Deviot is the secondary antagonist who appeared in Power Rangers Lost Galaxy. He is a robotic humanoid who conspired for both Trakeena and his tyrant father Scorpius in an attempt to usurp them.
After Trakeena fled from Scorpius, Deviot soon managed to find the way to Stinger Scorpion where he became Scorpius general, he wanted to get into the cocoon that Scorpius had prepared for Trakeena, so he could gain the power he offered. Soon after Deviot captured the Blue and Green Rangers and forced them to fight each other to obtain the energy of three Zords that he had on his control that are Stratoforce, Centaurus and Zenith Carrierzord. Deviot then activated them and the three Zords then refuses to fight the Zords of Deviot because they were Galacticabeast. However, they soon broke free of their control and joined the Megazord of the Rangers.
Deviot soon manipulated Scorpius against the Red Ranger, believing that Ranger had killed his daughter, he then fights with everything, after Leon fatally wounds Scorpius in the fight, when Leon defeated him, Scorpius then found Trakeena and wasted before his death sends out two revenger-hunting monsters that ae Teksa and Kubak to kill Trakeena, when Deviot kidnapped the Red Ranger threatening to kill his friends if they came, after Leon escapes grabbing Deviot, the cyborg then sees that his plan is working well after fooling Villamax, he soon prepares a trap against Trakeena, that she goes in the direction of Leon, he soon Teksa and Kubak, then in the fight, Trakeena destroys Teksa, and when she had immobilized Kubak he then almost speaks the truth, but does not allow Deviot and destroys it.
At one point, Deviot found out where the Psycho Rangers were and got the data card that imprisoned them and when one of the guards with the card tried to attack him behind, Deviot quickly destroyed him. He took them and revived, Psycho Rangers were given the order to capture the Rangers, they defeat them to the Galaxy Rangers with ease, however when Psycho Red was close to capturing Leon, Andrus appears and saves him. Then when Leon and Andrus released the other Galaxy Rangers, both Psycho Rangers, Trakeena, Deviot and Villamax went to attack the Rangers, however the Space Rangers appears, and along with a combined power of Space Rangers and Galaxy Rangers managed to defeat the Psycho Rangers, plus the Psycho Pink had survived and was brought by Deviot, however she rebelled against Trakeena and left behind a mystical sword that she used to be more powerful. however in the end she defeated by the two Megazords of the Space Rangers and Galaxy Rangers.
Deviot then put his hands on the Galaxy Book that made him more powerful, although he did more damage to the Rangersm he was defeated, and recovered the normal form after he absorbed the energy of the other monsters who were in the service of Captain Mutiny, with which he allied later, soon after a while Trakeena attacked the Mutiny's ship by destroying him, and Deviot survived the boom, Deviot tried to convince Trakeena that the pirate was forcing him to work for him, but she did not believe him at all in him. Deviot then tries to get into the cocoon, but Trakeena has attacked him and the two have fallen into the coccon, and Trakeena appears more with the Deviot's personality.
Powers and Ability[]
Deviot is a good melee fighter and he has blasters on his wrist which he his all time in fights. Later when he absorbed the powers of the Galaxy Book he became much more powerful.
Deviot was treacherous, deceitful, manipulative, traitorous, conspiratorial and cruel; he too was hungry for power since he wanted all the time to enter the cocoon and take up his powers that the cocoon could give. He also had no loyalty to his superiors since he orchestrated the death of Scorpius and tried to do the same with Trakeena when he sent two bounty hunters who are Teksa and Kubak to kill her in the end when he is exposed to treason himself tried to enter the cocoon, but at the end the cocoon that was its fall.
Similar Characters[]
- Deviot's personality is very similar to that of Darkonda and his conflicts with Villamax and also similar to Darkonda's rivalry with Ecliptor because they have opposing personalities.
- Deviot is also quite similar to the Vile of the Megaman X franchise, since both are secondary villains, both are similar in appearance, and both have a personality looks and to honor, both have a rivalry with one of the protagonist, Vile for X, and Deviot for Maya/Yellow Galaxy Ranger, and both are Complete Monster/Pure Evil.