Deputy Dangerous, later known as Deputy Doo Doo, is the overarching antagonist of Dav Pilkey's Super Diaper Baby duology.
Using the Super Power Taker Awayer 2000, Deputy Dangerous deprives Captain Underpants of his abilities after fooling him. The cops then arrive and begin pursuing him after he has his talking dog, Danger Dog, drink half of it. To the neighborhood hospital where Billy Hoskins was born, they pursue him. The latter flew out the window and landed immediately into the juice, gulping it down after the doctor gave him a spanking. Deputy was enraged and demanded that Billy return the juice; however, this infuriated Billy, who then beat Deputy. After Billy and his family are reunited, they depart while the authorities detain Deputy and Danger Dog.
Danger Dog still had his abilities, so the two made their way to a hidden lab up a mountain. Then Deputy Dangerous came up with a scheme to steal Super Diaper Baby's abilities by utilizing a crib that would give them to him at midnight. Unfortunately for the deputy, SDB pooped in his diaper at 11:59 p.m., and the poop got on DD, converting him into poo. Deputy went to the town to come up with a new plan, and after some time he comes up with one including retaliation. Deputy was not pleased to hear Danger Dog begin to make feces jokes to him on the way back.
After they returned, Deputy assembled the Robo-Ant 2000. Danger Dog inquired if he could call Deputy "Deputy Doo Doo" when he asked for his opinion on his new device. Deputy is upset by this and tells Danger Dog that when he rules the world, his name won't be amusing. Then he starts ravaging the city, but Danger Dog just plays about with his abilities.
SDB approaches Deputy to stop him after learning of what Deputy is planning shortly. He is unsuccessful in his attempts, and Deputy makes an attempt to throw him into some radioactive garbage. Danger Dog, to Deputy's dismay, saves him at the very last second. The robot then becomes unsteady causing it to fall.
Deputy did live, but the radioactive waste made him grow enormously. He then started ravaging once again up until SDB and DD learned about this. Then Diaper Dog and Super Diaper Baby showed up to defeat him, but Diaper Dog claims they can't touch him since he has absorbed a lot of radiation and touching him will cause them to mutate. Diaper Dog decides to make Deputy beat himself up, though. The superhero team does that, and while Deputy is getting better, they get a huge roll of toilet paper and fully encircle him with it. Later, the two transport Deputy to Uranus. He is then left behind on the planet, where he will stay forever.
Deputy Doo Doo makes a cameo in the sequel when Super Diaper Baby brings a frozen Rip Van Tinkle to Uranus and puts him next to the frozen deputy.