Antagonists Wiki

Slade Wilson also known as Deathstroke is the main antagonist of the Teen Titans franchise and a major antagonist in the DC Universe, Being the arch-enemy of Robin, and an enemy to Batman. He enlisted in the army at age 16 Where he !st lifelong friend William Wintergreen and future bride Adeline Kane. Following the birth of Slade's first son Grant Wilson he was asked by an army to undergo an experimental procedure in a test to make meta human super soldiers though Slade was under the impression tha


t it was a defense against the enemy's truth serum.this caused a violent change in Slade as he became more aggressive and would often hunt in order to fill the void he felt in himself. Slade was ultimately discharged from the army when he disobeyed orders to save Wintergreen's life. Slade took up mercenary contracts under the guise of Deathstroke.

after he was hired to Kill a high ranking colonel in the qurac military Slade's son Joe Was kidnapped as an attempt to have Slade reveal the names of his contractors. Slade refused and managed to save his son but not before his voice box was cut leaving Adeline furious with him and she shot him in the eye following this Slade and his wife got a divorce. Years later Hive offered a hefty amount of cash for Deathstroke to eliminate the teen titans. he refused but his son took up the contract. Deathstroke actually tried to help the titans but decided to betray them and ally with his son.after Grant died fighting the titans Slade bitterly swore he'd fufil the contract

that he'd fulfill his son's contract.

Deathstroke Arranged for young teenager Tara Markov to infiltrate the titans and began an affair with her but ultimately Slade's plans of revenge were foiled by Joe and Dick Grayson. When Slade Was put on trial for kidnapping Beastboy (Who had been dating Tarra and blamed Slade for her death) attempted to sabotage the trial.the men managed to settle their differences and Slade chose to retire from his life as an assassin.

While Slade did resume the Deathstroke persona he was much more moral allowing him to become an ally of the titans and helped the new titans when the wildbeasts society captured the titans.To the shock of everyone It transpired that the wildbeasts leader was a resurrected Jericho.While transferring the bodies of the titans to the souls of azarath The real Jericho services and begged his father to save him left with no other Choice Slade drove a sword through his son's body killing him. this left Slade guilt ridden as he blamed himself for both of his son's deaths.

Slade's loved ones became the target of a wrathful man abusing the name of Ravager(which was the moniker Grant went by before he died) One of these loved ones was Slade's long lost daughter Rose Worth who was saved by Wintergreen.Slade feltt he couldn't be a good father and left Rose in Wintergreen's care. Slade also discovered the man behind targeting his loved ones was his jealous half-brother Wade Deforge.

Eventually Slade discovered the spirit of Jericho living inside of him and tried working With Wintergreen to exercise him.Jericho used his possession of Slade's body to murder  Wintergreen as well as target the titans  after eventually  managing to overwhelm Jericho Slade Was saddened by Wintergreen's death and organized a twisted plan to gain Rose's loyalty by hiring Deforge to Kill her surrogate family Which would allow him to step in and save Rose this betraying Deforge in the process. Deathstroke also wanted to avenge Wintergreen so he instructed Rose to end her brother's life but she hesitated and he got away much to Slade's dismay. When he questioned his decision to make her his protege Rose cut her own eye proving her devotion to her father.

Slade was paid by Doctor Light to act as a bodyguard against the justice league and though he managed to beat several of them he was defeated by Green Arrow starting a bitter rivalry and Slade would be one of the villains who attacked Green Arrow's wedding to Black the new 52 Slade is shown to be an abusive father to Grant though he attempts to resurrect him regardless. his loyalty is also somewhat questionable as he is quite quick to betray the crime syndicate when Lex Luthor gives him a better offer.
