Antagonists Wiki

Dr. Doppler was a brilliant Reploid reseacher and also he is a of the main antagonists that appearead in Megaman X3.


Doppler was brilliant Reploid scientist reseacher that watched the war between Sigma and the Maverick Hunters, and soon hoped he could do something to stop this war. He created the utopian Doppler city where those who were tired of the Mavericks's war would meet and Doppler with his a ruler. He studied the Sigma virus and soon created a vaccine but the vaccine was fake and the Reploids soon began to rebel in the city. Dr. Doppler has assembled a Maverick army and initiates an attack against the base of the Maverick Hunters. X and Zero run to can intercept attack, and find Mac who was a Maverick Hunter. He then traps X and says he now works for Doppler but Zero appears and destroys Mac, then the two go to Doppler City to stop it. Doppler then hires two police Reploids Bit and Byte and resuscitates Vile to stop Zero and X.

X defeats the Doppler Reploids and goes to his laboratory along with Zero, it also defeats Bite and Byte cast, as well the Vile also, X then fights Dr. Doppler and manages to defeat him, he soon regains consciousness and reveals that he was being used by Sigma all the time, having also built a strong and improved body for him.

X then goes after Sigma and defeats him, Sigma then tries to own X, but Dr. Doppler appears and injects the anti-virus into Sigma and sacrifices himself to stop him. X gets escaped and the laboratory that broke.
