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Deathwing the Destroyer formerly also known as Neltharion the Earth-Warder, he is the main antagonist of the World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. He is also is one of the five Dragon Aspect and also the leader of the Black Dragonflight.



In thousand of years ago, Neltharion was soon chased by the Titans and over the dormain of the deep places of Azeroth. And though he was considered benevorent, Netharion soon went mad of the Old Gods especially N'Zoth, and he turned against War of the Ancients, and using his weapon he created called the Dragon Soul that could channel every aspect. However, his weapon went wrong and nearly destroyed Netharian himself. That is between humans and dragons and their name has become whispered with a feeling of fear and comtempt. 

As result, the black aspect engaged in a Second War and took on the form of Lord Davar Prestor with the goal of ending the once and destroying the Alliance from within. He also became his greatest enemy, Alexstrasza, a horde slave, with whom he later allied with him. After he suffered a series of defeats in a row, including the destruction of the Dragon Soul that was now known as the Demon Soul, and with it Deathwing was pursued by the other Aspects, and Deathwing was forced to retreat to Deepholm's elemental plan for himself to recover. From the Deepholm, Deathwing observed the experience of his former companion Sintharia that of a crusading dragon flight ar Grim Batol. And Deathwing now continues the work of his late consort. And from his immense hatred of humans, he for some reason was afraid of the wizard Medivh, and admitting also that he would never face him in battle in a battle, however, that might be due to his power coming into Sargeras.  

Deathwing later returned as the main antagonist of World of Warcraft: Cataclism, and in the third expansion. And though he believed most would be dead long ago, Deathwing then regained his streght at Deepholm and prepared a comeback that shook Azeroth and his foundations. 

He only apperead at the end of the Badlands quest chain, where he tried to destroy the last rescued egg from an existing Black Dragon. Little did he know that in fact he destroyed in was a Red Dragon and not a Black Dragon he had thought of before, and that he redeemed black egg was hidden in an unknown place. 

He once again appeared in the mission chain of Twilight Highlands, where he led the forces of Black Dragonflight in the battle of the heavens in Grim Batol. He fought Alexstrasza on a mountain top where they both fell into the heaven. Soon after Alexstrasza gets up and fights Deathwing and the two red dragons came to help him in the fight. And believing that Deathwing had died either in the fall or in the fight, she and the two red dragons talked to each other as to whether the war would end now with Deathwing's disappearance. However, unfortunately for Alexstrasza was then forced to flee. With his current whereabouts destroyed and reported unknown, he appeared all over the world and soon began to destroy regions by burning them until the was released Patch 4. 3. 

Deathwing is the greatest weapon against the Old Gods that will cause the end of all life in Azeroth, including his own, and with him even being paired on top of Wrymrest Temple.

Deathwing has complete control over the earth and its fanthoms, including the lava. And your breath like a lava cannon. It can even live from inside volcanoes and high temperature areas. And during his sojourn in Deepholm, he was increasingle corrupted by the Old Gods which further increased Deathwing's powers. And because of corruption, and no force in Azeroth that could destroy Deathwing. And because of that, the remaining Aspects who soon realized that the only way to destroy Deathwing was to use the weapon that could destroy Deathwing's Dragon Soul. And they sent adventures into the past who could retrieve the Dragon Soul. Deathwing was the last boss to use the Dragon Soul attack.

During the first battle between Deathwing and begin tearing their armor so they can make a hole big enough for Thrall to make a direct hit against Dragon Soul, after his armor has been hit, he falls into Maelstrom which where immediately rose from the ocean and soon began to crumble and allowing corruption to take over. Now far more monstrous than ever is his new tentacles he used against the heroes as he scattered across the rocky around Maelstrom and prevented him from initiating the cataclysm that would destroy Azeroth. Towards the end, soon after the adventures dealt enough damage to their head, the Dragon Aspect combine their powers in Dragon Soul to destroy Deathwing.



Before Deathwing was a benevolent and peaceful entity, he later became completely insane and evil. He began to hate mortals, even behaving misanthropically, and wanted to kill them all. He was also a cruel and sadistic psychopath, and when Deathwing had the Demon Soul, that was linked to Deathwing. Although Deathwing had a great hatred of mortals, he seemed to have respect or fear for Medivh, and admitted that he would never face Medivh in combat.


