiked yellow arm bracers.
Eberwolf behaves with a animalistic personality and commonly acts like a dog. There are times when they can be either eccentric or vicious. He also like to cause trouble and annoy others for his own benefit. They are also interested in Penstagram. However, his is also very loyal and dedicated to Emperor Belos and would do anything to help him start the Day of Unity.
Eberwolf first appears in "Hunting Palismen" along with the other coven leaders where he hear about Belos' plan with the Day of Unity.
He later appear in "Eda's Requiem" along with the leader of the Abomination Coven, Darius. He trick the Bards Against the Throne (BATs) into a trap and send them to the conformatorium as punishment for his crimes against the Emperor. He later fight off against Eda and Raine Whispers with Eberwolf summing a large worm monster. He are later caught in Eda's cursed Bard magic which drains their powers but quickly regains them once Raine stops the spell. Eber and Darius later catch Raine but he escape and is captured by Kikimora with help from an Abomatron.
As Head Witch of the Beast Keeping Coven, Eberwolf is an integral part to Emperor Belos' Day of Unity and is tasked with inducting members into the Beast Keeping Coven. He is present when Raine Whispers was inducted as the new Bard Coven Head. However, once it is revealed that there is a turncoat amongst the Coven Heads, both Eberwolf and Darius set up a trap and successfully capture three of the five BATs (Bards Against the Throne).
However, Eberwolf is unable to smell out the leader's scent from the captured BATs, forcing the two Head Witches to continue their search. Darius begins to grow impatient and furious once a pair of boots kick some mud on his cloak, and he transforms into an abomination-like form while Eberwolf assumes a more bestial form and summons a ratworm. At first, he get stopped by the decaying effects of Raine's bard magic and Eda's curse, but after Raine stops Eda from continuing their duet, the two Head Witches manage to capture the turncoat for treachery and ruining Darius' cloak. With Raine captured, Eberwolf passes the time by watching a Penstagram stream, and when asked by Darius to turn it off and help him handle Raine, they simply increase the volume, much to his ire.