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We finally had a future all to ourselves. Unfortunately... our parent company didn't exactly LOVE the concept of "runaway AI."
~ Uzi narrating the origin of and reason behind the Disassembly Drones.

The Disassembly Drones, also known as the Murder Drones, are the titular major antagonists of the 2021 series Murder Drones. They are an unknown number of sentient, murderous robots believed to have been made by JCJenson in order to disassemble all stray Worker Drones on Copper 9. It is later revealed that they were actually created by the AbsoluteSolver as part of its plan of destroying all life around it.


Disassembly Drones are usually depicted to be bloodthirsty murders that relish in their achievements of killing Worker Drones. They're primarily concerned with their tasks and usually follow them without question. Outside of this, they seem very human-like, similar to how Worker Drones behave.

It is unknown when the first batch of Disassembly Drones were made but they have been around long enough for Worker Drones to build and develop countermeasures around them. They appear to work in groups of three, led by their designated squad leader, while one of them acts as a pilot for piloting their landing pods.

So far, only one squad of Disassembly Drones have been shown, consisting of Serial Designations N, J, and V, all of which were originally regular Worker Drones that served under the Elliott household as butlers and maids. Later episodes reveal that more Disassembly Drones exist and had been sent to the Cabin Fever Labs but they had been slaughtered by the Sentinels that were stationed to guard there.


Disassembly Drones seem to be physical similar to Worker Drones, but appear to have taller and slender builds in comparison. They have silver hair and yellow eyes, as well as prominent tails with stingers filled with nancite acid and retractable, sharp-bladed wings. Each of them possess five glowing bulbs on their heads and all of them appear to wear black outfits with yellow armbands around their left arms, containing their PIN and serial numbers.

Male Disassembly Drones appear to have a more lean built with humanoid, boot-shaped legs, while female Disassembly Drones appear to have a curve built, with peg-like feet and their legs painted black to resemble stockings.

Powers and Abilities[]

Disassembly Drones appear to possess nanotechnology that forms their many weapons and makes them very hard to be killed. They have been seen to be shot, crushed, or broken down, but seem to be able to reform their bodies using nanotechnology. Even when that nanotechnology is destroyed, it seems they can simply be brought back from Earth recreated, as seen with Serial Designation J.


  • N is currently the only known Disassembly Drone shown to be male.
  • According to J, certain Disassembly Drones such as her are cloned, based on their effective performances. This appears to apply to other Disassembly Drones such as N, as the Solver briefly mentioned to him that he had backups. It is also appears that they carry over memories from their previous selves, as J recognized Uzi's railgun in Lizzy's possession as a prior hazard.
  • The concept art for V indicates that their sense of vision do not come from their visors but from the five, glowing bulbs on top of their heads.
  • In Cabin Fever, one of the documents Uzi discovered revealed a Disassembly Drone designated as S-010011X01, implying there existed a Disassembly Drone named Serial Designation S.
  • J, N, and V each have only one letter in their name, named after three of the twenty-six letters of the alphabet, implying that there are actually twenty-six of all Disassembly Drones.


           Murder Drones logoVillains

Disassembly Drones
N | V | J

Worker Drones
Cyn | Uzi Doorman | Lizzy | Doll | Alice | Rebecca | Darren | Emily | Braidon | Uzi's Teacher | Khan Doorman | Beau

James Elliott | Louisa Elliott

Absolute Solver | (Sentinels: Sparky)