Deathwing is a giant demon dragon with three horns, it also has a magma around the body and a rocky skin, as well as scorpion-shaped tail. 

Powers and Abilities[]

  • Geokinesis: Deathwing has control of the earth, and can manipulate it.
  • Pyrokinesis: Deathwing besides him can manipulate fire, he is also able to use magma against his enemies.
  • Umbrakinesis: Deathwing can generate darkness from himself and project it forward to attack his enemies.
  • Flight: Like any other dragon, Deathwing is also capable of flying anywhere it wants.
  • Shapeshifting: He is a shapeshifter who can change shape whenever he wants and go humanoid.
  • Invenarable: He is invunerable to all attacks
  • Superhuman Streght: Deathwing has superhuman strength even in his human form, and is also capable of raising other dragons like him.
  • Resistance: Deathwing can even be stand up for major damage.
  • Speedster: He is very fast having a speed od sound speed.

Black Dragonflight[]


  • Sintharia
  • Nefarian
  • Onyxia
  • Sabellian 
  • Nyxondra
  • Wrathion
  • Ebyssian
  • Atramedes
  • Baltharus
  • Bloodlord Lashlayer
  • Credo
  • Cyrus Therepentous
  • Darkblaze
  • Emberstrife
  • Fahrad
  • General Drakkisath
  • General Zarithrian
  • Kalaran 
  • Kyrak
  • Malicion
  • Maloriak
  • Karsh Steelbender
  • Lord Valthalak
  • Maxnar
  • Myzerian
  • Nalice
  • Rask
  • Singe
  • Torth
  • Nihil
  • Jirakka
  • Teremus
  • Or'kaos
  • Vhel'kur
  • Razorgore
  • Razormaw
  • Flamegor
  • Madaggan
  • Moldarr
  • Shalrath
  • Zaritria
  • Saviana Ragefire
  • Sartharion
  • Searinox
  • Serinar
  • Solakar Flamewreath
  • Wyrmthalak
  • Blackslash
  • Brimgore
  • Ebonroc
  • Firemaw
  • Hematos 
  • Hematus
  • Minyoth
  • Pyrriocion
  • Smolderwing
  • Snarlflare
  • Drakkisath
  • Madaggan
  • Sharalth
  • Hamarahk


  • Sintharia (wife and former prime consort).
  • Many black dragon, Nefarian, Sabellian,
  • Neltharaku (son).
  • Wrathion (grandson).
  • Onyxia (daughter).
  • Nyxondra (daughter).
  • Wrathion's unknown father (son-in-law).
  • Mordenaku (grandson).
  • Zoya and Onyxien (granddaughters).
  • Galankrond (progenitor and father).
  • Alexstrasza (sister)
  • Ysera (sister)
  • Malygos (brother)
  • Nozdormu (brother)
  • Tyranastrasz (brother-in-law)
  • Korialstrasz (brother-in-law)
  • Eranikus (brother-in-law)
  • Sindragosa (sister-in-law)
  • Saragosa (sister-in-law)
  • Soridormi (sister-in-law)
  • Caelastrasz (nephew)
  • Vaelastrasz (nephew)
  • Keristrasza (niece)
  • Merithra (niece)
  • Arygos (nephew)
  • Balacgos (nephew)
  • Tyrygosa (niece)
  • Kirygosa (niece)
  • Anachronos (nephew)


  • Dragon Aspects (former).
  • Old Gods's forces.
  • Z'thoth.
  • Black Dragonflght.
  • Twilight Dragonflight.
  • Horde of Draenor (former).
  • Alliance of Lordaeron (as Daval Prestor).


Trivia []

  • Although Deathwing had a great hatred for mortals, he was still afraid of Medivh, and even said he would never face him.
  • Deathwing is very similar to Fairy Tail franchise, Acnologia, as both are genocidal dragons under their own nickname and not their real names. Both are misathropic dragons, both are anarchists who aim to destroy everything, both had a confrontation with another dragon, Alexstrasza for Deathwing, and Igneel for Acnologia. And both are Complete Monster.