Antagonists Wiki

Drooper is one of three main villains of the 2019 Banana Splits horror movie.

Drooper is a brown lion with a red nose & wearing a pair of orange sunglass, & a hat like the other members of the banana splits. He also wears white spats on his feet.

When Drooper gets updated, he turns evil after a software called "THE SHOW MUST GO ON" evades his system. After an drunken Stevie tells him & his friends that the show was cancelled, Drooper started the massacre by killing Stevie.

At the end of the film, Drooper gets killed off by Beth after she stabbed Drooper through his mouth to the back of the head.


  • Drooper is considered to be the most evilest banana split since he started the massacre & got an update that ended up being faulty in the first place.