Domino Thacker was a minor antagonist who appeared on Criminal Minds in the first season on the episode Blood Hungry.
Thacker's life is not revealed, but it is explained that he was arrested for assault and armed robbery, carrying drugs, with the intention of selling his own drugs, also in the episode it is mentioned that Thacker hospitalized for overdose and attempted suicide. The day Eddie Mays killed Annie Stuart he then planned to rob her home. But when he got there, she was already dead and cut, Thacker then stole the items from the house.
Then when he takes the testimony from Wally Brisbane who says he saw Thacker outside's Annie's house. And when the authorities try to get his testimony, Thacker tries to escape but gets caught. He then says he stole Annie's house, and that she was already dead there and that she saw someone but couldn't see the face. After that, Thacker is arrested or institutionalized.