Antagonists Wiki

The Dodgeball Team are the minor antagonistic faction of the Nickelodeon animated television series The Casagrandes. They are the former arch-rival of the Skate Team.


Team Effort[]

The dodgeball team are the unseen characters who burying Ronnie Anne and her friends with their balls while they planning to make the skate team.

Throwing Pains[]

As their physical appearances, the dodgeball team uses the gym and tells the skate team that they're refuse to share it. Dodge makes a deal with the stake team if they beat the dodgeball team at the match on Friday, the gym is theirs. The dodgeball team then throws their balls at the skate team to get them out of the gym.

The day of the match, the dodgeball team ready to take the skate team down and Dodge explains the standard rules of dodgeball. For the first round, the two teams run to the center of the gym while the dodgeball team throws their balls at the skate team, but the skaters end up winning which they remembers their training from the last few days. After the first round, Dodge brings backup for a substitute player to join her team is Becky. For the second round, the dodgeball team wins when Becky's aggressive playing causes the skaters to get injured.

For the final round, the dodgeball team successfully throws their balls at the skate team, but Laird jumps in the way to save Ronnie Anne from Dodge which means that she is out. The dodgeball players continue to throw their balls at the skate team while Ronnie Anne uses Laird's hair to get them out, simultaneously getting the skate team back into the court. The left of the dodgeball team member is Becky who throws four balls at Ronnie Anne's friends. Becky also throws her ball at Ronnie Anne hardest to launch her across the court and crash through the wall. The dodgeball team declares that they won, but Ronnie Anne reveals that she caught Becky's ball. The skate team wins while the dodgeball team defeated and forced to leave the gym where they get surrender themselves to the cold.

When Ronnie Anne feels bad for the dodgeball team, the skate team and the dodgeball team agrees to share the gym together while Dodge apologize to Ronnie Anne for her bad behavior, which Ronnie Anne accepts her apology.

Gossipy Girl[]

Dodge is seen at the pottery class where she and other students laugh at Casey for revealing his secret which it's actually Sergio who messes with Breakfast Bot.

For the Record[]

The dodgeball team seen preparing to pummel Sameer with their balls for ten seconds which Becky helps him to break a record. As the record starts, the dodgeball team throws their balls at Sameer, but it didn't beat the record. When Becky starts the record again, the dodgeball team once again throw their balls at Sameer.

However, the dodgeball team are still no longer antagonists because they just help Sameer attempting to break a record.


The dodgeball team are mean, selfish, bratty and aggressive kids who despises the stake team and wants to keep the gym for themselves. They enjoys playing dodgeball and tormenting other students who invades the gym. They're also schemes to defeat the stake team and become more popular than them.



           Nickelodeon 2009 logo Villains

TV Series
Lamar Bone | Angelica Pickles | Ed Bighead | Earl | Mr. Dupette | Plankton | Karen Plankton | Lars Rodriguez | Miranda Killgallen | Glowface | Tlaloc | Gart Default | Coverton | Sta'abi | Amanda Killman | Vic McGillicuddy | Chandler McCann | Becky

The Ren & Stimpy Show
Ren Höek | Victor | Victor's Dad | Adonis | Evil Ren | Hideously Evil Ren | George Liquor | Haggis MacHaggis | Contorno | Reverend Jack Cheese | Waffle Woman | Anthony's Dad | Boss | Brain Aliens | Colonel Scrambolio | Drill Sergeant | Kodiak Marmoset | Lout Brothers | Man Eating Village Idiot | Shlomo and Momo | Sid | The Dogcatcher | Worm

Aaahh!!! Real Monsters
The Gromble | Snorch & Zimbo | Simon the Monster Hunter | Jake | Sal

The Angry Beavers
Scientist Number 1 and Pete | Edgar the Swamp Witch

Reggie Bullnerd | Mr. Wilter | Skrawl | Biclops | Skrawl's Brain | Bully Nerd | Quicksand Man | Mrs. Tweezer | The Craniacs | Stinky Witch | Doofi Rudy and Doofi Penny | Boorat | Jacko | Vinnie Raton | Terry Bouffant | Beanie Boys | Snake | Thor Throat

