Desi Gutierrez was a woman misognyst which appeared in Criminal Minds.
Desi was abused for his abused mother Lara, which talk which she ugly and putting Desi in an shed with snake, in begins Desi stayed fear them the snake surrounded Desi more no attacked that did which have a obsession with snake, after Desi did a denunciation against Lara which was forcing parenting classes.
Some years after with born from his other daughter Tina, after from some time Desi stayed with jealousy from for she if spared from punishment and she not, Desi had commited some crimes little when she was teenage with led to go for juvenile detention, after from if kicked of life than family, she met an man with name from Ryan Kash which hired she.
Dust and Bones[]
After from disfigure Hannah his victim, Desi kidnap other woman named Liz Meyer which disfigure face her of same way. After Desi pops up cleaning up instrument which she used in his victims, Desi wait his next victim Tricia Smoots go in on car and she is bite for a the her snake's after Desi cut tongue her and disfigure his face after Reid and JJ they discovers which the agressor has a tongue cut, Desi pops up waiting his sister when Tina comes for speak with Desi she negy money and after Desi kidnap Tina, which after Desi call on the phone for Lara speaking which this with Tina when lara falls in his trap and confronted Lara, and torture Tina front from Lara with sadism, after some time Luke Alves and Jennifer Jareau pops up and tries talk with Desi which play the snake for attacked them and escape, when Desi that escaping Simmons with a weapon talk to Desi surrender what Desi tries attack Simmons which shoot killing her.