Antagonists Wiki
Dylan Fuentes

Dylan Fuentes is one of the psychopaths from Dead Rising 3. He also is one of the psychopaths that represents the seven deadly sins. Dylan represents the sin of lust.

Dead Rising 3[]

Nick enters the basement of an adult store in South Almuda named Annie's Old Fashioned XXX Supply. Upon arriving, Nick goes over to help two tied up and gagged survivors named Julia Slyde and Eric Martinez, but ends up tripping on a cable. On an elevated platform, Dylan makes some sexual remarks and demands towards Nick, to which Nick repeatedly rejects. Dylan threatens Nick to start being more obedient and then releases a huge blast of fire from his weapon the 'Lust Cannon' which is a phallic shaped flamethrower. Nick continues to not listen to Dylan, causing Dylan to laugh, and that's when the fight starts.

Upon defeat, Dylan makes a remark about Nick giving him "blue balls" and falls to the floor. Right before Dylan dies, Dylan's lust cannon releases a stream of gas resembling ejaculation, causing Nick to look away in embarrassment, and that's when the fight ends.