Squeakus | The Chump Brothers | Bill Champsley

El Tigre
Sartana of the Dead | Black Cuervo | Voltura | El Tigre | Puma Loco | Lady Gobbler | Flock of Fury | El Oso | El Mal Verde | Dr. Chipotle Jr. | Dr. Chipotle Sr. | Dr. Chipotle Sr. Sr. | General Chapuza | Che Chapuza | Calevera Zombies | Calavera Banditos | Esteban | El Cucharon | Señor Siniestro | Robot Bandidos | Django of the Dead | Skeleton Bandito Army | El Machete | Golden Eagle Twins | Carlitio | Carla | Mano Negra | The Bad Girls | Comrade Chaos | Titanium Titan | Cactus Kid | Mustache Mafia | Don Baffi | Big Man | Tony | Sophia | Dark Leopard | El Tarantula | Ninja Monster Clan | Plata Peligrosa | Guacamole Monster | Forgotten Dead Monster | Dragon Worm | Chipotle Family | Puma Loco Bot | Alebrije Monster | Android El Tigre | Mighty Cheetar

The Mighty B!
Roxxy | Hal | Mr. Griff | Harris Daye | Robot Bessie | K.G. Bianca | Chelsea Gibbons | Chelsea's Friends | Finguere

The Penguins of Madagascar
Dr. Blowhole | Joey Kangaroo | Officer X | Savio | Clemson | Stacy | Rhonda | Falcon | Rat King | Archie | Kuchikukan | Hans the Puffin | Frances Alberta | Vesuvius Twins | Barry | Leopard Seals

Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomness
Brotherhood of Malfeasance (Hundun, Taotie, Fung, Gahri, Temutai & Tong Fo) | Fenghuang | Junjie | Scorpion | Lidong | Heilang | Bad Po | Bian Zao | Fu-Xi | Ke-Pa | Pang Bing | Alien Rice Weevils

Fanboy & Chum Chum
Boog | Lenny Flynn-Boyle | Kyle Bloodworth-Thomason | The Global Warmer | Sigmund the Sorcerer | Professor Flan | Berry the Ice Monster | Necronomicon | Marsha | Mr. Trick

Sanjay and Craig
Mr. Noodman | Benjy Warlin | Carlos Bandana | Chef Mei | Chido | Colonel Badguyski | Conquistador | D.I.N.K | Dillinger Softlips | Mr. Noodman, Sr. | Munchie | Pizza Demon | Ronnie Slithers

Harvey Beaks
Dade | Fogbark Monster | Halbreth | Kip Dinkly, Jr. | Les Squirrels | Moff | Randl

It's Pony
Otis Perrybottom | Jill Perrybottom | Bob Perrybottom

The Twisted Timeline of Sammy & Raj
Tara Gupta | Malini Gupta | Hugo | Kristi Lee | Shapiro | Mrs. Hugeman | PAL

The Secret World of Alex Mack
Danielle Atron | Paradise Valley Chemical

The Amanda Show
Judge Trudy

Legends of the Hidden Temple
Temple Guards

Drake & Josh
Ashley Blake | Thornton Locke | Milo McCreary

Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide
Mr. Sweeney | Vice Principal Crubbs | Huge Crew | Killer Bees | One-Bite

Zoey 101
Logan Reese | Rebecca | Stacy | Dean Rivers

The Thundermans
Dark Mayhem | Green Ghoul | Mike Evilman | King Crab | Lady Web | Scalestro | Son of Scalestrp | Strongdor | Fairy Pinch-ess | Villain League | Lionel, Jake and Tom | Olympia Wong | Darcy Wong | Balfour | Madison Robertson

Nevel Papperman | Lewbert Slime | Nora Dershlit | Mr. & Mrs. Dershlit | Chuck Chambers | Wade Collins | Missy Robinson | Amber Tate | Kyoko and Yuki | Chip Chambers | The Petographers | The Shadow Hammer | Francine Briggs | Valerie | Jocelyn | Jonah | Rona Burger | Pirates | Marta Trundel | Lervin's Bully | Dimitri and Ivan | Lauren Ackerman | Tessa | Candance | Carter Ford | Steven Carson | Doug Toder | Billy Boots | Cal | Dana Bukowski | Trick-or-Treaters | Totally Teri Writers | Natalie | Sunshine Girls | Backflesh

Jade West | Tara Ganz | Hayley Ferguson | Fawn Liebowitz | Mona Patterson | Mr. Dickers | Mrs. Lee | Rhoda Hellberg | Melinda Murray | Barney and Billy Triplet | Bella | Christie | Francis Thornesmith | Randy Bronson | Jarold and Merl

Big Time Rush
Gustavo Rocque | Mr. Bitters | George Hawk | Wayne Wayne | Jett Stetson | Rebecca | Tad | Dara's Stepmother | Atticus Moon | Sandy | Molly | Captain McAlister | Jane Kennedy

Game Shakers
MeGo | Lance

Knight Squad
Ryker | Commander Umbala | Ryker's Army

I Am Frankie
Lorenzo Bravo | Segundo Mehija | Mr. Kingston | Eliza | EGG | Cynthia Mondall | WARPA | Simone | Dóminus | Luz

