Richard ''Dick'' Roman is the main antagonist of season 7, he is the leader of the Levitathans, and having assassinated the real Dick Roman to be able to undermine his fortune since he was a billionaire businessman. And through (Richard Roman Enterprises) Dick Roman intends to make mankind like his snacks and dominate the earth on top of the food chain. Although the Leviathans hate all other specimens of monsters, Dick Roman himself seems to have shown one by the demons after rejecting Crowley's offer to join forces while talking, Dick Roman also said if the Leviathans weren't busy, they could easily sweep away the earth demons in the universe.
Dick Roman before the seventh season events, he was one off the God created the Leviathans he locked up for being so bestials.
Season 7[]
Hello, Cruel World[]
After all the Leviathans leave Castiel's body, Edgar is sent to find other Leviathans that are drawing human attention. Edgar recalls that the old Leviathan in the area hates more news since his boss. He also the eldest Leviathan sent kill the Winchesters brothers.
Slash Fiction[]
Dick later received a call from Agent Valente who says that Dean Leviathan and Sam Leviathan were defeated by the Winchesters brothers, he then suggests cloning again, but Dick says no, that they can't have the Winchesters brothers coming back from the dead a second time, as if you don't even want American media would believe that. He also warns Valente and threatens him if he fails again.
And when Dick gets in his limousine, he finds Crowley waiting for him. Crowley introduces himself and suggests that they should work together, but Roman refuses Crowley's offer, and when Crowley says it was he who freed the Leviathans. Roman laughs that he is not interested in working with demons. He still shows a contempt for demons and says they are shorter than humans and even threatens the extiction of the entire specimen if he had no more important things to do, with which Crowley then teleports.
How To Win Friends And Influence Monsters[]
Then when Dr. Gaines fails Dick then punishesly orders the Doctor Monster to do devoured to death. Bobby sees everything before his capture, Roman then says he can keep Bobby alive as long as he makes Sam and Dean Winchester come to rescue him. And when the Sam Winchester, they get into the trailer and run, but Dick Roman appears and shoots the trailer aiming at Bobby that he gets hit in the head and is sent to the hospital.
Death's Door[]
Then he finds Dick Roman in the limousine car where Bobby is in the hospital. And when Dean shouts that Dick Roman is there. Dean challeges him to kill him, and says being famous, Dick says Dean can't kill him without drawing attention to the Leviathans, and Dick laughs at Dean's threats in a carefree manner.
The Girl With The Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo[]
Dick asks Charlie Bradbury's I.T. staff to decrypt Frank Devereax 's hard drive. And that after 24 hours of constant work, she can open his file. Charlie then starts reading the Leviathan file and their activities and connections with Dick Roman, she concludes that this is crazy and goes after her supervisor Pete, who went to the garage to get a cigarette. Down below, Dick Roman praises Charlie and says that she is one of the few humans who is special and that her intelligence the Leviathans cannot copy. Next Charlie finds it on the hard drive, and unknowingly she just stole his emails and up the hard drive. Dick is disappointment that, according to him, there is no mention of the Winchesters brothers on the hard drive. Dick will then sees an animated package that has arrived. And Charlie finds out about the package that was carrier by one of Romans's excavations in Iran. After Sam and Dean Winchester steal the package and Roman's men go after them, but Dean throws a Borax bomb at them, Charlie also tries to get out of the building. The bomb explodes but Dick comes out unhamed and puts the building into confinament.
After that, Charlie tries to escape, and Bobby's ghost appears and distracts Dick Roman and lets Charlie and the Winchesters brothers escape. Angry Dick devours the Leviathan who failed to get the packard.
Reading Is Fundamental[]
Dick calls Edgar for him make new orders.
There Will Be Blood[]
During a TV show Dick makes an interview with a reporter, he explains his reasons for bulying SucroCorp, which is a high fructose corn syrup breeding food company. And in the interview he says he wants to make and purify high fructose corn syrup, and in order to make Americans live more tasting, then the reporter asks if he wants to make it better, that Dick agrees with that. After the interview, Roman orders Susan to kill the reporter and replace him. Meanwhile Kevin Tran is the prophet who ends up being held prisoner by Edgar. Dick then asks Kevin to translate the tablet that contains God's word, he offers Kevin a recommendation to Princeton if he cooperates. However Kevin knowing Roman is for real refuses, but when Roman gives a video of Kevin's mother being held hostage, Kevin translates the tabblet. Dick then releases Kevin's mother.
Survival of the Fittest[]
After no other choices Roman decides to make a deal with Crowley giving his blood but his suspicions that Crowley could deceive him, and he gave the real Dick Roman's cells to several Leviathans to deceive the Winchesters, and gave a poison that is destined to kill humans. After that, Castiel and Dean faces Dick Roman, he throws Castiel back, Dean tries to stab him but it doesn't work, then Castiel catches Dick arresting Dean then stabs him in the neck that makes him explode, so Dick is teleported back for purgatory, along with Dean and Castiel too.