Welcome to the Wayne
Calliope Organization | Flowershit

Are You Afraid of the Dark?
The Shadowman | Mr. Tophat | Dr. Vink | Evil Spirit | Adrian | Badge | Basement Demon | Belinda's Witch | Black Figures | Braun Family | Brother Septimus | Chameleons | Corpse | Crimson Clown | Diggers | Doctor Capel-Smith | Evil Executioner | Evil Sheriff | Evil Witch | Ghastly Grinner | Gort | Gremlin | Jake "The Snake" Desmond | Keeper | Koda | Madame Visage | Madeline | Margot | Master Raymond | Mr. & Mrs. Taylor | Mr. Olson | Mrs. Briar | Ms. Valenti | Nosferatu | Peter Kirlan | Phone Police | Quiet Librarian | Renegade Virus | Sandman | Suitmen | Teddy Mars | The British | The Stone Maiden | The Watcher | Zeebo

The Other Kingdom
Versitude | Peter Quince | King Reed | Pixies

LEGO Jurassic World: The Legend of Isla Nublar
Danny Nedermeyer | Sinjin Prescott | Vic Hoskins | Indominus Twins | Computer Interface | Dianne

Nick Arcade
Game Wizards

Action League Now!
Big Baby | Hodge Podge | Madame Shyster | Red Ninja | Roboflesh | Smarty Pants | Spotzilla

See Also
Avatar: The Last Airbender Villains | Barnyard Villains | Breadwinners Villains | CatDog Villains | Danny Phantom Villains | Doug Villains | Henry Danger Villains | Hey Arnold! Villains | Invader Zim Villains | Jimmy Neutron Villains | Monster High Villains | My Life as a Teenage Robot Villains | Nick Jr. Villains | Nickelodeon All Star Brawl Villains | Rocko's Modern Life Villains | Rugrats and All Grown Up! Villains | SpongeBob SquarePants Villains | T.U.F.F. Puppy Villains | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Villains | The Fairly OddParents Villains | The Loud House and The Casagrandes Villains | The Wild Thornberrys Villains

           The Loud House Logo / Nickelodeon The Casagrandes Logo Villains

Royal Woods
Luan Loud | Lynn Loud Jr. | Lola Loud | Lisa Loud | Lily Loud | Flip | Scoots | Chandler McCann | Hazeltucky Hockers (Hank and Hawk) | Lindsay Sweetwater | Mr. Bolhofner | Eighth Grade Bullies (Anderson, Taylor and Pablo) | Vic McGillicuddy

Great Lakes City
Carlino Casagrande | Becky | Ricky | Dodgeball Team (Dodge & Dodgeball Players) | Julius

Monsters and Creatures
El Cucuy | Nightmare Trashy | Nightmare Tentacle | Flip Monster | Candy Goblin | Giant Mosquito | Venus Mantraps | Zombies | Sirens | Minotaur | Cyclops | Aliens

Groundskeeper Jim | Buzz | Alfredo | Narcisso Grillo | Mystic Mummy of Mystery

Dennis | Machines | Chip Micro | Chip Micro's Henchmen | GLART-E

The Bear | Sergio | Sancho | Nacho | Dolly the Dinosaur | Gilly | Ursula | Jazzy | Malo | Beto | Alligators | Mountain Goats | Moby Rick

Neighborhood Cats
Mr. Wiggles | Street Cats

Great Lakes City Rats
Rat Leader | City Rats

The Miller Family | Trench Coat Woman

In-Universe Fiction
The Harvester | The Card Shark | Wild Card Willy | Wild Card Willy's Goons | The Old Maid | Snake Eyes | Gas Monster | Kitty | Long Beard | Pirate | Davey | Cephaloplex | Golden Toe | Blowfish | Odd Bob | Patty Whack | El Dragon | La Cobra | La Tortuga | Master Kitsune | El Polite

Comic Book
Cockroaches | Night Walker | Evil Force

Ro-Bro | Walter Phillipini

The Loud House Movie
Morag | Aggie
A Really Haunted Loud House
Xander Nation (Xander Coddington, Paul Coddington, Johnny & Jenna)
The Casagrandes Movie
Ucumu | Lava Minions | Punguari
No Time to Spy: A Loud House Movie
Fifi Dufus | Rufus Dufus | Ham Hand | Dufus' Goons (Henchman Mo)

Bratty Kid | Sue | Burglars | Prisoner | The Loud Doubles | Guy Grazer | Ralphie | Carol Linnaeus | Carol's Bodyguards | Monica | Han Family Bandits | Joyce Crandall | Mr. Vanderspeed | David Nababirdy | Brooke and Chet | Earl of Nuttingham
